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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by π™π™§π™šπ™šπ™―π™š

  1. I warned him and like I said Il +support, just make sure format is correct
  2. - Support An AFK person hardly produces any lag. ( If nothing has been spawned or something by the player ) When people see more people on they tend to join quicker rather then seeing a lower number on and backing of and joining a different server that has more people online atm.
  3. I believe you came back from LOA like 2 weeks ago so that explains why people haven't seen you that much but ive seen you quite abit in the last 2 weeks so activity is fine
  4. Also make your app look clean and not all over the place This is your first post, if as staff app is a first post its bad, get more active on the forums, interact with people and get to know people. fl
  5. -Support Elapin I dont have many problems with you, nor in SWAT or PD but you just need to get more active in PD as I have maby seen you 1 or 2 times. Get yourself out there, get people to know better and looking at other people's comments, get in a good sunlight with people. gl
  6. +Support + Active + Good en detailed app + Knows how to command + Mature + Friendly Goodluck!
  7. Congrats on Bob Bob and Steve for winning the giveaway! Prizes will be transfered soon to your account!
  8. About 3/4 of the staff calls are for repairing people's cars and this is a huge waist of our time, I do think we need a better system but not sure if allowing to spawn repair kits is the best way.
  9. Your that guy in the first row between all the girls, cause your a chick magnet
  10. So yea, today 15th of januari, 2 years ago I officaly joined gaming light and by making this post I would like to give a big thank you to this whole community and everyone in it. It has been a long ride and i've seen many people come and go and have experienced alot of different and enjoyable things. There were dark times but mostly good wich I am thankfull for. And to do something back Il be doing a giveaway wich you'l find more information down below. A special thanks to the whole GL staff team for giving your time into making the servers playable and enjoyable and remind us everyday that we are here to play with eachother and make the best out of it, thanks for reading and I hope you have a wonderfull day! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Giveaway So to give something back Il be doing a giveaway as a thank you for all the years. There will be given away 10 credits that the winners can spend in the store. 2x So there will be 2 winners How do I enter? Thats simple. Leave a comment with your name and steamID winners will be picked thursday around 6pm EST, goodluck!
  11. We already have enough departments for the moment and like the others say, not needed. -Support
  12. that unit that Fame made is used when crime levels are to high for Tac to deal with so he buffs the PD up, for the rest, tac units are here to deal with them, we dont need another branch to deal with crime, we got CERT, ARU and SWAT/SRT. -Support
  13. Quoting from Fames post ''If youο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώ have not received a warning in oο»Ώο»Ώver 3 months, all warnings that are over one year old shο»Ώall be removed.'' So I should be able to get all the 11 warnings removed as he states: all warnings.
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