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Everything posted by Chief_

  1. The thing is that is waht this suggestion is trying to say. Essentially clarifying that its failrp for scp's to freely enter ci base. So + support Thanks for the free +support quote nerd
  2. -support. Was already handled in game
  3. Man you’ve been here for so long. Sad to see you go. Wish you luck in the futur.
  4. Reasons stated above. But I’d say the reason is because some people just use the monkey model and minge. Making ape noises.
  5. Also people rarely use that gun. I don’t like ever see it
  6. Forum Diplomat Message From what I have so far read on this post. I am going to say lets try and keep it to +/- supports. Lets just leave our +/- support and don't quote someone unnecessarily in a new reply if it doesn't relate to your +/- Support. We need to keep this clean for SMT. Now for my opinion So, from what I am seeing here the staff member in question (Noah Lee) did not handle this sit properly. NO matter how many sits were up you should never rush the sit. You should always ask the proper questions and see if there is any evidence to support the allegations the player is making. All I would say from this is that Noah should recieve a good talking to about handling sits properly. As a SNR Admin he should know to not rush sits and to take your time. His Punishment So, I feel that his punishment should be a talking to. As this was just Noah feeling he had to handle all the sits that were coming in. He shouldn't receive a strike/demotion/removal for this type of situation.
  7. It appears that when the server is reaching higher player counts it is not giving people weapons. As on sarkic prophet I didn't recieve any of my admin tools (Toolgun and stunstick) or any of my normal weapons from the job. Only donator things.
  8. +Support He shouldn't even be in d-block at all.
  9. IF this could get graded it would be nice
  10. SCP Log: Test Name: SCP-173 Picture Test Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Pyc8xjc142h5UlhZQLmrD6sq6L-8m6lk/view?usp=sharing
  11. In Game Name: Chief Steam ID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:91255427) Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Guardian Current RP Ranks Held: Junior Researcher, Sergeant Major in security If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: 05-5 "The Treasurer" If applying for Analyst please link notable test-logs here: How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof) 9 warns Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: There are many reasons why I want to rejoin the RRH (05 staff). So I shall list them all here. I want to rejoin alpha one because I was apart of the branch when it was a full on rp tryout branch. It was a fun branch where we can protect higher ranks in the facility and escort them around. Making sure that they are protected against enemy GOI's and how I get to lay down my life if it means their escape. From luring scp's away from the person of interest or sacrificing my life that they end up running away from the person of interest. I want to be able to put my previous skill in combat, containment knowledge to use to protect those that need protecting. I really enjoy helping out in tests. Which as Guardian I will be able to help protect the Analyst team while they are testing. Why should we accept you: The reason why I feel I should be accepted is due to my previous knowledge of the Red Right hand and skill in combat. That I am a Sergeant Major in security and previous mtf member. So I know all the routes around the facility incase of emergency. I also know how to get to places to get to others quickly. I feel that I can be trusted in this position shown by my rp ability and my personality. I hope that you review my app. (There is not a word requirement, however a one-two sentence application will likely get denied)
  12. Hey ya’ll forum dip here. Lets just keep to +/- supports or posts will be hidden and this may be locked.
  13. +Support also tbh if you can take away a whitelist means you ARE!!! able to give back thr whitelist. As you cant take away whiteliste unless the perms arent set up right. If so smt shouuuuld fix this.
  14. Doom guy I had this exact thing happen to me. Just make an alt steam account or we can use my alt I have. Just tell them about the situation. Get any proof you can get and I’d ask smt to ban ur account so if the guy does decide to come online he doesnt do anything bad
  15. When I was going proccessing the warn. From what I saw from both perspectives. It looked like meta-game to me. I tried asking people I trusted for a good opinion, but I couldn't ask weiss because he was the reported and didn't want to be biased. Then I tried asking other SNR admin+ they were afk and wouldn't respond. But I talked with phill a bit after this and we talked it over. He made some good points. Although I have nothing against getting this denied. But, what was also done is that there were 2 people with the same model and 1 different. Although from the horrible quality from teh video it made it harder to tell from my perspective. So due to the video's I made my decision as that.
  16. DENIED Sorry, but community blacklist's are no longer appealable. You may not attempt to appeal this again!
  17. The only crime payton is guilty of is being payton This was a false one as I meant to warn someone else which is shown above. Also, if I did warn him for those reasons I was a snr admin and could easily ban him for breakign those. He's jsut a noob who didn't appeal this sooner.
  18. And then afterwards "FUCK!" But + Support as you should have ci comms tbh. Cause in rp you'd know the frequency/how to unencrypt it to contact ci. You should have comms.
  19. Chief_


    -support You clearly knew what you were trying to type and just replacing those letters. You also were banned in teh past for a homophobic slur so you should know not to say this kind of stuff.
  20. Chief_

    What about him?

    Well, when he gets on the server I usually run and hide. As when I run into him I get shoved into a corner and stun sticked.
  21. TBH I have to agree
  22. Minge I'll surpass you in posts one day.
  23. Nah 0 I'm gonna hold ya hostage so you don't leave us. But besides that, its sad to see you go. I wish for the best in your future m8.
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