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Bring back A1 (edited) - Denied

Jack (utility one)

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I honestly don't see why a whole branch needs to be added just to add a specific responsibility that can easily be assigned to an existing job on the server. It doesn't take bringing A1 back to enforce those redacted terms from being said. It's you guys. Enforce it. Have HSU and O5 interrogate people that say it instead of just giving them amnestics and watching off. Y'all want more roleplay involved? Then actually role play. 

As for PKs, it cool but is annoying. Against it coming back.




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- Support

PK's are really stupid, and they just shouldn't be a thing at all. That all I have to say about that

A1 was a pointless branch that just about anyone could apply/get into and was full of people who barely ever did their job and just used it as a status in the server. They were literally just a worse NU-7 that when there were no site admins/O5 on just basically minged around



Former E11 1LT/Head Ranger,  Former Event Team/Staff Member| GENSEC SGT Foundation Chef

ezgif.com-gif-maker.gif.133a59eca14307e607c6ed8c10b1d560.gif<- me when the quiet guy in D-block begins to reach into his pocket

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A1 would need some serious retooling and that would probably come at the cost of the other mtf branches.




i did do several soft pk and a couple normal pk's though, they serve as an rp punishment that is effective. Nobody really owns anything but a name and a rp rank on the server. PK's punish both. Just a thought tbh, doesn't sway my opinion. 

Retired CMDR of Epsilon-11    D-Class Main/CI gang/RHO 36 Detective     

~You say stop it, I say Gh0pit~

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Admittedly I have never played on the server while A1 was still a thing, but from what I have read it seems entirely unnecessary. While I see how much the concept means to you and I don't necessarily disagree with all facets of it, for the purpose of this post I will play devil's advocate.

Nearly all of the listed advantages seem anecdotal at best.

    More activity in MTF - There is no guarantee that adding another branch to MTF will increase activity. In fact, it could decrease activity by seperating a select high-ranking few into their own clique.

    More RP will increase utility/research activity - Again there is no direct correlation between adding another task force and increasing playercount / activity. 

    Deals with minges - O5 Logistics and RRH are already able to punish people who mention the O5 council. Those who do so are not going to be stopped by the threat of dying temporarily in-game, if anything it will encourage them to do it more as they will now be able to elicit a guaranteed reaction.

    Increases GenSec / CI  activity - The amount of players that will join security as a direct result of the addition of A1 will be extremeley small. You will not be converting players who don't already play in combat roles into combat mains with the addition of another branch.

    Better branch relations between LCZ / MTF - How? Adding another escort service for high-ranking foundation personnel will not bring LCZ branches closer to MTF, nor would it even matter. There is no issue with how these branches interact currently.

    More RP in general - Just adding more sub-divisions does not benefit someone's RP experience. If you feel as if the RP experience of new players is lacking, try directly interacting with them from within their own branches. None of them will benefit from just the knowledge that there is another branch of higher- ranking people than them out there.

tl;dr RRH fills this niche role, you should just apply for it if you want this experience.

Edited by Dr Wolfgang Neumann


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A1, Not needed due to MTF player count/No good solid main task/objective for the said branch to actively follow. 
PK's result in actively pissing off the player base which is not something we want, A good amount of people don't want name changes and will leave if forced.

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10 hours ago, Phillers said:

We removes Omi9 with a reason, that being that the MTF Branches could not properly handle being split into 3. I refuse to support anything that would just bring that issue back again in full force. Besides that, A1 was removed with a reason. It simply didn't serve a purpose in the way that Rang already said. I'd personnally despise having a full damn branch walking me around everytime I'm on the server, that's why I'm glad I can just pick my own escorts out of the available SF's who are on at the time I'm on. 

As for PK's, all they do is make whomever is getting them annoyed and mad.

What are your thoughts of replacing Nu7 with Omi9? Many people preferred Omi9 and it could possibly be better for the MTF entirely. 

Edited by Kenneth Slick
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Current : Nothing

Ex MTF E11 1LT Slick | Senior Admin - Support I


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-Support for both


PK or "Perma Kill" Only works for Serious RP servers that dont rely on DarkRP, Nutscript an Clockwork gamemodes being permakilled because theirs a legimate consequence for your actions an not taking care of your character

All here dying on SCP is you dont remember who shot you an thats it nothing more nothing less

Examples HL2RP PK was extremly serious because you can lose a MPF (metropolitan force (cop) a rebel (your gear money known associates (other rebels dealers etc) or a loyalist (someone against the resistance an get bronie points to the overlords the combine) As said PKS dont work for DarkRP at all

