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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by 𝙁𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙯𝙚

  1. + Support for obvious reasons - Helps EMS keep numbers up - EMS that cant join cuz of fullness
  2. Rank You are Applying For: Rank of Lieutenant In-Game Name: Freeze SteamID: STEAM_0:0:158167029 Current Rank: SM How long have you been in your current rank?: Since September 9th 2017 (2 years, 1 month, 26 days) What timezone are you in?: GMT +1 How many Warns do you have?: 0 Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): So first of all your gonna see my name and think, Freeze? He only plays SWAT and nothing else. For the past year yea that has been true and I cant denie it. And I actualy have been improving my activity on PD the last week. Have you not seen me? Maybe because of my time zone I actualy help alot of PD members when there are not many people online wich is realy helpful to help people from uk/europe and training to to give every cadet a chance on joining PD. I am currently commander of SWAT wich brings a lot of responsibility with it, co-odernating people. Helping and taking charge/control over situations. I have alot alot of experience in different departments and time on the server. I got the skills, I'm active, I know what I am doing and I like doing what I do. All of this makes me a great fit for PD command. I never realy gotten into PD because of certain people in the past making that impossible for me but now I feel like I am ready. What I could improve on : Getting more active (I am working on it and will be getting on more do it next to being swat) Training more cadets (Have been training here and there but not to much) I overall want to expand my horizon further then SWAT and staffing and try out more from what I used to be doing. Thanks for reading leave your opinion down below! You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes I agree Edit : Forgot to add pole (added after pointed out by Alton)
  3. Yea I remember you, welcome back and hopefully you will enjoy your stay!
  4. No as I wasn't aware of 95% things he said as I only came at the last moment when I came ingame
  5. This is not realy from our sides, it depends on the cars and we dont make them. If you want to drive good with every car there aint gonna be enough cars around. If you have any suggestions for cars suggest them
  6. Alright, So as I explained to you Ingame, I was there when he said some stuff, myself told that he should not be saying that kind of stuff ect and that he just shouldnt do that and I made that clear to him. Following on that it became a staff sit and I was trying to sort the situation between you guys. Meep was obviously upset with you, he was angry and upset I noticed that. And if someone is angry you say stuff/do stuff you should be doing. But that is the part what you leave out. You knew he was angry with you but you cotinued on pursuing to get the worst side of him out. I was talking to you about 5m but I had to find out you have had your sound muted the whole time and kept on doing it. I explained to you I wasnt going to warn m. I told you that clearly and I ended it that you 2 should be leaving eachother alone for the rest of the day. But you insisited on getting him warned and I explained why I did not do that. I did not refuse to deal with it. I dealt with it how I saw fit to deal with it. I did not see the rest of the conversations between you two as I only joined near the end where he said 1 thing. What he said is ofcourse not tolerable. I do request from you that when you see someone is getting extremely annoyed with you you leave him alone and do not cotinue to mess around with him and things end up like this. You only show evidence of him saying stuff but you leave your part out where you annoy the crap out of him. In your evidence you can clearly see that he is having problems with you : ''I killed u 5 times'' ''because u suck at the game'' this is obvious you just annoying him. A warning maby but a ban is not needed. -/+ Support
  7. +/- Support The map is very big, alot of misunderstandings can come from this, like not a accurate location name. Irl a dispatcher would send a location to officers responding wich they can put in a GPS, if they dont know where it is. So the current blimp is not that much out of roleplay. As we dont have a GPS in-game
  8. ^^ Yea I think activity is the main problem other then that you'd be a good fit
  9. Good to see you back, hope to see you around
  10. If your planning on staying on the server (wich I hope) I think the go to donation is VIP+, gets you all you need in jobs, building and shows that you care about the server.
  11. What you want to see? - To see the bailer changed/removed. Why should we add it? - Everytime gov arrest a crim I just hear the sentence ''Just bail me out'' ''Yo Il just be bailed out so gl'' ''Il pay you back''. At this point arresting people is useless, especialy when they are in a rich family and even then most people atm have around a couple of millions on them. Jail sentences like 10y dont do the job anymore and people dont care about being arrested. Sure when there arent that many people on it kinda works but when you got a couple of family members online it becomes plain useless. 600k or something is a penny in a haystack for alot of people. When they get bailed they are on the street again and so on. What are the advantages of having this? - Crime not happening repeatedly. Jailing actualy have a use besides waisting pd's time. Who is it mainly for? - Crim and gov Links to any content - N/A Either make bailing more expensive or remove it. -Freeze
  12. Yes we need to jail now +Support but I think the best way is maby n command if possible.
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