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Everything posted by Rito

  1. To add to that, the way he named himself is pretty homophobic and I believe this is not wanted on the Staff team
  2. Name: Daniels Rank: Senior Field Medic Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:189118265 How would you rate your activity (1-10): 3/10 Notes: I have been very inactive lately, but I will try to improve activity
  3. -Support -Here's the reasons -Doesn't really have a clue of who he is -Isn't active much on the server -Has very little of experience on the server
  4. +Support -What's a Coldsilver -Active enough -Knows how to stay profesional on a high clearance job (I am still better than u at pvp tho)
  5. +Support -Very mature -Chill guy -Serious at his job -Has experience on the server Basically, he's Kindred
  6. +Support -Chill guy -Active -Serious -Funne hamster man
  7. +Support -Nice guy and has a lot of experience on the server -Very active on the server -Has Command experience (Even tought it's not required) Hope ya get it man
  8. -Support -The only interaction I had with him was on Class D -No real clue of who he is and his personality -Doesn't have much experience on the server
  9. Rito

    Squishy's LOA

    Name: Squishy Rank: Member Time of LOA(MM/DD/YYYY): From 11/15/20 to 11/22/20 (Might extend) Reason(Put Private if you do not wish to say): Burnt out, not having much fun on the server anymore. Very busy with school. I will still be able to get on sometimes tho.
  10. Rito

    Daniels' LOA

    Name: Daniels Rank: Major Duration: 11/15/20 to 11/22/20 1 week (Might extend if needed to) Reason (If Private That Is Fine): Burnt out, not having much fun on the server and school is taking a lot of place right now. I might still get on during the week I just cannot promise I will be active.
  11. In fact, my policy is that Quality should always outweight quantity for trainings, but in this context, the person is trying to persuade the other person reading it. And it is pretty much like in real life, if your applying for a job, you would make a well made and long application. So to quote myself, I did not meant that quantity overrules quality, I meant that in applications, both should be used.
  12. To add to that, I believe that by far he is the most mature person on the server at the moment
  13. 280 is pretty bad at the moment and I've never seen anyone using the maglite to actually recontain him, you just have to fix the lights and he is insta recontain so +Support
  14. +/- Support -Quite active -Doesn't seem very fit for RRH with his "past experiences" -I haven't had much interactions with him thought so he might have changed
  15. Short application but he seems pretty fit for RRH
  16. Rito

    Dans RRH APP

    To add to that, he isn't really that high in the chain of command. So -Support
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