An OM9 just got removed fully an is merged with the chad Nu7's bringing back another branch that HSU already does makes ZERO sense 

15 hours ago, Jack (utility one) said:

For those saying MTF cant handle 3 branches no offense buts thats totally wrong. A1 was the third and fully worked. A lot, and I mean a lot, of people who I know a was in A1 or just around for them miss it. It was an active branch and a loved one at that. It was the third and worked. It failed when switched to omicron so dont use the excuse it doesnt work, the switching if the branch is what caused it to fail. Also again Im not suggesting A1 be a protection branch. Ive made that clear. In this case it would be a internal infairs branch, so again making that argument of you dont need a branch to escort, which I believe btw you dont, is invalid as they wont be mainly escorting, only doing so if requested.

Obs the server couldnt handle 3 branches at once if an entire one OM9 was just permantly removed an transfered over to Nu7 which increase every slot by 4 ,besides command roles which was 2-3 an which now leaves the Superior Nu7 (an E-11)

Ret MTF Nu7 1LT SFTO Surge| Ret OH2 RRH , Retired SM Gensec |  No officer that 24Pounds of plutonium isn't mine

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Omi9 and Nu7 literally got merged because of activity: and you wanna bring in another branch? It’s going to be pointless and unnecessary 


honestly I can agree about the PK system returning but bring back another branch is just completely pointless 

14 hours ago, Kenneth Slick said:

What are your thoughts of replacing Nu7 with Omi9? Many people preferred Omi9 and it could possibly be better for the MTF entirely. 

To add on to this- I had suggested before the merge to just rename the branch into a new type, to make it fair for Omi9 merging members not to lose its moral but everyone was pretty much against it So Nu7 got to stay

Edited by Kami- Amaterasu

[SCP-RP] Retired: CI RND DHOR/RA/CIN,  Engineer/OS, Omi9 Maj, SET.

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On 2/17/2021 at 5:15 PM, Your Local Soviet said:


Now hear me out. Alpha-1 was such a cool and creative branch, and I believe we could improvise it and add more to it. It doesn't just have to be security detail for higher-ups, we could literally make it into anything that requires high-clearance. I personally believe there's a lot of potential for Alpha-1 if it was brought back, and could possibly make the server even more active with some OG's coming back and making certain events even more fun.


Also yes to PK's, thought they were a cool concept even if they were rarely used. Doesn't hurt to still keep them around and give more of a purpose to that super scary room lurking in LCZ.

Bringing back A1 would allow so much of a wider prospect of Ideas. 

ImperialRP actually has TWO branches that do these things (That being Death Troopers and Royal Guard) Now both require training (one is donator) but they both have ZERO minges and perform their jobs well.

Now dont get this wrong I am NOT comparing the two servers but the arising issue with A1 was that it was a SF with easy tryouts so all you have to do is make those harder. Make it feel special with getting it. (Also code of silence with RG and DT is enforced until MAJ+ or Senior Lore Guard+ so keep that in mind)

Tryouts for DT are simple but done in a way that makes them hard:

Info about the branch - (Explain the branch, what they do the lore behind them, and their clearance)
Faces - (Each is one strike if wrong)
Formations - (10 Seconds to complete one if done wrong it's one strike)
Trigger Discipline - (One Mag will be done at normal distance with the tryout host walking, The other mag will be up close with the tryout host running)
Questions - (Using the info that you explained in part one ask them questions about the branch, see if they have good memory)
PvP - (Finally have them face the lowest ranking A1 on-site in a PvP situation, It's up to the trainer to fail them on this)
Conclude the tryout - (Read them the SOP go over any questions then whitelist them)

This tryout is a one strike meaning if they mess up ONCE they fail, get killed, and may come to the next tryout.

I feel this would make the branch very limited and away from minges making sure only people that know what they are doing make it in, making it better for Site Administration as a whole.

I'm neutral on PK's but they'd be nice to have back regardless of being used or not.

A1 may not come back because of "activity" issues but Imperial can handle all of this. If we are more popular than we should be able to handle this.

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15 hours ago, Kenneth Slick said:

What are your thoughts of replacing Nu7 with Omi9? Many people preferred Omi9 and it could possibly be better for the MTF entirely.

Nu-7 is known to stay afloat they have been apart of MTF on our server for a long time now, Omi9 is not known for this, you're saying replace a branch that has worked for a long time with a branch that died, besides all the changes that would have to be made, Nu-7 only has one High Command member right now and Bread already works hard enough.


When it comes to my side on all of this, I think we should let the dust settle before trying anything big like this.

