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Everything posted by Samm

  1. This would make sense, but it is formatted weird, I would have formatted it like a normal suggestion but I guess +support? Leaning neutral due to the nature of this post, but if this weapon is truly that broken, it should be changed as soon as possible I think.
  2. -Support First of all, this is just something that would cause mass amounts of minge, second of all, you did not even use the format.
  3. +/- Neutral -SUPPORT (main reason at bottom) +/-Never see you in game (May just be me) -Question 15 has a lot of grammatical and spelling errors. +Overall decent app besides the grammar +Q16 is pretty good, gagging is usually a last resort if they do it after you ask them to stop though. All in all, I think you need to work on grammar and capitalization. The not seeing you in-game could be due to the fact I just haven't seen you, and you have no poll, I am going to give you a neutral. (PS PLEASE READ THE FULL EXTENT OF THE STAFF APPLICATION FORMAT BEFORE APPLYING IF YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT APPLYING AT ANY TIME! Some people don't, then end up replying to their own apps, forgetting polls, etc, etc.) Also Mervin the prop minging one is the only recent one, and if he doesn't get any warns before his app is reviewed I'd say he's learned a bit. EDIT: Ok, so he just made a pretty mingy suggestion solidifying I doubt he is ready for staff, I was already on the fence but wanted to give him a chance with the neutral, I was already on the fence, but I am now changing this to a -Support
  4. 150 seems like it should be as far as it goes. D class don’t even logically make money, and d class making 250 every 7 or so mins makes no sense.
  5. +Support but the only good buff imo would be making the swep do more damage (Which isn’t possible, but more speed would help) and the only people who can purchase fire extinguishers can be MTF, or just make the fire extinguisher do damage but you are only allowed to use it on 527, and say once 527 gets to like 5000 HP he can be recontained.
  6. Samm

    SCP-999 - Accepted

    Literally the only solution to this without a nerf/worsening RP is just to make it so he can’t heal while medical are online on the medical jobs.
  7. -Support -I haven’t seen you in game a single time -You didn’t change anything from your last tmod app that was denied +/- the app isn’t bad but the fact you just copied and pasted your previous app shows that you aren’t ready in my opinion.
  8. One +Support I have is you are a good player in game and you have no warns.
  9. -Support Didn’t follow format Staff have had a lot of trouble with you in the past. I don’t feel attempting to come back so soon is the best choice, I would say give it a little longer to show that you have actually grown and you won’t repeat your past mistakes.
  10. In-game Name: Samm SteamID: STEAM_0:0:175293679 DiscordID: Strange#3176 What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): Military How would you rank your knowledge of the lore?: 7 Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum) Well, for starters, I am active every day (Unless something comes up in real life), and I feel like instead of just focusing that activity on A1 and staff, I wanted to be in CI. I thought for this past week what branch besides A1 I wanted to become, and it took a lot of decisions, but I decided on CI. Now I know in the past I was inactive one time (Which got me demoted, this was back when I first joined CI, my activity has since improved landslides), and another time I resigned, but now, I have decided that I want to join CI for as long as I play on the server. Also helping my case is the respect I show to players on this server and the pure dedication I have had to this server. Closing this off, I do know that I wasn't active awhile ago and that I resigned about a month ago, but I am back with more determination than ever to join CI! What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? Well first off, my activity. I can show activity every day (Even more on weekends). The only thing that holds me back is school. Even right now I have this awful cold, but I mean, I am just gonna be laying down anyway, why not sit down and have some fun while I am in this condition. Back on track, another thing that sets me apart is that I have 0 warns in this server, I follow rules no matter the situation and don't get angry in frustrating situations. The final thing is I have shown how long I can dedicate to something, I have been playing since at least August 20th, and I have grown a lot since then. From when I first joined the server, CI seemed like a fun branch to be in, and I sincerely hope that I can make new friends in this branch. How active can you be? Every day, unless something comes up, but that is out of my control. Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Yes.
  11. What you want to see? - A new line in the MOTD that states CI cannot lock their doors, at least when MTF raids. Why should we add it? - Currently, breaching charges have been made NOT ALLOWED by SMT, but this is usually MTF's only way of getting inside CI base when CI locks their door. CI can now lock their door forever and MTF have no way of raiding to get SCPs back. What are the advantages of having this? - So that CI is not able to lock out MTF indefinitely, meaning MTF only has the option of paying to get SCPs back. Since staff can no longer open doors opened with breach charges, and MTF's only way to get into CI's base when the door is locked is breaching charges, this seems like something that would make RP better for everyone. Who is it mainly for? - CI & MTF Links to any content - N/A
  12. And then it ends up being the single active nu7 rct that has to RC scps.
  13. +support, all reasons above.
  14. This is all wrong. First off, this is a research format, and you are a sgt, secondly, i am just confused as to why you posted this.
  15. bruh mervin this was like a week or two after i made my forums account i had no idea what i was doing.
  16. Samm

    I’m sorry.

    jorj you should probably make topics on more relevant threads rather than continuously posting on dead topics
  17. yes, also this is a dead thred.
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