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Head Admin
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Everything posted by Will

  1. +Support Active Mature Good reputation I feel that Spade is ready for the rank of Colonel because of the above reasons. Good luck Spade!
  2. -Support Warn bans are not appealable
  3. +Support Staff member agrees it should be removed.
  4. UMC looking pretty hot with these new clan tags, ngl
  5. Will

    Admin Abuse

    + Support Video does show abuse of physgun and I feel the staff member should read over the acceptable usage post or be spoken to.
  6. Warn bans can not be appealed and you are 24 warns over the 40 limit that would warrant a perma ban. -Support
  7. +Support Logs show clear evidence of mass rdm which should warrant a ban
  8. Will

    1000 posts

    I'm not counting at this point. GG
  9. -Support 1 way glass and material exists, but I have yet to see someone make a building, interior that comprises of nothing but that material IRL. (Works for does not hurt my eyes, but it is still a mingy way to circumvent the 5 see through prop rule.)
  10. -Support Protesting and rioting is not permitted and doing so even after staff told you to stop/ spoke to you about it would warrant a ban. I personally would have done a bit longer, but it is what it is. I suggest you read over the MOTD during this time and see what is/ isn't acceptable behavior.
  11. +Support Reasons are above, can't think of anything else to add.
  12. +/- Support Overall Zoey, you are a great person and I feel you would make a great addition to the staff team; however, as Alex and other members have noted that your activity can be spotty and sometimes inconsistent. Try to work on resolving that issue if possible in the coming weeks and I'll change this to a +Support. Good luck!
  13. -Support Warn bans can not be appealed.
  14. Will

    Will's LOA

    In-Game Name: Will Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:129363914 Rank: Corporal Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 7/12/20 - 7/20/20 Reason for LOA (if private that is fine): Vacation to St. Thomas, no access to PC or TS.
  15. Accepted, ban has expired. Surprisingly, you don't have any warnings on file which is the part I find odd. https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/STEAM_0:1:211812216
  16. Major -Support - No poll - Inactive/ new to community - Extremely low forums activity - Failed to meet word count for 15 - Responded to own application I strongly suggest you redo your application and look at some previous applications to see how they are structured. I'd prefer to see you in the community for about 2-3 weeks before I think you should apply for a staff position. Address what is written here and above and we will go from there. Good luck.
  17. +Support - Active - Mature - Gets along well with other staff and players - Has shown dedication to the server and staff team Alex has a lot of good characteristics such as the ones listed above, but one that stands out to me is his ability to work well with others, understand their needs, and help them resolve their issue efficiently and in a timely manner. With these things in mind, I feel he is ready for the rank of Senior Moderator. Good luck!
  18. Will

    Ban Appeal- Denied

    Unfortunately, DDOS threats whether they be towards a player or the server will result in a permanent ban from the server with little to no appeals being accepted for that reason. If you don't want to get banned from a server, don't be an idiot and break the rules or make empty threats towards people (take that as some life advice, it won't get you far in the world).
  19. Will

    Ban Appeal- Denied

    -Support DDOS threats are not allowed, ban is valid.
  20. It's been a pleasure working alongside you from my time as a trial mod up to now. Best of luck with wherever life leads you next and try to stay in touch if possible!
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