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Everything posted by Rito

  1. It seems like the best solution to this problem so +Support for that idea
  2. Negev on a donator job is really just too OP, maybe change the machine gun to the M60? -Support for that, but leading to a +Support if the negev is changed Negev's firerate just got buffed so yeah, better keep the PKM or change to another machine gun than the negev because it's just gonna be way too OP and isn't that the reason the negev was removed from Nu-7 juggernaut in the first place?
  3. MASSIVE +Support -Looks so Cool -Make one for E-11 too for 1v1s >:))) -Overrall looks like a great idea tho
  4. +Support I think that whenever there is more than 10 gensec in D-Block, MTF should be called at last resort. E.g partial lockdown failing and D Class breaching into LCZ. Also you have to admit that it isn’t really fair for Class D to fight hordes of 5 MTF+. It has also come to my attention that MTF often tend to be sitting in LCZ on Defcon 4-5 without valid reasons.
  5. -Support -That's just gonna unbalance everything, D-Class won't be able to heal theirself anymore, E-11 doesn't has a Medic Class. -Honestly, Medical aren't always and that's not because we can get medkits. -Think about how much people would be pissed if that update would come through. -This is just very unbalacing and a bad idea. -This doesn't give much benefits. -Also Medics aren't allowed to buy medical supplies for other people . -To add to that, the only benefits I see here are for Medics.
  6. Rito

    Eilish's LOA

    Bro at least he won’t activate site lockdown five times a day
  7. Anyway, -Support -Only a minority uses it -Maybe just make the craft price cost more in like anomalous and wood?
  8. Quick question, why does the mag-7 can hold up to 6 rounds in game, while it is named Mag-7 because it hold 7 rounds? Also don’t turn this topic into an argument because it probably won’t get accepted if it turns into one
  9. - Support -Look it’s a great idea and all but I don’t see the point of it, it’ll just take up a slot for nothing.
  10. Thank you for your service Private Samall.
  11. Dakota your steam pfp is disturbing lmao
  12. -Support -Even if the knife is good, you are heavily exposed and most of the time a target of choice. -It is a donator weapon -All of the other melee weapons are obsolete -No one would buy the knife if it would take you 8 hits to kill a CC -The knife isn't as OP as you think it is To add to that, I don't think it is hard to kill someone with a knife while you have 200 hp 200 Ap and a negev with a usas-12
  13. +Support -Changes looks good, aren't as OP as before -Chainsaw is kind of the signature weapon for EXP, but as any of them ever used it? It is just so trash and it needs to be changed. I'd say maybe just change it to a better melee weapon like the fubar?
  14. Damn bro, get better soon
  15. +Support -Especially CE they really need a shotgun as of for now it’s just a better enlisted -Branch update doesn’t seems to OP to me
  16. Why do you thik the player should get a warn: yes
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