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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by 𝙁𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙯𝙚

  1. Wich is promoting your application wich is not allowed
  2. I mean you cant realy complain about him not taking your side if you dont want to answer his questions. And from Sion point of view u did FearRP and then you say "I'm leaving it under your discretion because it was a big 'at the same time' kind of thing that could be taken either way." and now your complaining about the decision he made. - support
  3. he's been constantly minging so yea +support
  4. Although I think this was more ment as IC family rival talk but it got a bit of a OOC disrespect to it so Im not sure. And the maddog part was indeed unnecessary. +/- Support
  5. The GTR sucks tho, like its fast but uncontrolable and blows up in 1 milisecond Expensive cars are not always better they are to show wealth and sometimes yea they good
  6. Sucks to hear that your having a bad day, happens to the best of us. Hope you feel better! And a pretty good meme is my life. I laugh everytime at that one
  7. If this is indeed true Im not sure whether your command ready as withouth this I wouldve probably give a + Support
  8. With a couple of loans of small millions you'l get there.
  9. Name : Freeze Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:158167029 How old are you? : 17, almost 18 Staff Rank (Must be Moderator) : Admin Have you Donated? If so, how much? : Yes, $445,- How long have you been staff? (No Less than 1 month) : Been in community 2.5 years and 2/3 ,of that is staff with a break in between What is your general knowledge on the rules? : I know the staff handbook like I know that I need to brush my theeth every morning. What can you bring to Event Team? (150 words+) : What I can bring to the event team is alot of experience, not only in staffing but making events to. I used to staff on a starwarsRp server and I would do events every day. Ranging from high RP ones to deathmatches, raids, even off map events you name it ive done it. With this I can bring it to this server to of I am given the chance to. Im a easy going person and can keep order and guidelines to others and make sure they follow them. I am open minded so I take tips or criticism pretty well and them them in mind when I do what I do as in the end its to make players enjoy the server and have a nice time. And from other people's opinion I do my job well so I am confident in my work to and if something doesnt go the way I want to I can quickly adapt and respond to the situation. How many warns do you have? (No more than 10) : 0 Why do you want to join event team? (150 words+) : I want to join the event team because I want to do more in the server and improve the server more by giving people a good time as when other people are enjoying something that you have created it gives you the urge to do more and to keep going and do what you do best. Also like I said earlier I have experience making events and that I want to that kind of thing again and I think this is the perfect opportunitie to do so. It gives me a good feeling when I do this kind of stuff and some good memories I. Also the team that their currently is is a lovely team of people that I frequently work with as a staff member and this also makes up some bonding and enhance the connetion between people and you can work better together on the whole server
  10. I understand where your comming from but for people that actually have no intention to minge its not fair and those who wanna minge will just buy it or find another way to minge. +/- Support
  11. NahI wouldnt do that, people will just do nothing couple of hours and come back to 2 operating racks. Will ruin economy and eventually get removed
  12. Yea we used to have it like gaur said, most horrible system ever. Like Gaur suggested. And there is already a suggestion for this one : - Support for addon but + Support for idea
  13. 3rd rack is supposed to be powered by Solar panels and then 2 fuel tanks for remaining 2 racks. How I see it But it could be handy if your in a place with no sun. + Support
  14. - Support Above reasons^^ From other reports/seen u ur knowledge of the rules is not to big so before u report anyone else, read the entire MOTD and then watch all your evidence video's back and then evaluate if you should proceed with the report
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