Edited by Cloaker
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local teenage father :3

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+support for A1 into a sub-branch
- support for PK

- I personally thought A1 was pretty cool tbh, so i wouldn't mind seeing it back also A1 had good activity before it was removed so i don't think the activity would be a issue. Also people saying about MTF don't have enough ideas for jobs that's because Nu7 and E11 do the exact same job in the facility which means there overall ideas decrease as both branches e11 and Nu7 want to have different jobs, with A1 you can make a lot different variety of jobs as they are focused on complete different aspects in the facility compared to the other MTF branches.

- I just don't think PKs are needed as they just cause people to get upset.


Edited by Dang
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17 hours ago, Kenneth Slick said:

What are your thoughts of replacing Nu7 with Omi9? Many people preferred Omi9 and it could possibly be better for the MTF entirely. 

Here’s what imma ask...

What’s the point?

Sure the branch is loved however it was too similar to what Nu7 was doing. OMI was strictly made to combat against any GOI that attempted to raid the facility, other then that, they turn to basically Nu7 members with buffed up HP. 

If we even consider changing Nu7-Omi9, all it’s going to be is a name change, nothing different, maybe the stats/model changes and that’s it. 


Edited by Skela
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Yuh ?imm@ Thash Dat B¡tch?❤️!!*^€{

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On 2/17/2021 at 11:09 PM, Hoovy said:


Completely unnecessary and un-needed in almost every way I can think of. The current MTF branches are already struggling, adding a new branch would just make it so much worse.

We absolutely do not need another MTF branch. Just imagine how this would devastate Nu7 and E11’s activity. I just can’t support something that would cause more harm then good.


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18 hours ago, Kenneth Slick said:

What are your thoughts of replacing Nu7 with Omi9? Many people preferred Omi9 and it could possibly be better for the MTF entirely. 

My idea was merely a suggestion in this idea of what people think about this idea, the backlash truly does hurt though. I do appreciate on the information as I do not have too much experience in the history before the end of this branch. Im sorry for bringing up such a wasted idea. 

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Current : Nothing

Ex MTF E11 1LT Slick | Senior Admin - Support I


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with some of the current abilities CI have access to (sleuths, brainwashed foundation), I think an internal affairs branch would be a great way to counter these abilities and add more RP into the server.

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Retired Imperial RP Super Admin and Grand General


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On 2/17/2021 at 8:00 PM, Rangiatea said:

A1 had one purpose and one purpose alone. Protect/escort Site admin there wasnt ONE member of site admin that liked having a full A1 branch around where they didnt get any say about who protected them or what they do, the current RRH is a much better replacement (that and A1 ACTUALLY HAD ANOTHER JOB JUST REFUSED TO DO IT. They were MEANT to also contain SCPs but if no SA on then "fuck that lol")

secondly PKs, 

soft PK: 

What did it do? force you to change your name. thats it, and you could never use it again

What was needed for it? Admin+ perms and to outrank the person 

Was it ever actually used? 5 times. MAX and 2 were reverted 

Normaly PK:

What did it do? Force you to change your name and demote you 1-2 ranks

What was needed for it? Super Admin+ perms and to be Highcommand/outrank the person

Was it ever actually used? ONCE and it was reverted by igneous

Hard PK: 

What did it do? Force you to change your name and FULLY DEMOTE YOU

What was needed for it? Super Admin+ perms and to be Site Admin

Was it ever actually used? NEVER

Correction, the main reason they were removed is because noone who they got on for liked having them around and 2 depite being "SF" I would take 5 security SGTs over them, they were really bad

I fully agree with this, I'd assign you the 5 SGTs tho 🙂

-Support Reasons stated above

Retired DHOS || Former Wardens Comissioner Caligula || Former SRIC in R&D || Former OH8 Funni [Redacted] Man | | Retired OPSV in Maintenance || Former MMF Duck || Former HLPR Bot AC3 || Retired 2LT in E-11 || Former Head Field Scout || Former Ranger Pax || former ET || Former Omicron-9 CPT  || Former OM9 EXP Delta PoliceRP: PD LCPL | SCU LT

"We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. " -John F Kennedy, Rice University, Sept. 12, 1962



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+ Support

I was in A1 when it was cool and everyone treated each other like a family and I had some of the greatest memories of GL playing on ITM Specialist.

It adds in some really nice and missed out RP like if someone said 05 around an A1 back then it would be Capture, Interrogate, release. Todays RRH is just PEW PEW internal security that maintains secrecy would be really nice for RP

It might provide another option for those who dont want to join NU-7 or cant afford to be part of E-11.

