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Everything posted by Hunt

  1. What you want to see? - The Vector being buffed a slight bit Why should we add it? - It would make classes like ARU medic more likeable and it would help to balance out the class.As at the moment the gun tends to flick between 10 - 2 damage per shot and the fire rate doesn't overly account for this fact. What are the advantages of having this? - it makes some classes more appealing to people so we have a more broad range of classes on. Help to balance out Crim v gov Who is it mainly for? - ARU members Links to any content - n/a
  2. After quite a lot of thinking I have decided to leave state as I cant be active on it and I prefer to play on cwrp a lot more im sorry I wasted everyone's time
  3. We paid money for a good gun not a crappy little pea shooter
  4. Hunt

    Hunts lOA

    In-Game Name: Hunt Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 7 days Reason for LOA (if private that is fine) private
  5. Denied jk have fun :)
  6. Last part noted Kai and What is your ingame name: Hunt :) What rank are you in DOC: idk dep warden I think are you active? Yes/No why: I think so Why should you stay in DOC: i like doc and you ;) What do you think command should improve on: Cody be active xD nah we love him
  7. It doesn’t work......
  9. Hunt

    DOC meetings?

    Ok send it over on the forums I can train you any time if I’m in game message my name in game is always Hunt
  10. As dep warden I love to see everyone happy so as long as it is ok with ghostly and Cody I would like to see if you guys want DOC meetings because At the moment we do it in state meeting and I realised some people in doc Are not in state which is ok if you would like to see this put in the comments when we should ( like what time and Saturday or Sunday) and I might do tryouts for my DOC custom job also put in the comments if you would like that :) DOC DEPT WARDEN Hunt 1D11
  11. +/- support it would be nice but there is 0 point as Doc can’t use awps anyway but it would be good to have the glass removed
  12. Don’t forget doc so we can give our *beloved* prisoners heath if they get in a fight
  13. Doc would love this and it would be cool if there’s a way when we jail someone it changed them to this job so when they get lock picked in a jail break they don’t take out a Negev and gun us down if that’s not possible it would still be good to have for prison to with like a max of 12-16 in the job DOC CPT HUNT
  14. Exactly the same as she said I payed almost £500 for my custom class which is government so I think if we pay for it we should be allowed it and I have gone against hanna one when she had an AWS and I had an m4 I won the fight so I think it should stay as it is
  15. I’ll really miss you man you were awesome at your job and you also taught me something as I hope I did for you, we will be glad to see you return if you wanted to Doc CPT Hunt <3
  16. Name: Hunt Rank: cpt Callsign: 1F12 What would you like to see DOC improve on for the future of the department: active troopers What are your overall suggestions for DOC: we need better guns the suppressed m4 sucks Signature: Hunt
  17. zeeptin is updating the server asap im in ts with him atm
  18. New Rollcall to determine who is active and who is not active Ingame Name: Hunt SteamID:SteamID: STEAM_0:0:431015836 Rank:SGT Activity: (Active/Semi active/Inactive) Active What do you want to see in state going forward? Why?: More people role playing out situations it will make the sever experience more fun. Any Suggestions?: None
  19. What is your in-game name?: Hunt What is your steam name?:Stoneship478 What is your steam ID?:STEAM_0:0:431015836 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) sort of I was a donor mod on the server people said I did realy well and I was a gamemaster on our CWRP Server What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) Jan 2018 What date did you make your forums account?March 23, 2018 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? VIP + How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 8 https://imgur.com/a/hLjtE50 Have you donated? yes a lot (top donator not that it maters) What rank are you applying for? T-Mod Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? nope Have you read the staff guidelines at ? You will be tested on it: yep Timezone: GMT Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this):no Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I believe I should be T-mod as I have played on the server for along time and I love every part of it from the people you meet to the staff that help you Because I love the server and I try hard to help people as much as I can and I notice that sometimes people ask each other to get on staff and I would like to let staff RP a have a good time, I also would like to help to make the server a nicer place and to help out people who have questions become they are newer to the serve. I think that I am very friendly and approachable so if anyone needs help they can talk to me and ask for the help they need. recently I have been helping people who are new to the server with things like the TS, website and forums, where to buy cars and how to look at the motd. I consider myself a good RPer so i can help people when it comes to rp and other situations. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? i would try to calm him down if that doesn't work then i wold get a higher up to gag him/her and i would tell them what the punishment will be and I would warn them for mic spam and possibly staff diss I cant mige them for 10,000 seconds so I would get a member who can.
  20. +support mature kind to all players helpful all around a nice guy
  21. InGame Name:hunt  Trooper Rank & Badge #:Trooper SNR 1T87  Question 1: Do you feel you are being treated fairly and with the correct level of respect within State? Yes or no, and please give your reasoning? Yes I get treated the same as everyone it is a really nice community we have at RST  Question 2: Please list 3 or more recommendations you think would improve the atmosphere of roleplay and seriousness within the Rockford State Trooper department? More checkpoints buddying up helping pd more Question 3: Do you have any other issues or things you would like to mention to us? Please feel free to express your honest opinion. no
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