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Mind Stone

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Everything posted by Mind Stone

  1. Me and Sixx got it handled Cheese Man
  2. Mind Stone


    Took the words right out of my mouth. Read the MOTD to actually know the rules so you don’t make another mistake.
  3. +/- Support (leaning towards +) As a member of security and a owner of one of these weapons, I have a biased review. From what I have seen, the Skull Staff is a medium damage weapon with fast hit speed. The same can be said about the knife although I don’t think it should. On one hand I would love for the Staff to be buffed. These limited time weapons should be better than those you can purchase year round. Then again I don’t want it to be too strong. This buff seems fair enough.
  4. What are you suggesting? - Change the training room keypad to level 3+ How would this change better the server? - We have received complaints that enlisted and some NCO's go in there to minge while a trainer is training. As a trainer myself, I know this is irritating to experience. If this suggestion was to be implemented, lower ranks wouldn't enter the training room (they already aren't supposed to) unless the trainer or a command member opens the door for them. Enlisted/NCO's only have a level 2 keycard. Thankfully, the trainer job already has a level 3 keycard so only the keypad level would need to be changed. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Absolutely none. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Security Trainers and Trainees Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  5. +/- Support More of an abstain on my part. I probably speak for most security here.
  6. -Support The flashlight now is just fine.
  7. -Support Wha.. wha.. what? How would this in anyway improve anything? Just like others have said, its MRDM. The only reason you have for why this should be implemented is "people would close the bunks doors then." Most branches just close the door if its open or give a verbal to the person who didn't close it. You are research command and can punish those who don't close the door if you so choose.
  8. +Support On almost everything but I'm gonna -Support On hazmat DEFCON change.
  9. -Support I'm all for giving chances but the people that get community blacklisted deserve none. As Alistor said "The chance given was the life they lived before, the punishment is this."
  10. Oof. You did an outstanding job in the short time you were here.
  11. +Support The evidence is clear that the wrong person was warned. He did nothing wrong and was the victim of failrp.
  12. ‘‘Tis a big F. I remember when we were SCMD together and I told you the day before you got promoted to DHOS that “I’m betting you’ll get HCMD before me”. I predicted the future. I loved working with you and it amazes me that you resurrected our activity. You saved the branch. Thank you.
  13. +Support This man has never failed me in combat or command. He is without a doubt capable of O5 staff.
  14. +Support I’ve seen Sarge get on the server at 1:00 AM EST nearly every night now. The man left his staff manager position on another server for us. That’s a big sacrifice. I say let’s give him a shot.
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