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Everything posted by Samm

  1. idk if it will even be necessary to move over unless its just that much better. The current GMod has lag issues, and performance issues. Unless those are massively improved then I think we would port, unless the porting process is an easy one. But then begs the question, how much will this cost? We could lose a portion of our player base due to porting if it isnt given to current gmod owners.
  2. Samm

    Be small - Closed

    it happens with 173 as well. No fix, cal staff and have them model you or another smol boi
  3. +support a suggestion for both A. Buff it to be able to sell small firearms, pistol -10,000$ , uzi - $20,000 B. A new job could be the “Rebellion Leader”. They would have 100 HP, 50 AP, and they would have a sound swep of some kind with a cool down. When that sound is played D class will want to rush gensec and kill them (Possibly implemented as a rule that d class MUST do so?) at any cost. The cool down on the swep would be 15 mins, and D class would usually keep rushing after the swep is over and they died because they felt good working together. I think this idea would work well as a LVL 30+ job that has a player slot of 1. I also believe it should have a infantry first aid kit and a Uzi. It should also have an NLr the same time as its swep tuner (15 mins) to prevent gensec from being under constant uzi fire and to make it weaker than custom classes.
  4. the artist has stated multiple times that is work is not to be used for monetary gain of any kind, unless all donations on the server are stopped this is not possible.
  5. this doesn’t change the fact of how powerful a gensec cc is, usually when a cc is on class d has no chance, unless 3+ d class ccs are online.
  6. +support do i need to say why?
  7. +support obvious reasons
  8. -support in rp, this makes no sense, the class D would kill other d class for any sort of goal, they are criminals and half of them are likely insane, according to lore it makes sense class d would be compulsive killers and kill to achieve any goal they find reasonable.
  9. why would the scp be stronger than the lizard... wtf this renders 682 useless as this is 682 with guns and stronger, why would anyone opt to play a weaker scp huge -support ^ also this is true, but 076 and 682 are different gameplay wise, this is literally playing a more powerful 682, rendering 682 a useless class. It makes no sense, and describing is as 682 with a gun is 100% accurate.
  10. well i gave it a +support lmao i mean in the field of red 1 green doesn’t really matter Let me elaborate a bit though As a class D CC, A decent player can kill 1 or 2 gensec in a life alone. Considering we can’t have molly’s anymore to incite class d to attack, if we die and no other d class rush with us, we have to wait 1 min and 30 secs to come back up, meaning that by the time we get back up, all the effort we put into killing those gensec is wasted because A. not many d class are online or B. no class D rushed, meaning that what we just did was useless, making us not want to play class D because no matter what we do we are having zero fun. In the end, that’s the issue with class D, most the time you aren’t having fun because other class D don’t rush, so unless reznov himself gets on to summit dick and balls mountain and ass-blast all foundation, literally nothing will happen and you feel like you are wasting your time.
  11. ok, while i like this idea there are some changes i would like to see made so it isn’t “ci but robot” 1. Their primary fighting force is robots, not humans 2. These robots would be able to be fearrped and have info downloaded if MTF succeeded in rolls. 3. There would be humans that worked for the company, and control the robots completely, so in RP the robots are being remotely controlled by a human so they won’t be completely lifeless 4. They would kill all class D and foundation personnel, when raiding they will be given the option to download info from the foundation or take technology. 5. There would be a group called the Robotics Team, and they do tests with stolen foundation tech to use it to improve the robots. 6. The group would have no interest in SCPs or CI, and can chose to do a non hostile raid where they negotiate to get a captured robot back 7. There would be two types of robots that raid, hackers and soldiers, hackers would have no weapons besides keypad crackers and would have info the foundation wants, they will also be 100% A.I with no humans controlling them, soldiers would be humans-controlled robots with firearms and they would be the militarized force.
  12. they are toy soldiers not real soldiers, and also the foundation could have taken away their primaries but they have permanent secondaries which they then use. -support EDIT: If you feel weak as this class, try using strategy and stay in a group, treat yourself like a real soldier, not a small super soldier rp master69420
  13. lmao give 682 an instabilities invis scythe those things have godlike hit reg that made ppl complain and get them nerfed, that’s a buff 682 needs but really -support as mtf will sometimes not have many on
  14. Samm

    5208 Update - Denied

    +support on keys, -support on weapons You are meant to stay in a group, you can easily wipe out a bunch of mtf with your small hit box and gun, if you are in a group like you are meant to be. There’s a reason you should be in a group as mtf, if you guys remember, you will be stronger against enemies. Keys on the other hand, i agree, even though i have a third person bind and donator weapons i can switch to, others don’t so huge +support on keys.
  15. i’m literally a scout and spy main, my 0 warns record would be destroyed by this out of habit -support and also, as jakub said, it’s a long established meta across hundreds of gmod servers, it’s semi serious rp, not everything has to be realistic.
  16. And this would make sense, as most of the time there are 5 on during a breach and two small plastic men wouldn’t be the same as a full sized person.
  17. +support. I wasn’t aware of this change, and it is also unfair for other jobs besides d class (mainly MTF). Here’s why, MTF recontaining CI or SCPs is more important than class D, as in lore they can cause the destruction of cities or even all life, yet their NLR is a min longer than gensec? Doesn’t make much sense to me, and i can be incredibly unfair to Class D Ccs who wait NLR then have to kill the same gensec they just killed because their NLR is practically the same.
  18. Samm

    Nukes - Denied

    or rang/hoovy testing it...
  19. +support but they HAVE to kill when done, can’t take comms, and only use it to stop the group from being separated
  20. Samm

    Corners CI App

    ok time to say corners name +support
  21. I am resigning from RND. Staying in military. I would stay but i am not putting in enough mil work to get noticed and I don't see a future for myself in a branch i am burnt out of.
  22. well i mean... you technically DID link pornhub to it, indirectly
  23. Samm

    Cube OP

    ask igneous he knows all about it oh and stale knows about it
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