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[GL] My Pet named Steve

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Everything posted by [GL] My Pet named Steve

  1. You can warn at the same rank and below, it's only if they are higher than you
  2. It says in the logs whether they disconnected or crashed, would need Greg's side, although I've bee crashing a lot lately and did see you crash once today
  3. -Support Inactive You are applying for trial moderator, not moderator You completely left out the last part No poll You say you have strikes for stupid things, RDMing on EMS with a fireaxe and combat reviving arent stupid reasons I would consider the discord thing to be staff on another community You can literally see when you made your forums profile in your profile section Good luck...you'll need it! - PoliceRP Senior Admin Steve
  4. Just Russian, TF2 isnt a communist supportive in anyway
  5. -Support You're explanation to why you should join us is very vague For 16, you bring them under the map once minged You have a ton of simple grammatical errors Could you PM me the servers you staffed for?
  6. Well, I decided to show these OFCs why they need to work hard and do their jobs well and they can end up doing things like what they did today, many of them were promoted and I believe many were very excited for it
  7. I saw you outside of the bank, and after told to leave the area, you attempted to shoot down multiple officers, in which you ran into the bank, after pointing a gun at a fellow officer, in which led to me killing you, with help from my fellow officers.
  8. Our OFC's did a great job in negotiations with a hostage and work in the field today! https://gyazo.com/d7b62245e0309a04746ac4bbd026a87c
  9. -Support I can see a lot of off-duty abuse coming from this addition Administrators are more trusted members of the staff team, and instant repair is a privilege you have to earn.
  10. I'm not the one to answer that unfortunately, I don't decide what gets added and which type of bike get's added
  11. I understand what you mean and I believe it is 1 week game playtime, not on and off, but do not quote me on it
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