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Everything posted by Rito

  1. Now this application is turning into an argument, If anyone has anything to say that is other than +, - or +/- supports, take it to PMs
  2. So basically camping elevator as if it was always partial?
  3. with the branch update y’all are getting -Support Keep the vector
  4. I don’t see no problem there plus they’re non combatants so +Support
  5. Everything else looks good but then moss berg on riot control is a bit too OP This is too OP too
  6. I minged one time on heavy, and one time on my senior NCO whitelist, didn't even stayed more than 10 mins, that's because you wanna see it as minging while all I was doing was having my name as Sec MSGT [NAME] other than that, I have not shot anyone, not harmed anyone, I don't even think this can be called minging.
  7. I know when to stop minging, and I am fully aware that minging on a semi redacted job is a big no no.
  8. Listen, I have full knowledge of what RRH clearance level can and can not do, and I know fully that I shouldn't be using the job to minge
  9. I get I minged on Security heavy, but that makes another reason why I want to join RRH, I believe this would make me learn how to be more serious and possibly make me less mingy
  10. In Game Name: Daniels Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:189118265 Job applying for (Medical - MEDIC + | Red Right Hand - ANY MTF/CI RANK OR GENSEC COMMAND | Research/RND - Researcher+): RRH (E-11 CPT) If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: Beanz (But I would assist any O5 or O5 Staff team that are in need of help) How many Strikes do you have: 0 Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: I want to join the O5 Staff team because, first off I want to be able to protect the facility with more ease, by being able to command most MTF and giving them good orders, and also being able to protect the O5s. I also would like to be able to show my abilities, my combat skills and my leadership skills, I want to be given the opportunity to make good decisions that will influence the facility. I also wish to bring my knowledge to the other RRH soldiers. I would also love the honor to be able to defend the O5 Staff and O5s personnel with my life. I want to be able to roam the foundation and kill any Class D, CI, or SCPs that are a threats to the foundation. Thus why I think that RRH would give me a chance to shine and show others my talent. I would really appreciate gaining a new RP experience within the O5 Staff team and I think it would really help me get more serious than I already am. Why should we accept you: I've got quite a lot of command experience, I believe I am pretty good at combat and would be a great bodyguard to O5s. I also believe I can bring a lot to the O5 and O5 staff team with my knowledge of the foundation, of combat, of the SCPs and of CI. I also know surface pretty well since I'm in E-11 so if any missions are taking place on surface, I could be a great soldiers knowing the hiding spots and where is everything located. I also think I would be able to give good orders to MTF, which will help the Foundation in a CI Raid, SCPs breaches or any other GOI raid. I am also pretty active, I get on at least 3 hours a day and I make a lot of flag up ping to get MTF active. I am not power hungry, never would I force someone to do something that is stupid against their will, such as running into a CI raid with 5 hp just because I told him to do so and I am clearance level 4 while he is clearance level 3. I can also be pretty serious when it is needed to, I would never minge on RRH and would never harm O5s reputation. I can also listen to orders well, such if another O5 staff team or an O5 gives me an order, I would listen to it (if it is not silly) without complaining. Thus why I think it would be a good advantage if I was accepted into the O5 Staff team. I also am pretty familiar with the loadout of RRH, which means that I would be even more efficient at combat. I would never run away from a fight if an O5 Staff team or an O5 or even any foundation personnel lives are in danger. I would also stop people from doing things that are not needed or very silly, such as running into a GOI raid with a baseball bat or a knife.
  11. +Support Kinda cringe seeing missing textures
  12. Your In-game Name: [GL] SkAaz Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:189118265 The admin's name in-game: Sammie The admin's steam name: Sammie What warning did you receive: NLRx1 (The other person was supossed to get the warn) When did you receive this warning: 10/04/20 Why do you think this warn was false: Got warned by error Evidence the warning is false: file:///C:/Users/emile/OneDrive/Images/Captures%20d%E2%80%99%C3%A9cran/Capture%20d%E2%80%99%C3%A9cran%20(52).png Any extra information: He was supossed to warn Sec LCPL Kauche but warned me lol
  13. On reznov, changing my pm to the same as utility trainee, changing my name to utility trainee mat and then them just letting me go as I’ve said I wanted to be trained for medical
  14. How am I gonna smoke around in medbay and get hanged from the acid bridge if you retire oh wait twix and zack didn’t resigned
  15. So basically with the new map Site-10 I'm seeing missing textures for mostly windows and floor not like on the older map so does anyone has the link to the full content pack of the new map? I've already got CSS content by the way so that's not the problem. Ex: In D-Block there is windows on the side like near the Cells, well I see them pink for some reasons same as the elevator window I see it a missing texture
  16. Damn that's sad : ( We're loosing everyone anyway I don't know you that much but you seem pretty chill ^^
  17. Bro why is everyone resigning not pog
  18. +Support -With the new arrival of Wardens, Escaping D-Block is way harder as their only job is to defend D-Block -D-Class CCs are not that strong compared to Gensec
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