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Everything posted by Hunt

  1. I get it but the XP system is supposed to be a great wrk you get for donating to the server hence why the machine is only in IQ bunks. Also this will be impossible to add and if it could be added it could be abused easily
  2. Why would you slay yourself do you mean !slay * that’s what I would do or Make tactical shorts a blacklisted phrase
  3. he was his name Was Mobbs or something like that he was doing an event, his event was the interrogation that i was told to do
  4. Ok so my side of the story is i was doing what i was told to do By Kallus, then i got arrested so whilst in brig me and hobbs were talking about the Lore of ID10 so i do not understand how this Player diss since we were talking about a character not you as a person so that is confusing me. Also when was i removed from staff? like you said in your report. Also i fail to see any diss in this what so ever I was telling finnley what i have had to deal with becouse of him.
  5. Hunt

    New rule

    it would have to apply to everyone not just ccs but I’m not the biggest fan of this especially since pretty much everyone does it not just ccs. So in my opinion this is not needed so - support from me that’s just my opinion.
  6. +support felix is a very dedicated person towards shock He has a very good application One of if not the most active shock officers Good luck Felix- Hunt
  7. - support i was there when this happens bad aim said what happened down to a T. ive had multiple issues with you throughout the day almost warning you myself on some of those occasions for ardm
  8. Also unless smt can edit the properties of the fuel cans this is impossible as the person who created bit-miners has sadly passed away so it can not be changed.
  9. All I can say is yes ETTERNITY 100% should get this he is one of the most helpful people I know on GL and all around a great person and friend
  10. This is incorrect we do have nlr on SWRP it’s just not the same as PRP or DarkRP You may not Remember things from a past life or who killed you. E.g if you are killed by a rebel you may not type /comma THERES A REBEL IN ATC. this would be a warnable offence (NLR) however there is no timer for when you can return to an area where you died. Now that’s cleared up +support on the earn removal the warning administrator says it should be removed also @[GL] Ahegao if you did not you should always do an official sit so take them out of an rp situation not saying btw I’m gunna warn you in a hallway (the room where you call the fleet can be used as no one goes In there) for any situation unless it’s blatant LTAP e.g you pick someone up and they disconnect from the server.
  11. The only thing is the pack is huge especially since it’s only two ties and for this size on my opinion isn’t worth it when you could just use normal ties
  12. Hunt

    IC demolition update

    + support I mean kinda makes sense BUT This will have to be under strict guidelines as they unfreeze props unless this was fixed and I don’t see much of a point as if it is needed in an event gms will give them to people, as they have 0 use in normal rp outside of events.
  13. what would I like added I would like to see a way implemented to view your whole purchase history on gaminglight as at the moment you can only see the last 10 ish purchases. Why should this be added I think this should be added as players can get proof of donations from the past so smt do not have to look for it. This will help because if someone purchased a custom channel like 2 weeks ago and need proof to get it added if they have bought things recently they can not get a screenshot of it so SMT have to look for it.
  14. In-Game Name: Huntt Steam Name: [GL]stoneship478 SteamID:STEAM_0:0:431015836 Are you a Staff Member Within Gaminglight? Yes I am an Admin on IRP How often are you on TeamSpeak? I try to be on every other day even if im not ingame Why would you want to join our Support team (Word Count 150+)? I would love to join the gaminglight Support team as I would love to help anybody with any concern or questions they may have and also improve the community by actually helping out any support is unavailable to get on. I would also love to join the Support team as when people join the support rooms it is (or could be) there first impression of our communities staff team and I would love to give them a good first impression of our community. In addition to this I would like to join as it is another thing that I can do to support the community and help people out if that's them needing a tag in TS or help in game or in TS. Joining the support team will allow me to extend the amount that I can help people in our community. I love helping people and I would love to help people who need help with problems and need tags if they are new to the server. There's not always support active during parts of the day that I am online as I am in GMT time some new players join and can be waiting up to an hour to get a tag as they are new to the community and just joined which can leave a somewhat negative impression on our community. How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way? I can support the team in a number of positive ways. I am on early in the morning which not many support members are on during this time, aswell as I am a very friendly guy to talk to as if you join a new community for the first time it can be a nerve racing experience for some people. In addition to this I am a very calm and patient person who is always willing to help out no matter the situation or the players reputation. How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our support channels? I would say " Hi my name is Hunt" Then I would ask them how there day is going then I would say, " so how can I help you today? Have you read our rules and do you promise to uphold all those rules to the best of your ability? yes
  15. F and my favourite moment was when me and Sith and like 4 DT and some other dudes were in my mando gauntlet and listening to Charlie and the chocolate factory music pure imagination then someone did an event and we went to battle with that as our battle music
  16. +/- if the words were said then fair enough but in my opinion everyone should get a sit/ an opportunity to explain themselves so you shouldn’t have warned him straight away he should have been able to talk about it.
  17. Hunt

    LFS 3D Screen

    + support would be nice for naval to have so they can see all the ships around them would be great for rp Small pack size - could see some issues eg maybe a small bit of lag but over all would be a nice addition to the server
  18. Honestly please don’t leave me Well if your gunna I hope where ever you wonder of to you have w good time bark bark
  19. There is 0 need to say that. but I do have to agree with Nimo you are very inactive as a staff member when it comes to being on the staff job you normal play on IF and if people Ask you to hop in the job you normal day your busy then got ask for 10mins then go back to normal rp. You are like Nimo said very rude to players especially Nimo which is player diss and targeting which has no place being on the servers staff team in my opinion. To round it all up I think you should get a little more active on the staff job and sort your attitude towards other people out jack I like you as a person (most of the time) but this is just my opinion on your staff position. so if it want clear enough it’s a -support from me
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