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Mind Stone

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Everything posted by Mind Stone

  1. Kinda cringe ngl. You deserved CMDR and I enjoyed being around you. Hope you come back eventually!
  2. -Support It is supposed to be difficult to get the ores on surface That is not the purpose of Sarkic Even IF this was added, the only reason people would get on it would be to mine. Just use D-Class jobs with the pickaxe and escape.
  3. -Support Facility is big enough as is.
  4. Accepted After reviewing your app, HCMD have decided to accept your application. Congratulations! One of us will whitelist you when we get on. Please request the "Jugg" tag in discord. Also Rawr X3.
  5. +Support I think this was already implemented but just in case.
  6. King of the Furries
  7. Dude do you have any idea how close your word count was? It was exactly 125 lmao.
  8. -Support What you said was absolutely and utterly terrible. Any sane person knows the atrocities committed at that place and yet you had the nerve to make a joke about sending somebody there. And lets add some more context to what happened last night shall we? If my memory is correct, there was also some mention of race in this conversation. 4 members of security command (myself included) witnessed this in chat. You were literally blacklisted by me last night and you already made an appeal. More time needs to pass.
  9. Name: Arthur Wolf Rank: SM SteamID(Ex: STEAM_0:1:174348602): STEAM_0:0:146458367 Current Sub-Branches your in: N/A Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: N/A
  10. +Support Clear evidence. Action needs to be taken.
  11. Time and time again, I've seen my security wiped out with this weapon. I can tell you in absolute confidence that the gun doesn't need to be a headshot to take us down. I agree with Jameshi. It must be nerfed.
  12. +Support A sniper that can 2 shot OFC-LCPL is totally unfair for them. Class-D Shouldn't have a weapon that powerful.
  13. +Support Furries: "Now this looks like a job for me.."
  14. As Sixx just said, we are looking at changes.
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