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Everything posted by π™π™§π™šπ™šπ™―π™š

  1. Same for me, I have the most potato laptop I game on and I load in max 3min
  2. Imma ruin your nice little 110 111 is prob a better looking one... damnit
  3. Tbh I think there is alot of confusement among ss and FBI about this subject and indeed I was never informed about this and seems alot of other people don't know either *put in correct format
  4. What you want to see : Why should we add it : What are the advantages of having this : 3 combined : FBI and Secret Service are currently combined into 1 sub tab and I feel like these 2 need to be seperated, so Secret service getting its own sub tab. will look better and just overall order and not 2 departements combined and post mixed up like scrambled eggs Who is it mainly for? - Server Links to any content - N/A
  5. I thought this used to be a up coming idea with the UPS truck we have, but that idea was prob removed
  6. so the part I dont see in the whole video you needed to be tazed in order to get you down, evidence shows that you were there and not complying + support
  7. Rememeber you from my time on milRP and glad your back, enjoy your stay.
  8. Jack and Gaur said in the meeting yesterday and some other people to that FBI is not a tactical unit or should not have on
  9. Ive seen this on other servers, realy helpful amd reduces the nlr reports, Does it work when revived by EMS
  10. I remember this not working 9/10 times, I have seen it on other servers, was realy fun to use and increase RP but just need to get it compatible with the server
  11. No more endless pursuits, actualy use the gas stations why its there for the first time other then robbing it and increase in RP Huge + Support
  12. I like to put the milk first then the cereals, that way its a bit wet and hard and I like that texture, also Pineapple on pizza is not to bad
  13. I mean, when I firts looked at them I thouhgt 'I need to know that damn' but over the time playing you learn hearing them and reminding yourself what they mean and that is how I learned them, nothing hard about them just need to practice and use them. -Support
  14. Think MilitaryRP is what u looking for, but seriously its a good idea but I dont think this server needs this, pros for effort and the thought put in
  15. I mean like 3/4 of current Yuki's left so gues you got what you wanted but the part where you say 'every family member should be blacklisted from creating another family' is just straight up non sense, we are people to,we make mistakes, thats how life works, deal with it, stop crying about everything we do, we tried to RP multiple times but even if we try it doesnt get apriciated
  16. Tbh the hobo's having fist would cause more problems with abuse and minges
  17. The videos are cut and not with alot of context so I dont see it as proper evidence, not leaving a +/- Support as I do not know what happend
  18. Tbh, for me it kinda depends, ive had moments where there are 80 p on with not to much lag and moments with 70p on and lag so it doesnt realy depends on player count and I game on a potato laptop ( currently building a game pc tho )
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