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PoliceRP Super Admin Guidelines


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What is expected from a PoliceRP Super Admin:

  • To maintain professionalism, maturity and respect for others at all times. 
  • Maintain a top-quality of activity in-game, teamspeak and the forums. 
  • Assist and help lower staff when needed.
  • Respond in Slack when needed.
  • Report server crashes, bugs or etc. in slack to a Head Admin or Head of Staff. (In Slack)
  • Can express opinions on other staff members, good or bad.
  • Can maintain / supervise to have a good number of staff on-duty.
  • Can attend meetings and can discuss/ start topics in a meeting.
  • Can help any player with client bugs, errors and etc. (Or get someone who can)
  • Must be a support member!
  • Can suggest good promotions in meetings.
  • Should be able to handle things like a Head Admin.

What a PoliceRP Super Admin can or can not do:

--- PoliceRP Super Admin's can...

  • Noclip to build bases.
  • Handle staff / player issues off-duty.
  • Can take sits and offenses that occur off-duty or witnessed off-duty.
  • Use their office to discuss private matters or helping a player / staff.
  • Tell staff what to do in terms of, going to sits, getting on-duty and handling things (No strikes / demotions).

--- PoliceRP Super Admin's can't...

  • Spawn anything in the entities catagory.
  • Spawn anything in the weapons catagory.
  • Spawn anything in the vehicles catagory.
  • Spawn anything in the NPC catagory.
  • Can not add or remove health or armor via ulx commands.
  • Use office to exclude yourself / hide. (Go socialize)
  • Use your position as a reason for you to be right, justify your reasoning for whatever involved.
  • Use your power to unfairly punish other players / staff.
  • Add any sort of prop modifications to your vehicles.
  • Give yourself or others money.
  • Use global ban.
  • Start a vote.
  • Never unban a player.
  • Break server rules, duh.
  • Do !vcmod to edit settings.
  • Perma text screens.

Perma Props:

PoliceRP Super Admins can use the perma prop tool for any of the reasons below:

(A) Deleted or a perma prop is missing from the map.

(B) Got permission (HA+) to perma prop / remove a prop on the map.

(C) Their is a random prop that is in the middle of the map and effecting the server / roleplay.

What to do:

(A) Pull out the tool and click the reload button "R" on the map it self. That will reload all perma props on the map.

(B) Once you got perms from a Head Admin or above to perma prop something. Place the prop where you want and left click on the prop to save. To remove, simply right click on the prop to remove. To update the position of the prop, click "R" on the prop to update.

(C) To remove, simply right click on the prop to remove. Them send a message in slack notiflying you removed said prop.


PoliceRP Super Admins can edit car dealer for the reasons below:

(A) Got permission from a Head Admin or above to make an edit. (Or adding a CC car to the CC Car Dealer)

(B) A vehicle is crashing the server / players when blown up or etc. You must make sure!

What to do:

(A) First open the edit menu by clicking on the car dealer it self. To remove, click the remove button, go to the catagory its under and click on the car. To add, click the add button, go to the catagory its under and click on the car. To change, click the change button, go to the catagory its under and click on the car. To remove / add jobs from the dealer, on the right you see all the jobs. Scroll until you see the job and uncheck to remove and check to add.

(B) To remove, click the remove button, go to the catagory its under and click on the car. Once removed, send a message in slack notiflying that you removed said car from said dealer.

Setting Spawns:

PoliceRP Super Admins can edit spawns for the reasons below:

(A) Custom Class Spawn or another job is spawning in a incorrect location.

       (A-Example) A Government Custom Class is not spawning in PD.

What to do:

(A) To change the spawn of a job. First find the job code. Once found, go to the location the job should spawn, look down and enter the follow command in chat: /setspawn to remove all spawn points and then use /addspawn<Job Code>

       (A-How to find the job code?) It is easy! It is usally the job name but lowercase and instead of spaces its "_". But not every job is like that, so to find some is easy. Enter "darkrp_translateChatCommands" in console and you will recieve all chat commands and job commands. We reccomend to paste that into a document, like google docs, then do control+f and search for the job name! You should see it there! 


This document only applies to PoliceRP Super Admins. This document can be changed at any time and it's up to you to stay up to date.

Document approved by Matthew / PoliceRP SMT Team.

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PoliceRP Manager

Retired SRT Commander | Police Commissioner | Department Supervisor

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Read And Understood

Gaminglight PoliceRP Retired Superadmin

“Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.”

“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”

“You are never dedicated to something you have complete confidence in."

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Understood and Read

SM Balloon 1A98/FBI Deputy Director Balloon RA5/State Major Balloon 1H02/CERT TL Balloon 1TL01/SPMU Head Patrolman Balloon 1HP01

Keep your head up and your eyes straight and everything will be fine

 T MOD Oct 9-15/21  MODERATOR Oct 15 - Nov 5/21 SENIOR MOD Nov 21 - Dec 12/21 Admin Dec 12 - Jan 14/22 Senior Admin Jan 14 - Current

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Read and understood.

- PoliceRP Lead Admin & Mayonnaise lover -

FBI  Director 1K-21 | HRT Overseer  | UMC LVL 5 

Reserves: Trooper MAJ  | CERT 2LT  | State Head FTO  | EMS LT

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