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Everything posted by Rito

  1. Rito

    Daniels's Warn appeal

    So, if you wanna know the whole situation, I was going to armory as D-Class, bought a weapon, came out and saw a NCO peeking out of bunks doors so I shot him and they started screaming at me telling me that I was spawn camping, while I just came out of armory then a security NCO told me to go "fuck" myself and they kept saying they got it clipped and they were going to report it to staff, that's when I said: go cry about it, which might sounds as toxicity but I do not believe this is directly player diss, unlike the other guy who literally just straight up insulted me, you can see it in the clip. But anyway this isn't about the Security NCO this is about me getting a warn for a reasons that I believe does not warrant a warn. I belive player diss is when you directly insults somebody. My bad, I tought the NCO said go fuck yourself but actually, it sounds like he just said fuck then something else, it's not really clear.
  2. Your In-game Name: S4phir Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:189118265 The admin's name in-game: Ages What warning did you receive: Player dissx1 When did you receive this warning: November 29/2020 Why do you think this warn was false: So, armory is right infront of Gensec bunks right? I was coming out of it, and a Security NCO was standing right infront of the bunks door so I shot him, and then they started saying that I was camping their bunks even tho I was just coming out of armory and it is right infront of their bunks, so then I said just go cry about it. And apparently this is player diss? Isn't player diss would be when I directly insult someone and call him by some names? What I did was something really small and I don't believe this warrants a warn. Evidence the warning is false: Any extra information: N/A, I have already told the full context.
  3. +Support -To be honest, I do not really enjoy this change, but I have felt the pain of CI just camping D-Block and E-11 not being able to do anything about it, this will in fact help us a lot. BUT, it has to be under strict and precises circumstances because I do not want to start striking many people for going into D-Block while there is no reasons to.
  4. +Support Honestly, the E-11 Ranger Class and NCO class are just way better than Officer atm, getting a new shotgun and a sniper rifle on the Class will make Command actually want to play on Officer. The NCO class is better than Officer due to its M4A4, but the Double barrel just isn't cutting it in combat. The Combat engineer class was by far, the worst E-11 class until it got his Browning Auto 5 which made it decent but the PKM still is trash and does not makes people want to play on it. Now for Scouts, these are just fast boys, literally useless if you do not have a melee weapon, I hope to see this HP and AP buff impleted in the server. For enlisted, Tec 9 is decent but not much people uses it.
  5. Excuse me, what's a Crystal?
  6. -Support -I have had past experiences with Feather and they were all bad -Don't really think we can trust him -You cannot do any RP stuff in a staff sit
  7. -Support -Even tho Sarkics are still pretty underpowered, I do not see the need of a "Melee Class"
  8. +Support -Why not? -Brings a bit more RP for 049 and Researchers However, make sure the table is positioned correctly so that 049 cannot prop clomb over his Containment chamber
  9. NO BRO WHY , You did so much for E-11. I'm gonna miss you man
  10. To add to that, that would unbalance the server (+Support)
  11. +Support -It's hit reg is trash -Even if it does high damage, literally no one uses it -A waste of money BUT there is one problem, If the hit reg gets buffed and it gets a really good hit reg, damage should be nerfed or else the weapon would be just crazy OP, so I suggest to nerf the damage and buff the hit reg
  12. +Support -This man is chill and has enough experience on the server -Activity could be better tho but he's still doing good
  13. -Support -Doesn't have much experience on the server -Is quite mingy -Has been put on a 1 week DNT in Nu-7 for minging at the trainings -Doesn't know the rules very well
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