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Everything posted by Rito

  1. Rito

    Squishy's LOA

    Name: Squishy Rank: Member Time of LOA(MM/DD/YYYY): From 12/16/2020 to 12/22/2020 Reason(Put Private if you do not wish to say): Finals are burning me out, I won't have much time to host events on ET as I barely have time to get on E-11
  2. +Support -Dano has been rude in the past, I have already told him about that and I have seen changes from Dano, he has improved his behavior and I have never seen him being toxic or rude towards other ever again. -He is also a trusted command member in E-11 -Active Now, as I've said Dano has been toxic in the past. But I have seen him change for the better, don't you guys think you should give him a chance? Some of yall had really few expericences with him and they were bad so you automatically -Support it, but try talking to him now, unless he does it when I'm not on (Which I hope he does not) Dano has changed a lot. He gained my trust, and I think giving him RRH would be a good choice. Now Dano don't make me take back my words, I trust you and I think you are a good member of this community, I don't want to hear otherwise.
  3. -Support -If no maintenances are on you can just fix the CCs by yourself -It has always been like that and there was never a problem -Would only make people want to play on SCPs less
  4. -Support -Quite new to the server -Doesn't have much forum activity -Don't really know who he is I believe he just needs a bit more experience on the server to be a great Event team member
  5. -Support -The point of the blue line is to make it fair for D-Class, allowing jugs to cross it will be way too OP as there is little to no cover in D-Block. -Killing a CI infiltrator isn't that hard, if you got a lot of people in D-Block they won't be able to do much as they are pretty weak. -When activating thermals, it activates it for the whole branch so even if most security don't have it, the infiltrator still has to uncloak therefore security can shoot him. -Security is pretty good at defending D-Block at the moment, I have seen many cooardinated attempts to take back D-Block and most of them were sucessful, also they already got a Class that has 175 hp 125 armor (is it?) which just makes it really good against D-Class and even CI. There would literally be no point into getting on Class D again unless it is for testing because riots will be just impossible with Juggernauts past the blue line
  6. To make myself clear here, the rule is already implemented in the server. Staff may hand you a warn if you shoot people's models through a wall. But it's not written in the MOTD, so people are getting warned without even knowing that what they were doing was wrong. I really don't see why we wouldn't add it to the MOTD so people are aware. I think it really isn't fair not to be aware of something and getting in trouble for it.
  7. What are you suggesting? - To add a rule in the MOTD stating: Shooting other player's models that are glitching through a wall is considered Fail RP How would this change better the server? - Unless it is already in the MOTD and I have missed the rule, I believe this would help the players a lot, as I have gotten into a sit earlier because I shot 682's head that was peeking through the wall, and I tought it was perfectly fine. I have been on the community for months and never knew this was a rule, so I think it would be fair to add it on the MOTD for the community to be aware of this rule. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - I don't really see who could this disadvantage Who would this change mostly benefit? - I believe this would benefit everyone. as less sits for these situations and people that could get warned while they didn't even know they could of had gotten a warn. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A Just saying, this rule is already in use but is not written down in the MOTD
  8. Aww man, sad to see you go.. Hope to see you sometimes around, also gimme that dupe for the ranger tryouts
  9. -Support -Has joined the server recently -I have no clue of who you are
  10. +Support -Mature -Is a Moderator -Active
  11. +Support -Knows the rules pretty well -1LT in E-11 -Has experience on the server -Can be mingy at times, but knows to be serious when needed too
  12. Huge +Support -Very mature -Doing good at his job -Was a Senior Admin -Knows the rules good -Can take good decisions
  13. +/- Support Pros -I have already told Dano about his toxicity problems, and he is willing to make the change it takes -He's dedicated at his job -Has enough experience on the server Cons -Mingy and break orders sometimes -Targetted CI, according to them (I have talked to him about that too) -I believe Dano would need a bit more time to improve his behavior before getting Trial Moderator Overrall, from interactions I have had with him, I can say that Dano can get pretty disrespectful at times, but I have talked to him about that and I am pretty positive that he'll make the change about it, I believe he can do an amazing job at times, but the problem is, he just had recently bad interactions with CI and some other people lately, Which is the reason why I believe he needs a little bit more time to prove he is worthy of being a T mod.
  14. +Support Ah yes, the Chair that no mortal shall use
  15. +Support You could clearly see the Omicron with a gun out in the back
  16. ?? I may have provided the wrong steam ID somehow, let me grab it real quick Here, STEAM_0:1:189118265
  17. Depends on the context, is this weapons you wanna add to a CC or just donator weapons you purchase from the store. For D-Class that does not wants CCs, I'd heavily suggest buying CS:GO knives, especially the butterfly knife, as it can hit far. For a handgun, I'd suggest going either for the Falcon 2 or the wingman, RE-45 is really the worst weapon, I have bought it and I cannot even kill a security Officer in 1 magazine. For the weapons you would like to add on a CC, I'd suggest, Desert eagle, Contender G2, Winchester carbine, CZ-75, Full auto Glock-18. Alongside with a Pro hacking device, a Medkit and if you would like farming minerals, you can get a pro pickaxe with it. I think they accepts smokes to be added to CCs again, but I'm not sure on this. If they do, I'd heavily reccomend getting smokes on your CC too as they are very helpful during riots.
  18. +Support -Active -Good at PvP -Knows the rules well -I believe he would never leak any redacted infos
  19. I have re-read, the MOTD in the Roll guidelines/RP rules section, unless the strips rules are somewhere else, there is nothing mentionned about it. And also, we did not had to roll against each other because I was cuffed when he "stripped" me.
  20. No, we were in a 173 test and the researcher ordered the Security to strip the Class Ds, but when came my turn he only did /me strips. and did not specify what he had stripped. After that they sent us in the Containment chamber, uncuffed a Class D then ordered him to uncuff the other Class Ds. When the test was done, they tried to get a D-Class out one by one, so when they oppened the Containment chamber, I ran out (Uncuffed) took out my deagle and killed the Security and the Researcher. I was not cuffed when I killed them nor were my weapons stripped.
  21. Your In-game Name: S4phir (At that time, my name was: AFK for yes) Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:18911826 The admin's name in-game: Guinea What warning did you receive: Fail RP (Warning was wrongly formated, it only says Fail RP) When did you receive this warning: 12/02/2020 Why do you think this warn was false: So, to start off, I received the warning because I have had killed a Security enlisted and a Jr researcher with a Desert Eagle, while they tought I was stripped. But the Security enlisted only did: /me strips AFK for yes, while I was in cuffs. Which according to the retired Senior Admin Zeus, isn't actually valid, because he did not specify what he had stripped. Which means that in RP I would of had still kept my Weapons. Evidence the warning is false: Any extra information: N/A, I believe this is enough to prove that I wasn't in the wrong here. If you want a proof that at this time my name was AFK for yes, I can take another screenshot of the RP name change logs, but I believe this would just be a waste of time as this is a day old. Also, I don't know if I missed it or not, but I have not seen anywhere in the MOTD talking about stripping. I know this a common practice and we do that a lot on the server, but is there an actual rule about it or did I missed it? If there isn't any rules about it, I'll make a suggestion to add one, since this is commonly used on the server.
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