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Everything posted by Will

  1. Your In-game: Will Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:129363914 The player's name in-game: Sophia White Small pp The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:510663854 What did the player do: reached 30+ warns Evidence (REQUIRED): https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198981593436 What do you believe should happen to the player: 1 month ban Any extra information: n/a
  2. -Support I know you're a good guy Ponik, but I need to see you pick up your activity in game a bit.
  3. -Support No evidence of staff handbook violation, seems to be a player report more than anything.
  4. Forum Diplomat Message: Please keep responses to + or - Supports only, arguments will lead to the post being locked and possible forum warnings.
  5. +Support Yes, Magic prop climbed, though this wouldn't have been much more than a verbal warning at best.
  6. -Support It says in the staff handbook that it is staff's discretion when issuing punishments; just because you have no priors and/ or staff on another server does not mean you are exempt from the rules, but rather that you should be held to a higher standard to show us that you are responsible and able to follow the rules.
  7. -Major Support While this sounds like a good idea and while I'd love to have it reimplemented, there is a good reason why it was removed (minges would come back to the forums, appeal old warnings, get unbanned, and the cycle repeats itself).
  8. "Democracy and war crimes"
  9. +Support Active Helpful Well-known amongst staff and community Decent app Good luck!
  10. +Support While you are an excellent leader and a great asset to the command team, I would really like to see you get on PD more often and patrol.
  11. And here I thought this was something important..
  12. +Support (tl;dr: Drippy seems to have gone against the whole "don't take your friends sit" rule in the staff handbook and should speak with SMT about it.) Says pretty clearly in the staff handbook that you should not take sits called on family members or friends for the possibility of bias between the staff member and player(s) involved. While there have been instances of staff doing this in the past, some of these staff members holding the rank of admin or higher, which at their ranks, I think it is somewhat safe to assume that they do their best not to hold any bias towards someone purely based off of their relationship with that player. Again, staff members should do their best to find another administrator to handle the sit if one is available to try and reduce the possibility of any bias decisions being made. I think it should also be apparent that if a player requests a higher up, one should be brought to the sit if one is online or available. I was not there at the sit, so I'm not sure if Drippy ignored or didn't hear the request, though myself and other staff members were online and available at the time so it confuses me as to why this request went unanswered. I feel a verbal warning should suffice unless Eternity deems otherwise, just so long as Drippy understands his mistake and doesn't do this again.
  13. +support, though I feel like a month ban would suffice for something such as this
  14. Your In-game: Will Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:129363914 The player's name in-game: Bromag The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:573813146 and STEAM_0:0:26898431 What did the player do: Alt account, staff dis, racism in ooc Evidence (REQUIRED): https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198014062590 https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561199107892021 (attached logs and picture) What do you believe should happen to the player: Permanent ban from server Any extra information: N/A @Solomon 11-17-20 logs.txt
  15. +Support Misunderstanding on my part since there were factor and other points that were not brought to my attention when I issued the ban, though later came out after talking to Rivers in TS for a bit. Warning should be removed seeing how he was not aware he was partaking in RDM, though his brother's warn should stay.
  16. +Support Would be annoying, and takes way to much time to fulfill the hostage takers demand if this is one of them.
  17. Will

    ness- Denied

    -Support Where's the format?
  18. In-Game Name: Will SteamID of Purchase: STEAM_0:0:129363914 Name of the Death Card: Umbrella Corporation Additions: Adding player to Deathscreen Card ($10)
  19. +Support I'd be ok with it if they remember that they can only play music and that it's turned off upon request.
  20. Will


    Title says it all, this is my 1000th post on the forums which is quite surprising considering the amount of time I've been here.
  21. -Support While cool, it is unneeded.
  22. -Support No format + no evidence = no support
  23. Your In-game: Will ("2015 Cherolet Camaro SS Radio" at the time) Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:129363914 The player's name in-game: Hobo Jayrock The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:182717851 What did the player do: Advertisement Evidence (REQUIRED): (attached log export) What do you believe should happen to the player: Perma ban Any extra information: https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198325701431 11-4-20 logs.txt
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