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Everything posted by Samm

  1. Samm

    Cube OP

    Cube too OP... kills the entire server, please fix.
  2. Name: Samm Rank & Callsign: SVR SVR02 and SGM XB6 Discord: Samm#3176 Divisions: RND and Military Activity: Active Suggestions: k9
  3. facts honestly, it isn't a controversial topic, and it should really be talked about. people spend their money to be on a custom job, and say the owner has a reason they can't get on, the person who paid to be on the custom class just lost their money. It isn't fair to the person who spends 20$, and ik some people say it is "Leeching" but it's contributing to the server and possibly spending all the money they can just because they want to contribute and have fun. that's my take on it,
  4. I feel as this could be a platinum rank scp that teleports in the foundation and can capture one member of the foundation, mtf can use d class to stop it from taking an important foundation member but if they forget then the scp will capture a random foundation member. It will take the scp 10 mins to sacrifice it, and mtf will have to stop the scp before the ten mins is up or the scp will use the power of the sacrificed person to go back in the foundation and kill people until it is recontained via death.
  5. the only time i saw this used without minge is when et opened a cafe and there were portals in d block. Other than that people minged with the and it lagged the server. While i would love to see it it just won’t work -support
  6. i honestly will always like scp the most. I’ve tried to get into police rp, i feel like it’s just me but it feels hard to start playing as a new player.
  7. -support racism is racism, even if it wasnt meant to be racist. Common sense
  8. cafeteria is usually where d class go as a final stand so -support
  9. Why not utility CCs? The only two I know of are Baguettes and H.L.P.R Bot which aren't mingey jobs. However I do understand the research one because I remember that.
  10. +support also for the nu7 thing the dogs won’t have guns so just move away from it and shoot it and that’ll work out, or the hp could be nerfed to 75 and armor 75
  11. https://docs.google.com/document/d/11o7r_YdgyvlfynIWJORHu7uP4u-6zw3-blq9WYIo5mY/edit?usp=sharing
  12. +support innovative and creative! (if you couldn’t tell this is irony, -support)
  13. the reason new melee weapons get nerfed is because they have too goood of hitreg lmao
  14. +support not needing to restate the obvious but he said he didnt mean to do it
  15. Samm

    Samm's LOA

    Name: Samm Rank: Member Time of LOA(MM/DD/YYYY): 3/8/2020-3/12/2020 Reason(Put Private if you do not wish to say): Tired, need a break.
  16. Samm

    Samm's CI LOA

    Name: Samm Rank: SGM Callsign: XB6 Date of LOA Leave/Return: 3/8/2020-3/12/2020 Reason (if private write N/A): Tired, need a break.
  17. +support for manufacturing, it would also be cool to be able to see them make weapons
  18. i think it would be cooler as a euclid that breached and fights foundation for imprisonment shouting things about how they are prisoners of war and such.
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