-Support on the PK's tho

Retired E-11Captain Beepis 3R7H

"It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it"

-Benjamin Franklin

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Last little tidbit I'll put in.
Adding A1 will not solve the problem of lack of RP. Hell, it could make it worse. We need to focus on the current branches to give them more things to do, less of everything being TDM, and maintenance and medical need a hell of a lot more attention. 

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lol, lmao even

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1 hour ago, Bread said:

We need to focus on the current branches to give them more things to do, less of everything being TDM, and maintenance and medical need a hell of a lot more attention. 

that's what I've been trying to do ever since I was medical command. But sadly no one really cares about RP if their in a combat branch. Combatant branches always skipped medical and either bought medical supplies or begged 999 to heal them. With maintenance their a little more seen but still ignored. Utility in general is fairly ignored. The only combatant branch that EVER cared for RP was A1, EVER, yet to see it again. I would love to see Nu7 and E11 get down with RP I would LOVE it but I've tried, and tried, and tried a little more, but with no success. The only branch that has budged at all is security, with mind helping me create meth. A1 would bring back a long lost connection between RP branches and MTF. As none of the rest has stepped to to replace A1 in that sense. Until that comes again then A1 is the best way to go. Or something else to bridge the gap.

There are gods in Alabama: Jack Daniel's, high school quarterbacks, trucks, big tits, and also Jesus.

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+/- support
- dont bring it back like your saying to it was removed for a reason as stated by people before me in the replies

+i can be in  support of a expansion of RRH as more O5 teams are added more RRH would be needed to guard them but it wouldnt be like bringing them back like how they were just a expansion in the slots and maybe more then 1 job but thats really it RRH was removed for a reason mainly because of the PK system and the fact that SA didnt like having them as guards as there was just too many.

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On 2/17/2021 at 7:00 PM, Rangiatea said:

Was it ever actually used? NEVER

That’s just false. It was used by me on one of my majors to remove him from his CI rank. 

But if I’m being serious, PK’s are very unnecessary and aren’t needed. A1 in its old state of protecting site admins is unnecessary, but I’m interested in your ISD suggestion. I do believe that it would serve better as a sub-branch than actual branch or else it would suffer with activity like other MTF branches have. 

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+Support on Alpha 1
In the months after the fall of Alpha 1 i have seen a deterioration in lore accurate RP and more of a focus on PVP Over RP Back when A1 existed we had a branch that didn't just go fight other people they investigated things out of the norm for example back when the Indestructable wardrobe was found i found a note from the Black queen in rp and reported it to A1 and the PVT Had the most lore acurate response i have seen on the server i have yet to see SF Or the O5 staff RRH Do any of that 
The removal of MTF Alpha 1 was in several posts on this thread and by community oppinion and by the environment created after the fall of MTF Alpha 1, One of if not the most detrimental change made to the server in the servers known history it alienated the people in A1 and it lead to the fall of RP On scp rp. 
If you are not convinced by that here's
behaviors i have seen that where prevented by Alpha 1 Existing. 
#1[05 Information leaks] More of these have happened and has had to be banned by the O5 Themselves because A1 Couldnt stop the minges that would leak this info to CI.
#2 The Rise of PVP Over RP 
With the collapse of A1 Any rp aspect that MTF Had was severaly dampened by the protocals of the mobile task forces prioritizing combat over RP this was rare when A1 Still existed and as jack has said he has tried to get the MTF to rp but to no avail the only time i have seen MTF Rp since A1's removal was an Event 2 days ago and SF Doing interrogations. 
#3 The lack of Site administration on has also lead to a collapse in quality of RP on this server to this point only a few SA Have RP-ed since getting their positions one being Beanz (May your memory of O5 RP Live on here), Inaccurate , Jack , Phills and Matto. Along with skela These people and the remaining old gaurd are the last reminants of an Age where RP Happened on this server and we didnt have a decline in quality of RP on the server.
#4 For those who knew my older self if Alpha 1 Still existed on this server the character "Vlad Romanov the first" along with his antics could have been prevented or at least minimized to a controllable degree and he would have been PKed long ago preventing severe damage from happening. Basically less minge RP Happened with A1 Arround 
#5 Research and Utility would have been protected more from CI Raids if A1 still existed without them research and utility dont have much people to interact with in MTF's without being in an MTF Themselves.

Overall Alpha 1 Should not have been removed the way it was just because SA Doesnt want A1 does not mean its good for the server A1 was this servers identity for a long time and now this server is struggling without them may our Red Right Hand return.

Edited by SR Vlad romanov
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Former Sargent Negev Line monika
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