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[GL] My Pet named Steve

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Everything posted by [GL] My Pet named Steve

  1. +Support Amazing application Former SA and Support Great friend Well known member Extremely mature and active Deserves another chance
  2. +Support Very active Deserves a chance Good staff member Excellent application Great greeting example Very mature
  3. Waiting for video evidence, screenshots, and Nucleus's side
  4. +Support If hes getting attacked, hes going to respond. He cant think clearly if you all are making him more heated than Phil already was with all the things that had happened to him. If someone is going to disrespect my family, I'm going to smack them back just as hard. The Yukis are an old family, so you drop it. If you compare someone and his family to an old family who were well known to break rules, that's disrespect. Phil cant just go from heated from all the things to completely calm. Its literal human nature that you respond to something you are aggressively attacked by. I can clearly see both sides, in which Phil couldn't think, you could have just warned him or given him a verbal and let it go. The sit dragged on and I dont feel a warn was correct, as he is defending himself. I just got suspended from overwatch for standing up for myself against toxic players, and naturally, I responded to them without thinking because they are attacking someone for no apparent reason. I dont want anyone to respond to this post other than opinions aka +/- Supports. Further comments not leading views and starting aggressive interactions between eachother will be hidden.
  5. Viper man, I am sorry to see this happen to you, and I not going to give this a + or - support. You deffinetley should have thought before doing that, but you never did anything to physically harm anyone, as well as you are returning to GL, which is nice to see. I'm hanging neutral on this one bud.
  6. +Support No staff member is ever permitted to do these actions
  7. Wrong section. Move to staff reports please
  8. It doesnt matter the community base, you are staff on a gaming community
  9. -Support No proof of warns No valid SteamID Inactive on forums, TS3, and in game A high amount of warns No poll Replied to own application You clearly didn't read the staff handbook. You're a TMOD, you at most can minge for 300 seconds. Not even a SMOD can ban for more than 4 hours. My friend, you need to change in all the aspects I've listed. Its simple guidelines to follow that is unfortunate to see couldn't for whatever reason that may be. Good luck, although this application will most likely be denied. I don't believe you introduced yourself to Fame either. -PoliceRP Senior Administrator Steve
  10. In-game Name: SRT 2LT Steve 1T79 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:186173874 Rank: 2nd LT Length of LOA (Provide Dates): June 21st to June 29th Reason (If private then put N/A): I'm only willing to give that information to people I trust
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