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Everything posted by Hunt

  1. ^^^^^ And as we all know there is always 0 shock on
  2. I don’t agree with vcmdr getting it but cmdr should becouse 99% of the time there are 0 shock on.
  3. Hunt

    Hunts old warn

    Your In-game: Huntt Fett Your SteamID: SteamID:STEAM_0:0:431015836 The admin's name in-game: Huntt The admin's steam name (If you know it): [Gl]Stoneship478 What warning did you receive: violation of priority rules (raiding the same base in less than 45mins) Evidence of the warn is at the bottom of page. Why do you think this warn was false: Not false I was a bad boy, but old Any extra information: Yes I warned myself this was not on accident I broke a rule and there was no one on who could warn me so instead of taking advantage of this I hoped on staff warned myself and I am very sorry about what I did I did make it up to the guy by giving him the money we took plus a little bit extra.
  4. Ohh fuck I can’t believe you’ve done this I can’t believe you are gunna leave me with the make a wish kid named willy smh any way I’ll see you on the forums and discord
  5. I mean even if it was a joke a threat is a threat you know the rules
  6. Hunt

    Mega Suggestion

    Aswell this is way to complex and un needed tbh
  7. As well it’s 15 mb in total as you have to get another pack with causes a lot of lag
  8. Starfighter Marshal model change - models/player/markus/swbf2/characters/hero/imperial_pilots/pilot_imperial_orig_05_o/pilot_imperial_orig_05_o.mdl Adding a ship to the class/ server https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1193999895&searchtext=defender Starfighter Vice marshal model change - models/player/markus/swbf2/characters/hero/imperial_pilots/pilot_imperial_orig_02_r/pilot_imperial_orig_02_r.mdl Starfighter Captain model change - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1269843277&searchtext=imperial+pilots could we have it so all of the models in that pack can be changed by the troopers in the body groups menu. Name changing to Inferno Squadron Starfighter Pilot Officer model change - models/player/markus/swbf2/characters/hero/imperial_pilots/pilot_imperial_orig_04_b/pilot_imperial_orig_04_b.mdl StarFighter Engineer model change - models/player/markus/swbf2/characters/hero/imperial_pilots/pilot_imperial_orig_06_p/pilot_imperial_orig_06_p.mdl StarFighter Pilot model change - models/player/markus/swbf2/characters/hero/imperial_pilots/pilot_imperial_orig_01/pilot_imperial_orig_01.mdl
  9. Hunt

    Not gaining XP.

    If you bought levels you Need to contact I think SA+ to set your levels to the amount you currently have.
  10. What is your in-game name?: Hunt What is your steam name?: [GL]stoneship478 What is your steam ID?:SteamID: STEAM_0:0:431015836 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes i was a SNR mod on PRP before i transferred over to here and before that i was a GM and Staff before (all on GL) What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) around about late 2016 What date did you make your forums account? March 23, 2018 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? SM Game master How many warns do you have on the server? 1 Have you donated? yes What rank are you applying for? Admin Have you read the staff guidelines at You will be tested on it: yes Timezone: (GMT+1) Permission (Admin+ need this): Campbell, Adam, calamity, Hotshot! Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length) I believe i sould be awarded the rank of Admin as i am trying my hardest to make sure the players are having a good time ,enjoying the server and making sure the server is running smooth and what helps with this is that I am always respectful torwards other staff and ofcourse the players. I know how to keep my cool even if people are mad at me, being disrespectful/angry, as well as this I am always in TS/Discord reachable if anyone has any questions or issue I feel that I am a friendly person torwards everyone and that respect goes both ways with me and other people in/out the community wich I think is important to be on good feet with everyone . I also would like to be promoted so I can help other people even more then I can now, that I dont have to call someone else that is maby not avaiable and the player or other staff members has to wait to get proper help and as a Admin I feel like I can achieve the most as I am able to help people even more and as last is that I am in a different time zone then most of the staff team and that it would be usefull to have more staff with more abilities in the time zones for every player of the server and have a good time. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? The first thing i would is to bring the person on to the top of the ship where they can't interfere with rp after that i would jail them and try to talk to them in a nice way so they know that i am just trying to be friendly towards them. if they don't stop cursing at me i would gag them and mute them. After 1 min i would ungag them and try to contact the person again. i would explain then why i jailed him and what the consequences will be because he did mass rdm and diss me. i would then Minge him for 10,000 seconds and warn him for massrdm and playerdiss depending on how far they go with it.
  11. ^^^ I don’t think any need to be removed the only one that I can really think of that is the same as another are royal guards and nova and that is a stretch so I’m my opinion pretty much all the battalions apart from EC all have a balanced player count.
  12. Hunt


