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Everything posted by GhostlyNinjaDude

  1. +/- Support I would need to hear Snar's side before giveing a + or - Support. But you do seem apologetic so I'm leaning for you to be given a second chance.
  2. +Support Active on TS Mature Respected member of Community Friendly Deserves a shot on Support......again lmao Good luck! -Ghostly
  3. -Support Incorrect STEAM ID No Poll Very Low Post Count
  4. 10/10 driving. Should be a NASCAR driver
  5. +Support Active and good application. Deserves a chance at staff. Good luck!
  6. Agreed. While I do believe you are active a lot on the TS, this application isn’t the best. Good luck though!
  7. I would just increase your activity and wait a little bit longer. Good luck tho
  8. +Support If your story is true then the staff member was wrong to warn you.
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