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Everything posted by Will

  1. +Support Player is at 38 warnings at time of writing. SMT should check if they meet the requirement for a perma ban when this is reviewed -> https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561199079830203
  2. -Support Warn bans are unappealable.
  3. Accepted Come talk with me in TS to receive your promotion!
  4. Accepted Come talk with me in TS to receive your promotion!
  5. -Support I don't feel there is a need for one and would just take up more room in the already stuffed car dealer.
  6. +Support Meets the requirement for ban.
  7. Major -Support Charge backs are not allowed in any capacity. On top of that, you also were helping players ban evade, you dissed SMT, and seem to have had no regard for any rule in the MOTD. Quite frankly, I'm kinda shocked that you have not been blacklisted from the community. https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198189604582
  8. I was bored, and since its almost 5 in the morning, I made a medal for you
  9. Will


    @Adams Your signature become more of an eye strain the higher you rank up.
  10. What you want to see? - TS info added to the cadet training room with simplified info/ instructions. Why should we add it? - The old TS decal that was in the training room is no longer there which delays SGT's from training and takes time out of both the cadet's and trainer's day trying to get TS installed and set up. I've been sending people here since it has visuals and a more well laid out set of instructions the cadet can follow. (Maybe the Bitly link? https://bit.ly/GL-TS) What are the advantages of having this? - Will speed up training times and help trainers with the struggle of getting cadets to install and join the TS (a step that takes a large portion of time where new players typically disconnect at.) Who is it mainly for? - New players joining TS/ PD trainers Links to any content - (Or just add the old one back to the training room if that is easier)
  11. +Support Austin is one of the players/ staff members that stands out to me when I'm on. He is active, helpful, and swift when dealing with sits. So long as he keeps this up, I feel like he is ready for Senior Moderator.
  12. +Support I think I asked for this (or approved a previous suggestion for it), but it never got added. Dispatch command is ok with this so long as SMT is.
  13. He did the funny, now he must pay
  14. -Support I don't see how calling 911 and having a gun out like I did was vigilantism. I don't recall shooting you and I even said that the only combat event between us over the past 24 hours was you hitting me with a fubar... My intentions were never to assist gov, but rather to pursue you after what happened by spawn, where you were shooting at someone which I thought was a member of UMC. I can't control the actions of other players, so I'm not sure why I'm getting blamed here when gov chose to ignore me. As for that healing part; am I not allowed to be nice?
  15. -Support Being disrespectful isn't the best way to get people on your side for something like this. I don't see any misconduct on Zergs part here.. You'll be unbanned in 5 days, if not less. How about you take the time to read over our rules while you're away!
  16. Moved to correct section.
  17. Well-known in the community, I feel like he'll make a great addition to the support team.
  18. -Support Your a great command member Cammy, but I feel like you still need a little more time as major. On top of this, it'd be nice to see you on a bit more and for you to work on your activity.
  19. Major -Support NGL, I just got on the forums and noticed that you commented on practically every first post of each sub-forum to increase the number of posts you have. I also haven't really noticed you that much on the server and would like to see more activity from you in-game and on the forums (an no, spamming and topic bumping does NOT count).
  20. +Support Valentino is one of the most active individuals in PD command and has proven to be one of the most dedicated of players as well, willing to get on the server despite having caught Covid. He is well known in the department and deserves nothing less than a promotion for his hard work and efforts he's made to get on and be on PD.
  21. -Support I only just started noticing you in game recently, and even then I don't know you that well. To add, you also could work on your forum activity seeing how you only have 5 posts.
  22. -Support They are suppose to make users stand out from one another, they would loose their meaning or status if everyone had expensive or fancy death cards.
  23. -Support Myself and other staff members have received a lot of reports on you and other ABG family members over the past few days/ week for a number of different topics, just today I watched you and other ABG members breaking priority rules on a number of occasions and cop baiting police into chasing you. After dealing the the line of sits that came in about y'all, I decided to spectate you and make sure you guys weren't doing anything foolish that would maybe warrant a sit from a player. The video you provided was what I went off of for the player dis warn which as I attempted to say to you on the few times you called me over, was for the tone of your voice and language you used, which can be considered disrespectful even if taken out of character. You guys should know the rules by now considering the fact that I have let you and your family members off with verbal warnings in the past, with hopes of you taking some time to read the MOTD and become proactive in following the rules.
  24. Will

    Sorry- Denied

    -Support Don't dis SMT
  25. Will


    negev go BRRRRRR
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