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Everything posted by Mag1c

  1. -Support You showed us a 5 second video of Koohlu shooting someone stealing his car and Carjaxx laughing. What are you reporting here??
  2. +Support Experience With Staffing / With The Community Good Application Actively Playing For 3 Weeks Only 1 Recent Warn Good Luck!
  3. -Support I don't believe that someone got into your account, then went on GMOD, then attempted to crash a server they found. Anyways your account should be secure, so you should not be unbanned. You have also been pretty immature about this whole situation.
  4. +Support Masterson is a very responsible person. He also has lots of experience with the server and with being command. I have also seen him on PD quite a bit, so activity will not be a problem. He has handled stressful situations with ease.
  5. SRT is a very cool department, but with school coming up, and me having a job I do not have time to play on the server.
  6. fortnite, I am pro at fortnite, I would be head admin in fortnite
  7. +Support Racism was included in the video
  8. https://gyazo.com/5a16d4191c734d52abc123fb41fe9255
  9. +Support I believe that Soul was roleplaying as anyone would if they were fighting with another family. I think DD just got upset with him and called a sit to get at him. I also believe that both sides should have been taken into consideration with a situation like this as manipulation is at risk.
  10. You will be missed, Ice, remember that one time me and you got striked in OG for abusing the ticket system... the good days
  11. +Support I think he is a pedophile and was very good at ERP.
  12. -Support Bro what lmao you pulled a gun on him in a neutral zone, if anything he shouldn't be warned.
  13. I don't really see a need for going prone, as we already have crouching.
  14. Didn't know April fools was in November
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