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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by 𝙁𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙯𝙚

  1. Maby put the same hospital NPC's there and only make it accesable to tac *if possible
  2. + Support + Having to get resets and killing every gets boring + Its faster + Less trouble with like PD thinking shootouts + Dont need to constantly ask/annoy other people with 'kill me please'
  3. In-Game Name: Freeze Steam Name: [GL] Potatoking1008 SteamID: STEAM_1:0:158167029 Are you a Moderator+? Yes I am How often are you on TeamSpeak? Whenever I am on my computer I am 9/10 times on TS and when I am on 1 of the servers In am always on. Do you have a working quality mic? Yes I do What timezone are you in? GMT +1 Why would you want to join our Support team( 100 words+) So as a staff member you get alot of calls with 'need ts help' or new OFC's having trouble cause they dont have a member tag and it always bothers me to say 'Wait in that room and wait for a support member' and then I see them sitting there for a while for help, I want to be able to help people quicker other then waisting there time when a other support member is not aviable and I think its overall a good thing to have you keep control of people that may misbehave or use it on a regular base by moving people somewhere or giving them talk power if needed, this why I want to be a support member. How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way? As I am in a different time zone then most other support members and I think thit will be a benifit for the team. Second, I am very active on TS, mainly to be contactable when needed or talk with people I know. I am always able to keep my temper and be respectful to other staff/players. How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our support channels? I would say hello and ask how I can help them and what their problem is. Have you read our rules and do you promise to uphold all those rules to the best of your ability? Yes I have and I promise I will.
  4. Yea I looked at the permissions wrong, I looked at senior mod section and it said 'need 3 admin+ perms' but now I see that I should have looked at the admin part. (Know im not suposed to comment but doesn't matter now anyways )
  5. What is your in-game name?: Freeze What is your steam name?: [GL]Potatoking1008 What is your steam ID?: STEAM_1:0:158167029 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes I have a wide staffing experience, I started on DarkRP (admin) then went to KingdomRP (moderator) > StarwarsRP (superadmin) > HaloRP (moderator) and ofcourse I have been a moderator before around march 2018 on this server and am currently staffing on policeRP for a good amount of time. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) I started playing around 1st of january 2017. What date did you make your forums account? I made my forums account on January 15, 2017. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? I am currently a Senior Moderator. How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 1 for LTAP, I might have crashed but I would not remember what exactly happend. Have you donated? Yes I have. What rank are you applying for? I am applying for the rank of Admin. Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No, only on gaminglight PoliceRP. Have you read the staff guidelines at ? You will be tested on it: Yes I certainly have. Timezone: GMT + 1 (Netherlands) Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): Myan l Rhenic l Matthew l Felix l Have given me permission [In the meantime I have gotten Snars and Fame's permmission, this prob wont matter now tho and I just need to wait 2 wks or some] Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I believe that I deserve this rank cause I have worked tremendously hard for staff and the community its self, I believe I am very active on the server, everyday for a couple of hours or more (exeptions made) trying my hardest to make sure the players are having a good time ,enjoying the server and making sure the server is running smooth and what helps with this is that I am always respectful torwards other staff and ofcourse the players. I know how to keep my cool even if people are mad at me, being disrespectful/angry, if they have a good time I have a good time so I always try to hear both of the sides and make sure they are both understanding what is going on if we are in a sit. Next to that is that I am always in TS/Discord reachable if anyone has any questions or issues that need to be dealth with, its important to be reachable and I check the forums everyday if there is anything I can help/solve or just simply give my opinion. I feel that I am a friendly person torwards everyone and that respect goes both ways with me and other people in/out the community wich I think is important to be on good feet with everyone (if not i'l ban them (jk)). I also think its important for me to be 'promoted' so I can help other people even more then I can now, that I dont have to call someone else that is maby not avaiable and the player or other staff members has to wait to get proper help and as a Admin I feel like I can achieve the most as I am able to help people even more and as last is that I am in a different time zone then most of the staff team and that it would be usefull to have more staff with more abilities in the time zones for every player of the server and have a good time. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? So I would jailtpt them into a sit on a rooftop/secluded area away from players and ask the person to calm down and listen, I would explain the situation and get their side, if still cusing I would mute/gag them and tell them what punishment they will be recieving and why. I would warn them for Mass RDM/Staff dissrespect (and spamming, depends on) and after that I would minge them for 10k sec and tel him to read the motd to understand any rule they might not understand in their spare time and after that I would bring them into the minge room to make sure they dont interfear with anyone anymore. Thanks for reading and have a great day.
  6. Like I told you Ingame, the rule about gun dealers using illegal money making items like printers used to be different and including me I think alot of staff didnt know the rule changed and I apologized for it. On the RP sitaution, IRL people framing eachother happens, it sucks but they can and like I also told you Ingame if they find illegal weapons on your property they have propabal cause to peform a raid/search. ¬
  7. ^^Its fun for yourself but it annoys everyone that is not involved in this as they just see a bunch of people killing eachother constant
  8. This realy sucks to hear smoke, If you need anyone to talk to Im always here for you, take care!
  9. -/+ Support As I dont have experienced the problems others have with u Im going to stay neutral But if u just resigned you should wait before reapplying so soon gl ¬
  10. + Support Would indeed be better then just having it next to Jailbreaks, loud people/cars, people interfearing. This way cadets can get more trained better.
  11. +/- Support I can see where you come from and that it can add RP but I just dont think we realy need it.
  12. I'd like to see you on a bit more but other then that ^^^
  13. ^^ We dont want random people only here to minge grab a tow truck and go on about driving cop cars away or some.
  14. + Support +Skins look clean and good quality +We need change to the car skins -/+ Support About the new rank, im not sure if its needed but it could be helpful and a good new rank to have
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