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Everything posted by Samm

  1. In-Game Name: Samm Current Rank: Janitor Rate your activity on a 1-10 scale (1 being bad, 10 being very good): I am on LOA, so my activity is 1. Are there any changes you wish to see, if so please say: None.
  2. Samm

    Samm's LOA

    Name: Samm Rank: PFC Reason for LOA (You can put Private if needed): House fire recently, no time to get on and play due to never being in one place. Duration: 1 week
  3. Practically every weapon besides deagle takes 5 seconds to kill one d class, so I would assume most weapons.
  4. +support It takes way to long to kill anything
  5. Samm

    kleiner empire

    Gonna be weird, y'know, having 2 Ws in research...
  6. As he may be, but SCP 343 is shown to commonly only depict himself as a "Man with seemingly no race". Nowhere has he been described to look like Jesus in SCP lore.
  7. In-Game Name: Samm SteamID : STEAM_0:0:175293679 What is your ULX Rank?: Platinum What is your RP Rank?: I am most active in Nu7, I am a PFC in Nu7 What is your timezone?: CST How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 6.5, I know a lot about the lore, but I still have much to learn. Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): None. How Active are you? (1/10):9, Weekdays I can play from 3 EST-9 EST. Weekends usually all day How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers): None Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: I have always loved participating in events, ever since I joined the server. I always have fun participating in events (IRS and Halloween were my favorites) and I want to be the one creating fun RP experiences for the server. I always see the event team having fun creating these storylines and events, and I believe that I could be one of the people enhancing and building upon the RP that is provided by the server. I have a good amount of knowledge of foundation lore, and I am always learning more, which I find from Youtube, and the wiki. Starting about two years back, I have always been interested in foundation lore and seeing that be expanded upon by the event team makes me want to join and be right there, creating new and interesting storylines, enhancing the experience new and veteran players have, and I have shown dedication to the server in the past few months. I always loved what the event team does, and today I wanted to be apart of that. Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better): An unknown group of Scarlet king disciples have entered the facility through a hostage command member named Micheal Ornis. He was captured by the Disciples, and forced to open Gate A for the disciples. The Disciples then killed the hostage after he opened the gate. The Disciples had one goal, capture SCP-682, and SCP-999, the children of the Scarlet King. They want to use SCP-999 to control 682, and bring him back to the Scarlet King. Once they have 682, they plan on using him to create a new 682, dubbed 682-2, this creature will be created by using 682's DNA and duplicating it. (682 was created in a different way, but creating a creature that is a genetic replica of 682 would work). In the event that The Disciples fail, a cleanup crew will be called in to take the bodies of all The Disciples and Micheal Ornis. Micheal Ornis is discovered to have survived his injuries, and to be a traitor to the foundation. This will be the start of a storyline of Micheal, a disciple of the Skarlet King trying to recreate him. 682 and 682-2 will be released into the facility to cause havoc, and kill the ones who kept the sons of the Scarlet King imprisoned. If The Disciples succeed, they will take Micheal Ornis back to the place they came from, which is unknown to the foundation. If Micheal is taken by the cleanup team, he will kill one of them flying his evac helicopter and steal said helicopter, flying back to The Disciples. Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?: Yes, and I understand them. What is your favorite SCP? Why? My favorite SCP is SCP 1879, as 1879 is such a mysterious character, yet he seems like a simple salesman. He can't be contained, and his prices can be deadly or humorous, the same with the items he sells. All in all, if I can think of an interesting way to incorporate this character into an event, I would love that.
  8. Ingame Name: Samm Discord Ign: Strange#3176 Funny Fact about yourself: im baby
  9. So my (most likely) last reply is going to be this. I feel this would enhance rp, which is important for an rp server, even for a "memey" class.
  10. He can be memey, but having a playermodel that is memey, you can't really use it to any rp potential which is really a downer for a platinum class IMO. Also considering they don't allow memey playermodels for things such as custom classes, I don't see any reason 343 should be different (The most memey cc model is a mcdonalds worker, and it's a d class cc).
  11. As I understand the first one not fitting, I don't understand how the second one doesn't fit considering that it seems more serious in comparison to the smiling jesus model.
  12. Yea, I do personally like the second model but I wanted to find two of them. The second model is actually used in a youtube video on 343 somewhere, I think.
  13. What do you want to see? - A new SCP 343 playermodel Why should we add it? - To enhance rp What are the advantages of having this? - Having a model that is much better for roleplay, as it doesn't look like Jesus smiling (Which feels like a joke model to me). Who is it mainly for? - People with platinum Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1128202352 or https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=460772855&searchtext=zeus Both these models fit 343 in my opinion and look better than the current model.
  14. +Support I am not even in janitorial but this would make me wanna be. Things that can only improve the server are best things
  15. D Class is best class.
  16. I really hate it when I hit someone, blood shows, and they are still at full health. Melee hitreg has been awful since I started playing the server, it makes a bunch of scps broken, and ruins d class rp many times.
  17. https://docs.google.com/document/d/16xbloOCw6k1RnSDCnvXYrGXoyVs1sEs9AO_59lABiFE/edit?usp=sharing
  18. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mMwLR7ItkWNv2b3mMFmudfX3hcdOFuOWiMIiaxsFyhA/edit?usp=sharing This test went better than expected.
  19. Ok, so I found a model https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=939162864 and I am unsure if it has been used on the server before, but in my opinion, it looks much better than the permanently smiling man.
  20. I will try and find a new model.
  21. What do you want to see? - A new technician player model Why should we add it? - For RP purposes What are the advantages of having this? - Instead of having a model that is permanently smiling, we could have a model that is more serious looking and more realistic for RP reasons. Who is it mainly for? - Technicians Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=939162864
  22. Lore Name: Samm Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:175293679 Rank: Associate Researcher Activity Level: I'm not very active atm, planning on being super active starting Sunday
  23. Samm

    Samm’s LOA

    Name: Samm Rank: LCPL Callsign: XA16 Date of LOA Leave/Return: Sep 18-23 Reason (if private write N/A): I need to focus on school
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