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Everything posted by Samm

  1. +support but only if it’s a low amount like 150-200
  2. Don’t go into upper d block/get in line if you don’t want to go anywhere...
  3. ik i’m just re stating it with some detail
  4. i mean.. you could make the dmg at least 1.0 or .9 instead of the .6 we have on the server so d class aren’t bulletproof machines anymore...
  5. Even after reading these replies, i stand as a -support, unless he gets a level 3/4 keycard. Wanna make it lore friendly? give him a normal keycard, and if it’s gonna be reserved for researchers, make it a low rank and make it so bright posts tests on the forums. If it’s higher than a jr researcher then dr bright is going to become something nobody but research cares about, and i don’t wanna see that for a fun class.
  6. @Skela I don’t think you understand the post, he means once 939 is hit with the gun, he shouldn’t be able to run, not once he is done being tranqed he can’t run.
  7. Samm

    Samms loa

    Name: Samm Rank: Cpl Reason: No internet Duration: 12/1 to 12/4
  8. -support Making it harder for people to have fun, Dr Bright is already restricted with a level 2 keycard, why put more restrictions on him?
  9. Yea he is... he posted in this discussion look at his tag. +support for blacklist from MTF job pack, if he is going to use it to minge he shouldn't have purchased it.
  10. Say you breach as 682, and say, for example, you are at gate A. If you are tranqed, you can teleport to that position by switching jobs WHILE tranqed. This bug can allow D-Class/SCPs to breach that shouldn't otherwise be breached. When you switch jobs while tranqed, your ragdoll remains tranqed, but once you wake up, you teleport to the position of your tranqed body. EDIT: Fixed the title to say exploit instead of bug.
  11. There is no reason this shouldn't be done. You would think in a job medical setting medics wouldn't have to pay thousands for the supplies to save people.
  12. In-game Name: Samm SteamID: STEAM_0:0:175293679 DiscordID: Strange#3176 What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): Military How would you rank your knowledge of the lore? 7 Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum) Well, starting off, one of my main goals since joining the server was joining CI, and I had done that at one point but was removed for inactivity, which I completely understand, but I would like to rejoin because of the amount of fun CI gave me over other branches. In lore, CI seems like the coolest G.O.I due to their military- esque style of operation, and their hatred for the foundation because of the [REDACTED] (05) leaving and forming CI after seeing the horrors of the foundation. The fact that CI want SCP's for so many different reasons seemed very intriguing, unlike other G.O.I. CI want all SCPs for countless different reasons. What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? My prior experience of being in CI is something that may set me out, and the fact that I am active almost every day (I am still getting things in sorts after a house fire, but I am active most days). I also follow orders well and show respect to all players. I have no warns after 1 week and counting on a server, and this shows I know the rules and follow them very well. These things set me apart from most other applicants you may see in the future, and any you have seen previously. (My rank in CI before the demotion was LCPL, and I was demoted due to inactivity, which has been fixed since then). How active can you be? On a scale of 1-10, I would say a 7.6 (Not quite an 8 due to school keeping me until about 4 PM EST, but I am active the whole time I am home.). Not on a scale, most days from 4 pm EST - 10/11 PM EST, although some days I cannot play. Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord: Yes. Looking forward to feedback and responses!
  13. Doggo, compare it to d class calling gensec names, it’s Rp, and it makes sense in lore. +Support, this was a false warn
  14. +support but didn’t link models for new jobs
  15. I would assume they would be striked... + support The command is built in to garrys mod and it would improve rp in events where scps can’t die
  16. I’ve had no increase in performance since they were removed.
  17. What do you want to see? - Brooms re-added to janitorial Why should we add it? - It increases RP and gives us a tangible thing to rp with instead of pretending to rp clean with empty hands. What are the advantages of having this? - To give players who enjoy rp in janitorial a tool that allows them to rp Who is it mainly for? - Everyone in janitorial Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1286020508
  18. From what I have seen kiddo is active and hard-working, he also follows orders well from everything I have seen. +1 from me.
  19. I don't know you in-game too well, so the mingey thing I took out. Still a -support from me due to the quoted reasons.
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