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Everything posted by Samm

  1. +Support Knows rules was command in past cool guy
  2. Director of Containment * Can't cuff D class to keep SCPs contained +Support
  3. What do you want to see? - A rule so that GM cannot start events that change maps/involve tryout rooms during tryouts Why should we add it? - Let me tell you a story, I was active all day 2 days waiting for StarFighter tryouts, they finally happen and in the middle, I am forced into another map where I can't continue the tryouts and they have a risk of being canceled if majority doesn't show back up to tryouts after the event. Another person at those tryouts waited 2 weeks. Do you see the issue? What are the advantages of having this? - So that we can actually join the battalions we want to join instead of being forced into an event during tryouts for a group we have wanted to join for an extended period of time. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - N/A
  4. +support just because of the new d class gameplay that has been needed for a long time.
  5. -support Armor is basically the biggest factor, if you have no armor any gun shreds through your health, and I would rather a reset and wait NLR than going through the RP only to have to buy my armor. I RP with medical sometimes but say there is a CI raid, and SCP breaches, I am going to go for a reset so I don't have to make my way to medbay, get healed, go to the armory and buy armor.
  6. pretty sure this means you win SCP RP Light.
  7. ok just wanted to quote this it was funny, but -support as many in the foundation are willing to do whatever it takes for the security of the foundation.
  8. In-game Name: Samm SteamID: STEAM_0:0:175293679 DiscordID: Strange#3176 What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): Military How would you rank your knowledge of the lore? 7.5 Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum) I have shown since my last application my ability to remain in a branch and be consistent, I have also saved that life for CI since my last application. With that out of the way (Which I am not counting as part of my 75 words) Let me get started. First things first, my knowledge of the lore. I know this may not mean much for military, however, I think it is worth mentioning that I have been avid about SCPs since around 2016. Secondly, I have experience with CI in the past, and it was some of the most fun on the server. Finally, I have been playing on the server since August and for the first month or two CI was my goal. I know I screwed up back then by not being active, but things have changed, that was back in October, and I want to put the past behind me and start anew with the lovely group of CI. What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? Past experience with CI, and playing the server since August. Hell, I even spent 75$ on diamond for CI infiltrator, that's how much fun it was to me. How active can you be? Every day, on a scale of one to ten, I would give myself a nine. Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Yes
  9. Actually this is kind of confusing, no CR66 in a1, or any mtf branch. Is this a real interrogation?
  10. +Support just make it the same as the scythe. There's no reason for it to 2 shot most people.
  11. Never really even understood the whole "MTF spawn near gate b". That doesn't make any sense to me +support though. MTF have killed me in gate b as a class d before.
  12. At that point 05 would nuke. Doesn't really make sense.
  13. +Support, however if someone of higher clearance is on it should go through them first.
  14. Samm

    Buff the Negev

    +support but cryo this isnt the suggestions part of the forums
  15. -Support While this is a cool idea, you didn't use the format at
  16. +Support leaning neutral +Always helping out other staff members/players who have questions +/-Not on duty all to often from my experience, however, he does help out even when off duty (I would consider this leaning -support though.)
  17. +SUPPORT +Always helping lower ranks, I can confirm this myself. +Active +Uses most of his time on the server staffing, doesn't go off duty too much. I would say he has one of the best balances of RP and staffing. ^ I haven't experienced this or seen this, so it is still going to be a +support from me.
  18. I mean it is entirely possible to make a normal suggestion, I guess this formats it in an easier way for smt to read(?). However I think branch update format is meant to be used for HCMD of a branch, not someone who wants to see a branch be updated, but I am not 100% sure on that "dOn'T @ mE"
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