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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by 𝙁𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙯𝙚

  1. Spection even though I didnt talk to you that often, everytime I did you were a great person. Your helpful and allot of humor. Dont get yourself upset. Hopefully we see you around and gl to what may come to you! - Its time to cry -
  2. Was already sugested in the past and denied - support
  3. this was suggested but pretty sure the npc's cant go above 100 wich is sad but thats why we do resets every 10min
  4. - Support -Not needed Atm we have an fine working tow truck, as much as I like new things for jobs I just dont realy see the point in new cars for this job. Maby a already in-game police car and make them able to use it and spawn the road props out of it but the rest isn't just realy needed.
  5. + / - Support Yes it will me more realistic but from staff perspective this will be very hard to staff unless officer says he did or we saw it our selfs. (they should still be able to battering ram someone out of a slowly moving car, again very hard to staff this)
  6. Your In-game: Freeze Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:158167029 The admin's name in-game: Logan The admin's steam name (If you know it): N/A What warning did you receive: LTAP Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): Why do you think this warn was false: So this was around February and I interacted with a player. He reported me to staff and I left the server while not knowing he called an sit. So from what Logan told me he had evidence of me breaking a rule and therefor warned me. I was never apart of the sit able to defend my self. I would also never LTAP while knowing I am being reported or am in a sit. Any extra information: I just not sure what happend that day but I have the warning sitting here for a while now and feel like its a false warning.
  7. If I maby dont see you its either time zones or you dont stand out enough then the rest of SM team
  8. I see that your improving your activity but you just came back to the community, wait a bit longer. For the rest what the other people say. - support
  9. In-Game Name: Freeze Steam Name: [GL]Potatoking1008 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:158167029 Are you a Senior Moderator+? Admin so yes How many post do you have on the website (150+ REQUIRED)? 636 How often are you online on the forums? I check the forums everyday, mostly in my spare time. What timezone are you in? GMT + 1 Why would you want to join our Forum Diplomat team (100 Words Minimum)? I have been staff for quit some time now but with that I mostly only help my own server I play on. As you are alot on the forums for a lot of the topics I see a lot of bullshitery come around and sadly I cant do anything about it myself. This way I can do my part for the community and make the forums look nice and clean at all times. It also annoys me to see people saying/posting whatever they want and that I cant do anything about it and I need to contact a forum diplomat. This way I can be more sufficient for the support team and safe sometime for both of us. Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, how? I consider my self having good judgement. With experience as a staff member I know what to do and how to act with the according punishment or procedures and I believe that will help me also to become a good forum diplomat. How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming the shoutbox due to getting banned from one of our servers? I firstly would hide all his messages in the shoutbox so nobody else gets annoyed by them. After that I would PM him on the forums about that he should not be spamming the shoutbox as Rule.3 states that spamming is not allowed. I would also tell him where to apeall him ban on the forums. I contact a SMT member to notifty him about what happend and get the individual a forum strike or a different punishment.
  10. If it doesnt f up the whole economy again, im down +Support
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