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Everything posted by Hunt

  1. but you only joined today so i thin k you need more time
  2. ight i guess this is a "resignation" even tho i have to do this i messed up today and now im paying the price for it I wish you all well and i hope SF will continue to uphold its standards. - Hunt
  3. Honestly yeah when they were in the server for shock they abused the hell out of it and why do you need them anyway
  4. yeah its not meant to be a weapon more of a way to show your festive spirit and love for GL
  5. What is your in-game name?: Huntt/Inferno/DT DM3 What is your steam name?: [GL]stoneship478 What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:431015836 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Before I transfered from PRP (back when I was a SNR mod) I had previously been a moderator before i had to resign due to problems IRL, I was also a GM on the CWRP server when it was a thing. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) Somewhere near late 2016 early 2017 ish What date did you make your forums account? March 23, 2018 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? GM admin How many warns do you have on the server? 0 Have you donated? yes What rank are you applying for? Super Admin Have you read the staff guidelines at You will be tested on it: yep Time zone: GMT Permission (Admin+ need this): Hotshot - Manager Scoot- Manager Matthew - Head of staff Adam - Head Admin Calamity - Super admin Jeff JR- Super admin Eternity- SNR Admin Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length) I believe that I deserve the rank of SA as whenever I am on the server I help people out to the best of my ability. I consider myself a very responsible Admin. I have zero warns, have zero strikes and have never abused my powers in anyway whatsoever. Thirdly, I like to consider myself a fair Admin. While I do enforce the rules of the server and warn minges and ban those who wish to do harm to our community, I also see things from their Side like The other day a guy got really mad in OOC because he couldn't see the text screens in the room that says he can't leave the room so he kept leaving to room and getting killed, I brought him to a sit warned him for the disrespect and sent him on his way on the server he is now a really good RP'er and hasn't been warned since as far as I know. If someone is being rude or even racist I always get on staff and fix it asap as we do have younger players on the server and they shouldn't have to have their day ruined by someone who has decided to do that and that all players should be able to play on the server peacefully and not have a bad experience especially if there new. In my opinion I get along with just about everyone on Imperial RP and I don't have many people wo I dislike or who dislike me. By being awarded the rank of super Admin I will be able to get to sits faster as I will be able to tp off duty so I don't have to switch to the staff job because most of the time if someone sees that staff is on the job they will stop what they are doing and do it later when the staff gets off. If I was given the rank of SA it would come with a lot of trust and responsibility which I feel I can handle. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would bring them outside of the ship so they are out of the way of all the other players who are trying to rp, say something along the lines of "hey so why have you been killing people for no reason" and attempt to calm them down and explain to them what is going to happen, then I would give them a 10,000 second jail, but if they continue to cause problems in ooc then depending on how far it goes i would gag or warn them.
  6. Just use the normal DB room after everyone else has left
  7. This is something we as a server can not do. Unless there is a model with it. As they are apart of the model so the creator of the model needs to make this.
  8. Hunt

    Duels Tmod apply

    +support mature I personally trust him
  9. Honestly I have to agree I really don’t see you on anymore
  10. + support trusted member has helped me with events on the server has good ideas for events knows ULX active
  11. Rank You are Applying For: LT In-Game Name: Hunt SteamID: SteamID: STEAM_0:0:431015836 Current Rank: SM How long have you been in your current rank?: i put up my resignation for LT about a 2 months ago, so 2 months aswell as the 3 months before i was given LT What timezone are you in?: GMT How many Warns do you have?: 0 Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): I believe I should be awarded the rank of LT because I live playing on pd, i am always willing to train cadets and help out with training. I also have some ideas to add to pd and some training sessions. If I was given the rank of LT it would allow me to promote people who are on during the times where European people are on and so I can promote them as they do spot of hard work during the times when people are doing constant gunfight and pursuits as these people are the most hard working pd we have in my opinion. I love helping people in pd as well as taking people on ride alongs to help them and I believe that if I was given the rank of LT I can help people more in pd and help people to see how fun pd can be as well as our serious side and I love helping people in anyway I can. I used to be a LT in PD, but i left that position as truthfully I had way to much to handle as the time like school and family stuff, But now I can handle the responsibility's that will come along with this role, I have started to enjoy PRP and PD as a whole a lot more than I used to as Lots has changed with things like RP and how pd works as a whole. I have recently stepped up my activity on pd and prp as a whole. When ever I can get on the server most of the time I hop straight onto PD or Aru, I Love helping lower ranks out e.g ofcs when they don't have cars and no one will take them so I do, I help SNRS when it comes to driving and other things in VCMOD like how to fix small issues and helping people with aim and whether it is ok to use lethal force or If they should use non lethal. I also believe that if I am awarded the rank of LT I can be on the server when most people aren't so I can see the people form my time zone who are on the server when it is like 1-4 pm when most people are at school because one thing I have to say is the people who get on at that time work so damn hard, they will patrol even when no one is on the server and most of them are very sensible when it comes to dealing with the situations that they get involved in like random shootouts. Last thing I would like to say is I know what some of you may be thinking that because I left my position as LT I will do it again, I have 0 plan for that to happen as I can give a hell of a lot more time to pd now. You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No). Yes. thank you very much for reading this many thanks - Hunt
  12. This add on was already denied by Zeeptin when someone tried to get it. So unless he has changed his mind it’s big -support
  13. Hunt

    add rule - Denied

    This would lead to so much cop bait with people sat outside with guns
  14. Huge - support evos were clones not imperial unless ya wanna get shot as soon as we see you.
  15. + the old pack was only 3gb heres the model pack https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=738277763&searchtext=Uk
  16. -support the server is laggy already at times this would make the server lag a hell of a lot more. it would be cool for events and stuff but it would probably crash the server
  17. Hunt

    Torty's LT app

    I have to agree with elapin you are active there’s no dispute in that I think you just need to improve maturity and leadership skills.
  18. Rank You are Applying For: LT In-Game Name: Hunt SteamID: SteamID: STEAM_0:0:431015836 Current Rank: SM How long have you been in your current rank?: i put up my resignation for LT about a 2 months ago, so 2 months aswell as the 3 months before i was given LT What timezone are you in?: GMT How many Warns do you have?: 0 Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): I believe I should be awarded the rank of LT as , I love helping people in pd as well as taking people on ride alongs to help them and I believe that if I was given the rank of LT I can help people more in pd and help people to see how fun pd can be as well as our serious side and I love helping people in anyway I can. I used to be a LT in PD, but i left that position as truthfully I had way to much to handle as the time like school and family stuff, But now I can handle the responsibility's that will come along with this role, I have started to enjoy PRP and PD as a whole a lot more than I used to as Lots has changed with things like RP and how pd works as a whole. When ever I can get on the server most of the time I hop straight onto PD or Aru, I Love helping lower ranks out e.g ofcs when they don't have cars and no one will take them so I do, I help SNRS when it comes to driving and other things in VCMOD like how to fix small issues and helping people with aim and whether it is ok to use lethal force or If they should use non lethal. I also believe that if I am awarded the rank of LT I can be on the server when most people aren't so I can see the people form my time zone who are on the server when it is like 1-4 pm when most people are at school because one thing I have to say is the people who get on at that time work so damn hard, they will patrol even when no one is on the server and most of them are very sensible when it comes to dealing with the situations that they get involved in like random shootouts. Last thing I would like to say is I know what some of you may be thinking that because I left my position as LT I will do it again, I have 0 plan for that to happen as I can give a hell of a lot more time to pd now. You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): yes Many thanks for taking the time to read this - Hunt
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