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Everything posted by Chief_

  1. As security. I am going to - support this As tbh I find it funny when the d-class are just dragged around by another one. Its pretty funny. But when I do need them I give them a warning to stop/get people to fearp them. Then jsut call staff/physgun them as i'm snr admin now.
  2. This is the most interesting swep phill. One you +supported 2 times lol we have used this in the past. And according to what igneous said, it doesn’t outline the player.
  3. If you'd read the swep description instead of just reading the post. (Unless you did but I'm not trying to insult you) It says that when nobody has seen your face you are in a idle/slow walk form and can't kill. Can't from what I have read. So it would most likely be less possible to get false killed by him unless by misclicks. But, Reading through the comments there are people who are having errors in the console/weapon swep that makes it not able to work. I can't fully +/- support but I am leaning + if this swep works as intended. But also the swep just goes off if you look at his general dirrection which does go with our rules but, it goes instantly and would take away out like 3 second wait rule/1 second wait rule.
  4. To my knowledge no. As this is a collectors item for Christmas. We brought it back for our anniversary but IDK if we will do it again.
  5. Oh yea i'm working with him in dm's so he can get it removed.
  6. @Krieg666 A way to test this is to find the model in teh game. By holdin c going to bodygrouper and looking at the model id. Then once you got that ID search it up and try to spawn it in. If it gives you a warnign saying you can't spawn it in. (As your not ET/Snr Admin+) that means its in the server. If its not giving the warning then its not in ther server. So if it does give the warning that means the model is just fucked. If its not in the server if you have the workshop link it would be best to link it here so smt/jmt can get it into the main model pack/add it back temp until its fixed.
  7. +support. It would help with the mining situation.
  8. Ahhh. Well I would make a suggestion and give examples of where it would be but can't get on teh server. Unless someone else makes the suggestion I will make one iwth new mining spots for the ores so its fair for d-class. As right behind mtf spawn is kindoff impossible to get to.
  9. As stated in the suggestion format. Suggestions for civilian/surface jobs are usually denied as they aren't that needed. And now that mining has been implemented back into the game there should be rare ores/trees up there. - support
  10. Chief_

    ragle ban appeal

    Mnnn probably discord fucking somethign up.
  11. When you get blacklisted from either of these scp's you get them all blacklisted due to them having similar effects. 343,106,173. But due to you getting blacklisted from 343 for mainly prop issues and buying 1 weapons I do not see a reason for you to be blacklisted from 106 if you just got the job. I feel that you should have a chance as 106 so +/- support This will remain my support till JMT+ can inform us all of the reason for the blacklist.
  12. Hmmm don’t know if you understand there is a format you must follow. Doesn’t matter if its a short or long ban. You must fill it out.
  13. - Support + Your a good guy who knows what he is doing - Your reason why you think you deserve the job just seems to be filler mostly. As for 100+ of your words are just mentioning people that you found to be great, but that doesn't explain why you deserve the job. It seems as more of a resignation thing you'd do that for. Then if I took out the words that are just mentioning people you met that were good. You'd have 122 words which is below the word count. - Then on the question about rdm. It doesn't seem like you read the staff SOP as it mentions what should happen. As in the staff sop it states that mrdm would receive a standard 5 day ban which you failed to mention how you would handle that in the response. Although you are a nice guy who could do a good job. I must - support it as your application is faulty in my eyes. After edit. - I still find the end way to handle the MRDMer to be incorrect.
  14. -support Your still a minge on the server. You just got warned 2 times on 3/31/21 Both for ltap and a form of rdm. The warns I'm talking bout Then the warns/bans pertaining to your scp blacklist. In total - support as I haven't seen a change.
  15. +support Normal flashlights shouldn't count. But if someone has a maglight it should count as it is a physical flashlight we have than a magical flashlight that appears out of nowhere.
  16. +support (Dirrections in this are from gensec perspective) I feel that the middle of d-block should still remain as a global one where researchers/medical staff can grab d-class for their test/medical checkup. The the right side of d-block can be the one for medical as its closest to the medical bay. The the one on the left for researching as it is not the middle or right side.
  17. Anyways, -support As in the staff sop it says warn bans are unappealable unless over ruled by a manager+. if you just got banned for 4 it seems very unlikely you would get unbanned, recommend you play on our other servers and grt a good community stance before trying to appeal again.
  18. As the one who made this suggestion I do agree with what you say. This job no matter how many restrictions we put on it could be abused. But I would never say to put a omi keycard on a job that is in godmode and can noclip. Its the definition of lets minge.
  19. -support No format TBH to get blacklisted you have to say some fucked up shit or do something really fucked up .
  20. Chief_

    Chiefs Dip App

    Yea I was going to make a bug report but forgot. I'm going to ask rookie if he can edit it for me.
  21. Chief_

    Chiefs Dip App

    Since I can't edit my original post. Talia I wrote that part as a meme for myself when I was typing up the application and forgot to remove it. For some reason I cant' even edit my application to fix that error so yea.
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