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[GL] Mike

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Everything posted by [GL] Mike

  1. Someone got perm banned from the Clone wars Life RP server for pinging Zeeptin. I'm sorry but if it was Zeeptin who banned you I see a very minimal chance that you get unbanned
  2. I need @Blizzard side to make a decision.
  3. What are you suggesting? - D-Class can no longer use PD as "Comms" and they must get it from foundation personnel like it's meant to be. How would this change better the server? - Prevent situations like this. "Open Comms In a way" It ruins R&D's RP and it can also lead to them being punished as they have to fill out a weekly quota of one interrogation or test. If D-Class tell foundation they have them and foundation takes them back R&D can't finish their test. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/766778794454679552/794626464968474624/assf.PNG https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/766778794454679552/794626494319951952/adf.PNG https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/766778794454679552/794626527383781386/gfd.PNG Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - None that I can see Who would this change mostly benefit? - CI as it prevents situations like in the images. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  4. I understand the +/- Supports but I'd also like to point out. Destiny does a good job, one mistake (Granted it was a kinda large one) shouldn't ruin a persons chance. Besides from this one point I guarantee some people in SF have had some good experience with Destiny. I believe that if given the position Destiny should just be watched. There was a mistake made yes BUT, I do think that all of the good overshadows that mistake. I give this a +Support
  5. Name: Mike/Godzilla Rank: SGT/RA Callsign: XR2/AD03 Date of LOA Leave/Return: 1/13/21 - 1/20/21 Reason (if private write N/A): Gotta catch up on school as it's starting to beat me up.
  6. +Support Corner is extremely active. I have trusted him ever since he was High Command on SCP-RP and I really do believe he has Officer potential let alone NCO potential. Corner will be a great addition to the NCO team and I'd love to work with him in SF. Overall: Would be a great addition as a NCO and would be a very trusted member and a active one at that, hope you get it man
  7. Grade: 99/100 Lore: 25/25 Creativity: 25/25 Presentation: 24/25 Writing: 25/25 Test Quality: Exceeds Expectations! Extra Notes: All is well, use your own test format though - Make it look nice
  8. -support For: Faking Ranks Bodyblocking +support for "harassment" Overall - player should be talked too at most honestly. Also its not up to you for him getting removed from the CC thats up to the owner
  9. Yes but he has the experience of an officer so he sounds like a good pick.
  10. (Last Respone to avoid the post being locked) Honestly man, Help those people then. But I'm just saying man, just because you know people who would do this doesnt mean everyone will. Like someone suggested if ERP is even mentioned around the SCP it could just defend itself, or You could even just make the model an adult female scaled down so 1. It makes it just that little less creepy. 2. It will ruin the argument people have of "People would do it BECAUSE it's a little girl." My +Support still stands and if you want make it a donator SCP at Bronze+ to replace the vampire, It makes the SCP more limited to play on and it allows for a Bronze SCP.
  11. And let's be real honest for a second. Would ANY OF YOU had brought up anything about ERP if it wasn't stated by another? Like, I guarantee this wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't brought up because No one would have thought of it.
  12. What is your ingame name?: Mike What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:209339952 What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: Midshipman What specialty are you applying for?: Aviation Officer What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?: Harold What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?: I can provide activity allowing me to constantly host trainings (Once I can) to increase activity and the branches members. I can make sure SF always has something to do and fun new things to keep them entertained and engaged. I used to be the Nu7 Commander on SCP-RP in one of it's most desperate times, The branch only had about 30 Members getting a total of 3-4 Members on a day. I hosted trainings, made an application, was constantly active and within one month of me being put in that position not only had I revived the branch with up to 45 Active members, we had 10 Members on daily allowing us access to better weapons and stats on our job as a reward. I strive to do the same for SF so the branch that keeps the airspace clear can continue doing that and so they can stay active. Why should you be trusted with this position?: I should be trusted with this position because this wouldn't be my first time being put into a position where a lot is expected of me and I deliver on it. I have been put into many positions where I need to pull through and I do. This spots were all on SCP-RP where I was thrown into 3 Dying branches and I helped revive them. (Nu7 Commander, E11 Vice Commander, and Technical Manager) all of those positions I was expected to be active and help out to the best of my ability and the people who put me there were not disappointed. Why do you want this rank?: I want this rank because I see a lot of potential in SF as a branch. The Marshall and Vice Marshall are doing extremely well in keeping activity up and the officers are doing a great job in trainings and I would like to be there to take some of the weight of their shoulders. I would like to host trainings and SIMs so the Officers and Command can have a nice break so they don't get burnt out and eventually need an LOA or even a resignation. I respect what they are doing for there branch but everyone needs a break and I would love to be that break that they need. I also would love to be a person the enlisted could come to with questions. I love talking to enlisted and answering questions they might have so this would be a great spot for me that I would enjoy. Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: Yes What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: The purpose of a Aviation Officer is to maintain constant contact with all of SF (Enlisted to Command) so that they may report any Issues they see with the Branch or it's members and have them fixed so the branch can constantly represent itself in a way that makes everyone else keep their respect for it. The specific job of an AO is to man ATC and inform SF of changes made by Command or High Command so that no one is out of the loop. They also are trained to fly and test new tech that is developed. They also can host trainings, host SIMs and maintain the branches activity with fun new things to do so it never gets boring. If in the case of an Off-Map the AO would inform SF of what they are against and what they are to do. Keeping constant contact during an Off map so they can keep them informed of what is about to happen or of what is happening.
  13. Grade: 99/100 Lore: 25/25 Creativity: 25/25 Presentation: 24/25 Writing: 25/25 Test quality: Exceeds Expectations Extra Notes: Everything with this test followed lore and well I've never seen it done before so good job! Try making your own test format! It shows us your creativity and just who you are by putting your own work into it!
  14. Yeah and we have a staff team for a reason? They exist to deal with people like that... Also, if they do that just Warn them, Demote them. If they have a keycard they are on a job you can demote them from. If they are CI Demote/Strike/Remove and Warn them? If they are MTF Demote/Strike/Remove and Warn them? If they are Gensec Demote/Strike/Remove and Warn them? Research and Utility? Demote/Strike/Remove and Warn them. D-Class Warn them. Not a huge issue and it's a easily solvable scenario because staff have CHAT LOGS. And 99% of the player base records.
  15. Grade: 100/100 Lore: 25/25 Creativity: 25/25 Presentation: 25/25 Writing: 25/25 Test quality: Exceeds Expectations! Extra Notes: Great Presentation! No Major Grammar Errors! Love the Creativity! No bad things from me!
  16. "Tactical Resets" outside of bunks are technically not a thing. If you Tac reset in an RP area then it is considered In-RP meaning you are responsible for the people you kill while doing the reset and you must wait basic NLR with that. -Support, it's your fault for doing it in one of the most populated areas of the server.
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