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Everything posted by Rito

  1. I'll find another player model then
  2. 1. Name of the SCP you would like added: SCP-053 "The Young Girl" Object Class: Euclid Quick introduction to SCP-053 SCP-053 is to be contained in an area no less than 5 m x 5 m (16 ft x 16 ft) and given adequate room to move. Toys, books, games, and other recreational devices are to be amply provided and rotated every three (3) months. Proper bedding, bathroom, and medical facilities are to be maintained at all times. Food should be provided three (3) times daily, and two (2) snacks are allowed if requested. No physical contact is to be made with SCP-053 without full atmosphere-containment suit and eye shield. No eye contact is to be made with SCP-053 for any reason. Any objects given to personnel by SCP-053 may be removed, but must be given to quarantine for examination. Only one (1) member of personnel may be present in the room at any given time and must be secured by a safety line of steel cable. All personnel must be removed from SCP-053's containment chamber within 10 minutes of entering. Any personnel who begin to act erratically, scream, or attempt to grab SCP-053 are to be removed and quarantined. Any personnel attempting to remove their suit are also to be removed and quarantined. No sharp objects or firearms are allowed in SCP-053's containment room. 2. Link(s) to player models: Here is the model path, it is already on the server: models/Humans/Group01/Female_01.mdl This PM is from the Half Life 2 pack, I suggest just giving it this model and scaling it to a Child's size. Here is some other PMs, they are anime girls so I highly doubt they'll get accepted but, I'll still give it a try, I highly suggest we choose the Half life 2 Human woman player model instead of these tought, as a lot of people are concerned about ERP problem. 1: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2265252352&searchtext=child 2: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1717267464&searchtext=miracle+girls+festival 3. Link(s) to SWEPs: I can't really think of any swep, but, I think giving it a SWEP that one taps people would be the best idea since, people die of random ways when trying to kill her so, if anyone is affected by SCP-053 and becomes aggressive and tries to kill her, the person playing SCP-053 could just hit them with their swep. 4. How much health/armor do you think it should have? Infinite since the SCP is unkillable and has regeneratives Abilities, it is also passive so we do not have to worry about it being OP. 5. Why should we add this SCP? This would add another SCP for Researchers to test on and add great RP, additionally another way to Recontain SCP-682 as SCP-053 is capable of calming 682, which would also add RP for Researchers to do cross test on them to discover how does SCP-053 is capable of calming SCP-682 who hates anyone but SCP-053? I believe the way to recontain 682 with this SCP should be very strict and hard since it would make 3 ways to recontain him. 6. Basic summary of the SCP: SCP-053 appears to be a small 3-year-old girl. She is capable of basic speech and appears to be slightly above average in mental development. She has a generally pleasant personality and rarely seems upset, becoming agitated only in the presence of groups of people. Any and all humans over the age of three who make eye contact with, physically touch, or remain around SCP-053 for longer than 10 minutes will rapidly become irrational, paranoid, and homicidal. Most, if not all, of these feelings will be directed at SCP-053, and afflicted subjects will attempt to kill SCP-053 after first killing or driving off all humans visible to them. Those attempting to kill SCP-053 will suffer massive heart attacks or seizures and die seconds after doing any physical damage to SCP-053. SCP-053 will regenerate 7. Extra information: This SCP would be more of a Passive RP SCP then an aggressive SCP. So it shouldn't be able to self breach. SCP-053 effect could be countered by wearing full atmosphere-containment suit and eye shield as said previously. This gear could be issued to any foundation staff and Chaos Insurgency. If this SCP is implemented in the server, I'd suggest starting by making it only a passive RP SCP, and give it sometimes before adding a way to recontain SCP-682 with SCP-053 to see how it goes first. Additionally, I think this SCP should be scaled to a Child's Size, since it's age is said to be 3 years old. Additionally, its Containment Chamber could be located in Lower HCZ if there is still empty CCs left in there. If added, I believe this SCP should not be a donator SCP since it is passive, it should be for example level 20+ or more, at SMT's discretion. If I have messed up anything, or there is missing info about this SCP, PM me so I can fix it. If SMT requires more information about this SCP, search up SCP-053 on google and find SCP-053 SCP Wiki Also, DO NOT not argue on this thread, keep it to +/- Supports.
  3. Oh okay, I tought they were brought back since there is one in D-Block or it might be something else, but if we could put any form of text stating that our base is OOC, that would be lovely. Basically, all of our base is OOC. This includes everything inside the base walls. But as soon as you exit the base's wall, you are considered in RP.
  4. What are you suggesting? - Add a decal at E-11 base's Gate stating: Epsilon-11 Base of Operations Do not Enter if not E-11 Remember to wait your 3 minutes NLR. How would this change better the server? - No more confusion for people that aren't E-11 entering the base as it is our spawn and is considered OOC. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Not any that I can think of Who would this change mostly benefit? - Everyone Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - The text screen should be situated right on the gate
  5. So, I gotta say, it won't change much, but if we could just reduce the amount of time you can change your name here would be nice for some people, for example, I used to go by the name of Squishy but I changed that name a long time ago, and now I have to wait 365 days before changing name again so I'd think it would be fair if we reduce that period to a month instead. I don't think this should be counted as #1 priority, but it'd be nice if other people did the same as I did and now have a different name from the forums and in game.
  6. -Support The 682 swep is broken or they switched back or something like that, its not as op as anymore
  7. Bro I remember watching Tom and Jerry so much back when I was younger xD
  8. -Support -We already can't use the riot shield as much as before, this is just gonna make it obsolete and useless
  9. -Support -682 is already so OP with his new swep, he will be nearly impossible to recontain with this new rule
  10. +Support but if the 682 being swapped to platinium suggestion gets accepted, then don't add this
  11. Rito

