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Everything posted by 𝙁𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙯𝙚

  1. Death your a nice guy but for PD I just think some improvements need to be made. Gl
  2. Its called not NeighbourhoodPatrolRP could you imagine
  3. Tbh I dont think the server realy needs another server atm, with SCRP and minecraft new to the community ( wich both turned out great ) its not realy needed but thank you for the suggestion tho, creative minds are always welcome!
  4. I did the same so you should be able to do the same
  5. Jesus, again, well hope you get a better driving school in your town and also stay safe, dont make it a 3rd
  6. + Support + Active + Friendly, always up for a nice chat + Fit for JMT + Helpful torwards staff and players Gl!
  7. Bye Hannah hope to see you soon again and that everything wil get better for you.
  8. Where is the dislike button when you need it the most
  9. Then find a way to get them out of public, try to RP them away or some. + Support Above reasons from others
  10. Not sure why it got removed from the car dealer ( maby a mistake ) I never used it but I dont mind seeing it back
  11. Doesn't matter, its stil cop baiting. I dont advert, im a redneck every 5min and then go shoot the place up
  12. + Support You can put adverts where everyone can see them. Make it so that staff can remove the adverts if inapropiate is possible. Increase in RP instead of doing /advert all the time
  13. He is not specifing what he wants added so Im asuming all, but evert thing from this addon just seems like a lag generator and not needed even if we had the room for it
  14. - Support Do not feel like this is needed Will 100% create more lag than we want atm Hacker job is there so that people who who dont have VIP still are able to raid bases properly
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