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[GL] My Pet named Steve

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Everything posted by [GL] My Pet named Steve

  1. What you want to see? - The plate 1x2 in the general section of the Q menu props be unblacklisted Why should we add it? - Helps people who want to build bases and was a super useful prop What are the advantages of having this? - Gives people more options for base building and I see no reason for the blacklist Who is it mainly for? - Everyone, mainly base builders Links to any content - In the Q menu General Prop section, the 1x2 plate
  2. Nah mate I'm glad it's happening
  3. I'm coming to England and throwing 18 tea packets and crumpets at you
  4. Although my problem is that PoliceRP is a little less than constant raiding and RDMing..
  5. -Support When I was attempting to help an OFC yesterday, you continuously talked over me as well as I felt your attitude wasn't good either Number 16 is decently wrong I'm not sure if I would consider discord a community or not Good luck Ender! -Senior Admin Steve
  6. I'm honestly going to -Support I dont really see you on the server that often I don't see you on SM much, same goes for training cadets I dont know if you're ready for command Elapin, but good luck -LT Steve 1L79
  7. Rank you are applying for: Captain In-Game Name: LT Steve 1L79 (PD Command) | SRT LT Steve 1T79 (S.R.T) | Steve the Russian King (Criminal) | Steve the Russian (Staff) | SteamID: STEAM_0:0:186173874 Current Rank: Lieutenant How long have you been in your current rank?: 1 Month and 9 Days What timezone are you in?: EST (Eastern Standard Time) How many Warns do you have?: 0 Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): It has taken a lot of thought and voices to finally push me to do this. I have yet again, and although still newer in command, that I bring myself to a higher standard. I have had many people tell me to push myself harder in so many ways, and I mean that outside of just Gaminglight. On June 23rd, I went to a Nation Guard Military base for 6 days, overnight and working and training there for 18 hours a day. It was rough, but it was a very special occasion that I got to experience. There, they pushed me over the edge, and now, I want to push myself to the edge of what I know I can do, not only with the Police Department Command but also with my entirety of existence in Gaminglight. I have to explain that I was not seen on Gaminglight for almost two weeks, due to the academy. Now, I strived to immediately get myself back into regulations, and on Saturday, I achieved the rank of Lieutenant in S.R.T Command. Even before this as an S.R.T 2LT and PD LT, I used both of my ranks to interact very closely with new officers. They were brought with me and fellow tactical units to situations including: Two bank robberies, a hostage negotiation, everyday tactical unit procedures, and more. This truly made me happy to see that I was not only able to better give insight on what we do for new officers, but allow them to see that by working hard, they too can achieve great things. I promoted 4 out of 8 of them that day, many had left, but the ones who stayed through were granted the privilege of an award for doing an exceedingly great job. You can see them with myself and others in this image: https://gyazo.com/d7b62245e0309a04746ac4bbd026a87c . These officers truly gave me a gateway to show my fellow command members that I can always improve myself, and I did. Earlier this morning, I addressed with Major Ruben issues we had within some situations to officers we needed to discuss. I have also been able to not only reduce some officers who choose the path of corruptness but also increase the number of officers who want to strive further along the pathway to the best of their ability. With myself getting the rank of Captain, I believe that I could do even more for this department, such as setting up more checkpoints and be able to make even more officer's lives happier and be ready to work harder than they were before. I thank you all again for allowing these great chances for myself to take, and also give to others, and thank you to those who voice your opinions on this post. Kind regards, -Police Department Command Lieutenant | S.R.T Lieutenant Steve You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes
  8. +Support Very long time member Amazing guy to talk to Deffinetley deserves the chance
  9. -Support 39 chances to turn yourself around. You failed that and now you are paying the price for it.
  10. Interesting...can I have evidence of this?
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