    ZJ's Warn appeal

    -Support -Even if your new to the server, by closing the MOTD menu that appears each time you join the server, you agree you have read the rules. -If the warning isn't false then you cannot appeal it.
  12. Each time a 682 breaks down doors, while the server has a high population, it crashes, anyone knows if the cause is really the 682's swep or if it's just bad luck?
  13. The report here is not about 939 killing me because I was making noise, it is about 939 teaming up with 076-02.
  14. As you can see here,in Sarkic's base, there should normally be an armory for guns and an armor vendor guy. They were there before the map update, unless it was removed on purpose, I believe they should be added back to give Sarkics a chance to get better weapons.
  15. I'm gonna go with a +Support on this one -I have seen him one pretty often during early morning, I believe the reason why not many people know him is because he has different names in different branches he is in. -I have also talked to him once and he seems like a pretty chill guy -I believe he could be a great staff member if he takes his jobs seriously -As I've mentionned since he gets on during early morning and most likely night too for EST Time zone, it would be great for staff to get members active during night for EST. That way, tickets don't sit for 20 minutes+ late at night. -I don't think this guy has much mingy experiences Might chance support depending on what other people says
  16. Your in game name: At that time, it was "that one kid on donator" Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:18911826 The player's in game name: Tab Dotcher Branch Disser (ZJ.) The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:3950832 Date and Time This Incident Occurred: During the night of the 12/25/2020 What did the player do: He teamed up with 076-02. Evidence (required): https://medal.tv/clips/39736982/V3ReNI4ZpEOc What do you believe should happen to the player: A formal warning for the following "Fail RP| Teaming with 076-02 as 939" I believe this a formal warning is the best solution as ZJ has quite a lot of experience on the server and have been here for at least a month and a half. Any extra information: So what happened here is, I was on Nu-7 juggernaut and I spotted 076-02 so I started shooting him, then 939 came and saw me and 076-02 fighting, he then proceeds to actively help 076-02 in killing me. As the MOTD states, "If there is a situation where two SCPs are attempting to get to the same area, one of the SCPs are obligated to go a different way. If they happen to meet up while roaming, that's fine, but if they both want to go to the same place, one has to take a different route, or otherwise wait for a period of time and then return on their way." this means that the 939 (ZJ.) should of had walked away instead of actively helping 076-02 which is considered teaming.
  17. As you can see here, both gas station lockdown's button are level 0, which means that an SCP can just go into the gas station and activate lockdown preventing anyone from entering by pressing a button. Which is pretty much unfair and they were level 5 before the map update.
  18. I think nothing can be done about that since, fire extinguihsers ammo has been broken for a very long time and nothing was done about it.
  19. What are you suggesting? - Add a rule stating that: Foundation personnel turned into an 035-02 cannot breach SCPs with their keycards but may use it for any other purpose as long as it does not interfere with other rules. How would this change better the server? - SCPs wont be breached in 2 minutes due to 035-02s running everywhere and oppening all CCs in 5 seconds Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - 035-02s not being able to breach SCPs with a keycard Who would this change mostly benefit? - Literally everyone but SCPs Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
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