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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/2018 in all areas

  1. Thanks for reading, take care.
    2 points
  2. I am gonna miss you dad please don't leave me I guess its time for Snookiebear to be the Lt. Col I wish you luck in your life please keep in touch ?
    2 points
  3. From now on, the ladder dupe that is a weld between the ladder and the climbing prop (See below) will be considered prop climb. This INCLUDES SMT. There has been alot of talk on if it is prop climb or not, and to make it fair for others who have been told different things, we are making it unusable for everyone Once again, any dupes like this are considered prop climb for any staff membe or user from this point on [Best Regards, Snar]
    1 point
  4. Well I finally made it to 100 reps! I guess I am supposed to make one of these cheesy posts about how I made it, right? But really this community is great and I look forward to many more years to come with it! Happy 4th of July! Here is a photo of my cat as a sign of appreciation ? https://m.imgur.com/a/s8bVURS
    1 point
  5. What you want to see? - I found 3 nifty cars that would be brilliant Why should we add it? - It is kind of boring the same old tahoe/chargers/vics/taurus What are the advantages of having this? -a bit more variety Who is it mainly for? -State/PD Link to any content? https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1244002460&searchtext=VCMOD https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=785517049&searchtext=VCMOD https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1381370588&searchtext=VCMOD
    1 point
  6. In-Game Name: ArmyGuy Steam Name: [GL] ☭ ArmyGuy100 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:175979238 Are you a Moderator+? Yes, a Super Admin. How many post do you have on the website? 483 How often are you online on the forums? Everyday What time zone are you in? GMT-04:00 Easter Daylight Time Why would you want to join our Forum Diplomat team? I would love to join the forum diplomat team, because I see rules broken, at times. Like an example, are the Chinese spammers, they're not around as much any more, but I'd love to help out the forums and deal with them, in a professional matter. I am as well very active, both in game and on the forums. I would be always looking around, if any of the forum rules are broken and clean them out if it's breaking any of the forum rules. I would always deal with any situation swiftly and fairly and report any repeat offenders to my higher ups. Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, how? Yes I would consider myself with good judgement, first off being a member for a year and couple months now. Having that much time, would show that I'm familiar with the rules on forums and there for, when ever a rule is broken, it'd be pretty easy to judge if a rule is broken or not. As well being a staff member in game, I'd always listen to the other side's opposing argument/statement, before and punishment (verbal/warning/minge/ban/etc..) and then proceed with it, judgingly, but not at all biased. How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming the shout box due to getting banned from one of our servers? I would first off ask nicely if he/she may stop spamming the shout box, and I understand the person's frustration. I would then give them a verbal warning, ask what server they were banned from and then give the link to the ban appeal section. Then hide I would hide/delete all of the other messages he had put up, except for one.
    1 point
  7. Hello, I feel that PoliceRP isn't what it used to be like, theirs constant rule breaking, Minging, FailRPing, and for that reason and many others I have chose to resign from my rank of <LT COL> in the <State Police> Thank you to the following people for a great time, Gaur- Colonel and Friend, Good luck with star wars Snookiebear- Great Friend and advisor Hafner- Being one of my fortnite buddies and state buddy. I will still play fortnite with you Bronco- State buddy and good Luck With SPMU Huner- I have to come visit you old friend Voxis and Hannah - The cutest and amazing couple Closeman- One of the OG state personnel, good luck on Military rp Snar- Have fun bud, you still owe me a cake Nolan- If you see this thanks for the memories Vinny- Great friend and good luck with your business Keulono- long time no see? welcome back to state JPN- Welcome back to gaminglight former COL(not from state) Bobby- ehh Youve gotten better over the years
    1 point
  8. I just wanted to say have a great and safe July fourth!
    1 point
  9. I'm having a great 4th of July, hope you are as well
    1 point
  10. -Support Quotes all my goddamn posts smh Jk +Support hes good at moderation
    1 point
  11. We should get mikes opinion on this as he is a trustable person ( No Offense )
    1 point
  12. The denied part I cant say for but you will be missed.
    1 point
  13. Denied. In all seriousness, I appreciate all the help with state police. You were a great Lt. Col!
    1 point
  14. NOOOO echo you cant leave me here with snookiebear
    1 point
  15. You will be missed my friend!
    1 point
  16. +swport snor is mnge he klled he in fortnitee wich is vry bad vry meanie ned ben
    1 point
  17. + Support - Fairly active in-game - Well formated application - Maturity has improved Overall I believe he deserves another shot at staff. Best of luck!
    1 point
  18. Thats a sexy cat. Congratulations!
    1 point
  19. Sad to see you go Echo. -Nor
    1 point
  20. + Support - Theres nothing like buying a drug lab, cooking some vodka and naming it Piss N' a bottle - Would help with RP - More drug busts - Maybe breath some life into black market dealer? Maybe a drug dealer job?
    1 point
  21. Sad to see that you're resigning. Best of luck in your future endeavors!
    1 point
  22. and where tf do you think your going @snookiebear
    1 point
  23. Price Family Always XD (even though its dead)
    1 point
  24. See you around man
    1 point
  25. Carpenter Interiors provides authentic, gorgeous and stunning interiors for any work space, home or apartment. Designed by only the best designers and using only the most high-quality materials on the market, you know your getting your moneys value with any package. Carpenter Interiors was inspired by the environment and architectural design of Illinois and Rockford city. Why Rockford? We choose Rockford to be the base of operations for Carpenter Interiors due to its hot climate and need for interior design. Studies show that 75% of the population of Rockford is living without a beautiful interior. All of the packages and services can be purchased at a Carpenter Interiors show room/shop. Standard Package Starting at 25,000 USD$ The standard package is perfect for any land owner who desires a perfect interior for a reasonable price. It Features: - Basic amount and design of flooring and furniture manufactured with only the most high quality materials - 5 year warranty for all furniture and flooring - Quality ensurance by professionals Premium Package Starting at 60,000 USD$ The premium package is perfect for the particularly picky land owners who desire the ultimate interior. It Features: - Advanced amount and design of flooring, environment, outside area. Includes hand-crafted furniture with only the most high-quality materials - 10 year warranty for all furniture and flooring - Enhanced quality ensurance from only the best
    1 point
  26. Sorry about the colors i tried to fix them but the new forums ig cant let it to work sorry for the inconvenience.
    1 point
  27. +Support ActiveMatureApplication use some more effortForums account is semi-activeOverall deserves a chance!
    1 point
  28. You know the rules very well and I thank you for it! 100% +SUPPORT
    1 point
  29. +Support Reasons above & a lot of effort!
    1 point
  30. + Support I have seen you on the server and you seem mature. On addition to that, you have Low warns and a quality app. Good luck!
    1 point
  31. Massive +Support +Jaw-dropping, tear-invoking effort on his application. +Loads of previous experience. +Incredibly active. +Mature. +Chill. +The perfect active time range for the late-night US. +Excellent response to Q14. +/-A little forgiving on Q15. Overall a fantastic staff application with effort, organization, and delivery that brought me to tears. This staff application is the pinnacle of staff applications and should set a standard for anyone else planning to apply. The only minor contention I have is the answer to Q15. It could be a little harsher then letting him/her stand there and back mouth you to his/her heart's content, but that's a small complaint and that's the way you handle your sits. With 5 years of experience of staff, who am I to challenge that. He will be a valuable asset to our staff team and I would be heartbroken if I saw this application denied. I'd wish you good luck, but you evidently don't need it.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. +support was a good staff member he admits to his mistakes and owns up unlike some who sugar coat it
    1 point
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