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Right Twix Bar

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Everything posted by Right Twix Bar

  1. +Support Yes, Monika/Vlad/Whoever can sometimes be mingy. I've seen it firsthand myself. But there have also been genuinely fun times I've had with them. I trust they'll do good in command.
  2. -Support Its already a warn and a day ban (as far as I know) if the broken elevator is abused. This would be quite redundant.
  3. Unofficial Grade 84/100 Creativity 25/25 Quite creative Usefulness 10/25 I don't see how it can be useful Writing 24/25 Quite good writing. A few minor mistakes. Presentation 10/10 Presented very well Realism: 15/15 Realistic Using your research test logs as medical test logs now?
  4. Damn... It's been good Crystal. We've had a lot of fun times together and you were a great command member. I'm sad I never got to hear your voice. I hope you come back sometime if you get your drive back. Though, I'm going to be a bit mad you like left better Fuck... I can't stay mad at you.
  5. Unofficial Grade 96/100 Creativity 25/25 A very good idea Usefulness 24/25 Quite useful, though SCP-500 is limited (in lore at least) Writing 22/25 A few minor grammar and spelling mistakes Presentation 10/10 Looks quite good Realism: 15/15 Realistic F for the video
  6. Unofficial Grade 95/100 Creativity 23/25 999 is overused but you made it unique Usefulness 22/25 There are better ways of curing smallpox but this is a neat idea Writing 25/25 Good writing Presentation 10/10 Looks quite good Realism: 15/15 Realistic
  7. Unofficial Grade 94/100 Creativity 20/25 Has been done before (didn't take away as many points as I usually would have because you mentioned the likeness and its your first log) Usefulness 25/25 Highly useful Writing 25/25 Good writing Presentation 9/10 Looks good, would be better in a google doc Realism: 15/15 Realistic
  8. Name- Twix Rank- MRS Subdivision- Medical Research Length of LOA (mm/dd/yy->mm/dd/yy)- 9/21/20 - 9/26/20 Reason (If Private please put "Private" as your reason)- A combination of school stress and burnout (Though I will still try to make it to meetings)
  9. Unofficial Grade 95/100 Creativity 25/25 Quite unique Usefulness 25/25 Very useful Writing 23/25 A few grammar mistakes Presentation 7/10 A bit of color and a google doc would make this much better Realism: 15/15 Realistic
  10. Unofficial Grade 100/100 Creativity 25/25 Quite creative Usefulness 24/25 Could be very useful if the side effects could be avoided (of course) Writing 24/25 Great writing and formatting but a few minor mistakes Presentation 12/10 Presented quite well Realism: 15/15 Realistic
  11. Its been fun playing with you. You've been a really cool guy. Hope you deal with whatever you need to and come back.
  12. +/- Support +Good medic +Good app -Recently promoted to medic I'm leaning more towards +Support though
  13. Its been a lot of fun playing with you. Hope you'll come back one day. I'll miss ya.
  14. Same opinion as ^ Here's my ideas for changes: Idea 1: Instead of a keypad cracker, they could maybe call an admin and have to roll a specific number to be able to breach a SCP depending on its classification (Like 50+ for euclids and 75+ for keters). Once they successfully breached an SCP, they advert what SCP they breached There could be like a 5 min delay between breaches, whether they failed or succeeded (I know it would infringe on the lore but it would be more fair) Idea 2: Allow them to free roam in LCZ only Have them be AOS in HCZ or EZ (having them be taken back the same way they would have been recontained) Maybe allow them to get through CP's by rolling to an admin (maybe a 40+) with a 2 min timer between attempts Anything I didn't touch on, like the player requirement to breach, would stay as originally said. Also, the model probably would have to be something different because they would be mistaken as a Utility Trainee.
  15. +Support Seems like a pretty neat idea. Also, the damage aspect would give maintenance and medical something more to do. Note: You should probably suggest a level it would be unlocked at. (I'd put it at Level 25)
  16. Foundation Terminal Access Version 1.4.2 Enter a command or type "Help" for list of commands ... Access file ... Select file to access ... Personnel File: Right Twix ... Accessing... ... Confirm Level 3 Clearance... ... ID: [REDACTED] Pass code: [REDACTED] ... Accepted, Welcome [REDACTED] ... Opening Personnel File: Right Twix ... Error. Cannot access updated file. Opening archived file. ... ... File opening Error. File corruption found. Continue to open file? ... Open file ... File opened ------------------------------- Personnel File: Right Twix ------------------------------- Name: Right Twix a.k.a Twix Current Rank: MRM Home: [REDACTED], Arizona Current Residence: Site-05 History: Twix joined the foundation [File Corruption]. He was found in his hometown after [File Corruption]. Once they were contained and amnesticizing efforts began, [File Corruption]. [File Corruption] and joined Medical. [File Corruption] but slowly worked his way up. After 12 years of work in Medical, climbing the ranks, he reached where he is today. Current Achivements: [File Corruption] File History: Changes made on 9/20 Changes made on 10/10 Changes made on [File Corruption] Close File ... File closing Error. Cannot close file. ... System overheat detected. ... Error. System not responding ... Connection Terminated due to system crash
  17. +Support I haven't seen many people play on 035, this could probably help more people play it. Also, the one time I've encountered it, I've had a lot of fun being possessed, and I'd like to have more experiences like that.
  18. In-game Name: Twix Rank: Doctor Idea: I wanted to see if I could make ketamine into a gas Basic Description of what you will do: I'll have a few spray bottles of the gas ketamine: 10ccs, 30ccs, and 50ccs. Hypothesis: I think it will work Observations (can be a video or audio): Neither Detailed description of what happened during the test: After around 100ccs of wasted ketamine and 4 broken heater (and maybe a fire that burned half of surgery room), I got the bottles filled. After that, I got a went to D-Block and got a D-Class, and got escorted by a Nu7 CPL Lily. We went back to Medbay and I got the D-Class on a bed and sprayed him. The 10ccs had little to no effect, the 30ccs had more of an effect, and the 50ccs knocked him out. He looked fine and his vitals were fine, but when he awoke he seemed to have some memory issues (need more testing to see if its happens every time) and took him back to D-Block, but D-Class were out and about and I got shot. Conclusion: Ketamine can be a gas. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes What did you learn?: That ketamine can be used in a gas state. How Can This Benefit Medical?: We can use it during surgery if we cannot inject them with ketamine.
  19. +Support Good guy Combat experience Slightly inactive though
  20. +Support Good man Decently active Combat experience
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