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Head Admin
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Everything posted by Will

  1. -Support for the time being, I need to see you be more active in game and on the forums
  2. +Support The interactions I have had with Adams both in and out of RP has shown that he's a professional and hard-working person who is always a great deal of fun to be around. If the actual reason for the restriction is him being inactive on a staff team in the past, I suggest EMT/ SMT looks into possibly reconsidering the necessity of a perma-restriction, though they have every right to disregard that suggestion if they so choose.
  3. -Support Your ban expires in about 48 hours, it will most likely expire by the time this is reviewed. https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561199013980455
  4. +Support - Active - Helpful - Mature My only minus looking at your app is your high number of warnings which can be overlooked seeing how most of them are old. Good luck!
  5. Will

    Where I've been

    Welcome back, all I ask is that you use your head going forward!
  6. Sorry, but -support for the above reasons
  7. +Support Person was also issued a warning for mass RDM and threatening to come back on alt accounts if banned.
  8. I was not there for the sit, however I do remember this was brought to my attention along with other things. +Support
  9. -Support - Grammar - Staff in another community (FiveM) - Question 16 needs work Either I misread your application or something, but it's stated pretty clearly that you must leave any other communities staff team before you can apply for a staff position in GamingLight (and yes, other games do count; I learned that the first time I applied). Make sure to look over the staff handbook once or twice more as the last question can be easily answered if you read the handbook in whole.
  10. -Support - Low activity -Public poll I'd like to see you in game more frequently and hear that you are training more cadets, I do my best to be in game everyday yet I haven't really noticed you that much (which is important if you are going for a command position).
  11. You were banned by console in 2017 for the reasons "Perm/DDOS Threats/DOX Threats/No appeal" on MilRP and have NULL reasons for both PRP and BaseWars. https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198158399741 If you ask me, this sorta kinda sounds like a blacklist(able) thing sooo.. -Support (also, no appeal means no appeal.....)
  12. +Support Video's show what appears to be rule infractions and player is nearing 40 warnings.
  13. +Support I recommend they get banned for 8 days (combination of both the 10 and 20 warning ban).
  14. +Support No no word has been said.
  15. Would love for it to return, but it's not gonna happen.. -Support
  16. Will

    Staff and video

    It helps reduce the amount of time we need to stay in sits and helps people get back to RP faster.
  17. -Support Based on the evidence I was looking at and what I understood from the sit, you pretty much killed the guy for turning around with an AWP in his hands because you said his name. Seeing how you have priors on your record for RDM and since you thought it was OK to kill/ attack anyone who has a gun pointed at you, I felt that a formal warning was necessary. See screenshot and logs attached. DekotaZ ban panel - https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561199006688273 09-16-2020 logs export.txt
  18. +Support Videos do show clear evidence of prop minging.
  19. +Support - Active - Helpful - Decent application Good luck!!!
  20. -Support for the above reason, 3 hours in one week is less than half an hour per day. Try to be active and clock more time if needed.
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