    Also the reason they don’t kill people often is becouse if there low health and weapons aim which gms can change if you want fights to be challenging ask the gym doing the event because 90% of the time when we do try to make it challenging people don’t like it.
  13. Huge + support this would be amazing for events I tested it on my laptop and as far as I could see you can create battles in the air and it would give fighters lots to do in the sky and gms can do other thing instead of them flying
  14. I’m like 120% sure you have to be on Gm ulx group to use color tool but it’s up to hotshot in the end
  15. it would make sense for RP most of it id prefer it if you didn't have the tie bomber on commander as that inst relay your job as your job is to protect people and not to be an offensive unit but everything else regarding ships im finewith aslong as you follow the Pilots sop for flying and everything to do with ships ? also why are you trying to give it a tool gun? https://docs.google.com/document/d/14MAPpNgahJfDU9k-MpLg6kwHqiS8Y-0l8nHGEDjz1GU/edit a - Hunt
  16. You could have just used your charger
  17. +support hes a good boyo Put a lot of work into it active
  18. +support mature kind dude does well with power
  19. In-game name: ICE SteamID: SteamID: STEAM_0:0:431015836 Current RP rank on StarWarsRP: Jedi CMDR Have you donated to the server? :Yes Have you been banned on any GL server before?: never Have you received any warnings (please give reasons if applicable)? 1 on PRP How much time do you have on the server?: 3 weeks on CWRP How well do you know the LORE? Explain: very well, I have watched every star wars movie multiple times, and watched the TV series. i also read certain parts of lore in my spare time. Why do you WANT to become a Gamemaster?: I would like to be a game master as i am active in game, On the forums and in team-speak, I am currently Senior Moderator on Starwars-RP and i use to be a senior moderator on policerp, I have also had past experiences as a game master on a starwars-RP. I have been in the community for over a year now and i would like to help benefit the server in a better way. I enjoy the events that happen on the server and would like to have the ability to host one, I would greatly appreciate a chance to prove myself by giving people items or models when needed aswell as provivding event to keep people happy on the server and to stop minging when there are no events going on. Why should you be trusted to be a Game Master? :Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: yes i am a SNR mod and former GM Are you experienced with being a Game Master and how they function?: yes I am Give a brief example of an on-base event, as well as an example of an off-base event: On Base A ship lands in the hanger bay without codes or permission the highest rank sends all units to intersect them he claims he is here to give supplies the troops search the creates they find bombs inside and the pilot is gone they find him in the Grand Admirals office they arrest him and throw him in brig, He then opens a comms link he says into it "operation omega failed plan 6656" then a full on assult on the ship happens with rebels storming the ship, all the rebels are killed and troops start to get rid of the evidence. Off Base The ship has received Intel on a possible location of a small band of rebels and possible a Jedi, The highest rank on calls a Briefing telling the troopers what is going to happen , they Jump to hyper space and arrive at the planet they load up on the transports and head to the planet, once they arrive at the planet they are again briefed on what there scouts and probe droids have found the prob droids have found a fortress, the troopers head out, once about half way there they are ambushed by a band of rebels from all sides they fight vigorously and prevail, they keep pushing and they find a room with the Jedi inside aswell as a few rebel troopers sat inside in a defensive position, the Jedi makes a speech about love peace and that kinda stuff , once this is over they come to an agreement that the Empire shall leave the rebels and let them go and only take the Jedi, The empire seemingly agree to this so they drag the Jedi out and over a voice amp the commanding officer says "good troopers...... Now kill them" they open fire onto the room killing everyone inside whilst they take the Jedi back for interrogation back on the star destroyer. Continues onto ship The Empire have been torturing the Jedi for days now And they have received nothing from him so they deside to turn to some more "extreme" techniques, these also prove uneventful, so all troops are ordered to report to main Hanger bay. Once there the Jedi is reviled to be there and the commanding officer says "firing line on my right shoulder NOW! " they all do it and then they hear "Ready Aim Fire" the Jedi is killed the troopers are alerted that they will use this video for "training purposes and propaganda in the future...... Do you know how to give a weapon/SWEP to yourself/someone? (Give an example) :yes !give (player name) (weapon) or !give ^ (weapon name) (for self ) Do you know how to model yourself/someone? (Give an example) :!model (player name) (model) or !model ^ (model) for me Have you read the Gamemaster Guidelines? Yes
  20. + support clear evidence of abuse could have been preventable
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