Rank You are Applying For:LT
In-Game Name:hunt
Current Rank:SM
How long have you been in your current rank?:almost 3 months
What timezone are you in?:GMT
How many Warns do you have?:1
Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum):I believe I should be awarded the rank of LT because I believe I helped PD the best that I can with my current rank of sm wether that be training new cadets or simply helping people with things they find hard e.g SNRs with vcmod giving the small bits of help with things like codes or aiming practice, I love helping people in pd as well as taking people on ride alongs to help them and I believe that if I was given the rank of LT I can help people more in pd and help people to see how fun pd can be as well as our serious side and I love helping people in anyway I can and I believe I have curtain skills that can help pd as I basically only play in pd at the moment. I believe that I am active on pd and very approachable so people can come to me and ask what ever they need as well as that I am very motivated to help pd as some of you may know I have recently broken my right hand but that hasn’t bothered me I still am active on pd and I am still trying my hardest to do what ever I can to help who ever I can.I try to balance my life as aru and pd with my school work as I am starting my GCSES next year but when ever i get home the one thing that I look forwards to is getting in the server and hopping on pd.
with many thanks
Hunt ?
You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No):yes