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Head Admin
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Everything posted by Will

  1. +Support Doesn't seem like a reason to be perma banned, 3 years is long enough in my mind so long as you follow the rules if you decide to come back https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198247834600
  2. -Support Warn bans are not appealable.
  3. I have the stupid -Support Seems to be valid in my mind..
  4. @~𝓢𝓞𝓤𝓛~ need your side before I can give my input.
  5. +Support Would be helpful, though I'm pretty sure SMT would have put this in by now if we could. Link to content?
  6. Accepted Come talk with me in TS to receive your promotion!
  7. I feel like you need to improve on your forums activity and review your app. Also consider asking questions in TS and reviewing the staff handbook.
  8. -Support Could become unbalanced, and links to content? Hope you're not expecting SMT to code this lol
  9. Its because of this job we have a glory of a post
  10. -Support Try to work on your forums activity and keep up your activity in game if you can.
  11. Moar Alex, we need MOAR!
  12. +Support Meets required warning amount to be banned https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198306086796
  13. -Support Warn bans are not appealable. https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198287840166
  14. Will

    wills ban- Denied

    -Support "No appeal" means you can not appeal this ban. https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561199085144120
  15. -Support I'd really like to see you pick up your activity if you can, that's the only major thing that I think you need to improve on.
  16. Your In-game: Will Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:129363914 The player's name in-game: shadowface23 The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:93596540 What did the player do: Acquired 2 mass racism bans in the same day on 2 of our servers. Warns also show the player has had a racist history in the community. Evidence (REQUIRED): https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198147458808 What do you believe should happen to the player: Perma ban from PoliceRP/ Community blacklist Any extra information: none
  17. DENIED Sorry, but community blacklist's are no longer appealable. You may not attempt to appeal this again!
  18. -Support Warn bans are non-appealable.
  19. -Support I had a very long discussion with you in PM's about this on Friday saying that you can mic spam while in a vehicle, however you can not be the one driving while you are micspamming. Rules state very clearly that you must be stationary in order to micspam, meaning you are not moving. While yes, it does say you can mic spam while inside a vehicle, you would break the whole no moving rule if you were the one controlling the movements of the car, or "driving" is what you may hear it referred to as. If anything, this would be a form of exploiting, which while a very minor form of it could still lead to a ban. I gave you verbal warnings through PMs the day prior and you acknowledged them by messaging me back, yet I find you doing the same exact thing the next day. Seems like a valid warning in my mind.
  20. Will

    I was banned

    Moved to correct section
  21. ThE DePuTy CoMmIsSiOnEr CaN aRrEsT fOr Up To 30 MiNuTeS iF pReSeNt.
  22. He can do that; MOTD General rules, Section 2 (Government), Bullet point 8: "The Deputy Commissioner can arrest for up to 30 minutes if present."
  23. It would be nice to change the name of my printers as having the large one called "Fucking Chonker" can be a bit annoying seeing as there are way funnier names than that I could call it.
  24. +Support Raze is a great staff member and one I feel is deserving of the rank of Admin.
  25. 1- Name : Will 2- Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:129363914 3- Staff Rank (Must be Moderator) : Senior Admin 4- Have you Donated? If so, how much? : Yes, $470 5- How long have you been staff? (No Less than 1 month) : 1 year, 3 months, 3 days 6- What is your general knowledge on the rules? (Both Staff handbook and MOTD): I know most if not all the rules in the MOTD, though I still double check them from time to time. 7- What can you bring to Event Team? (50 words+) : Events that players can enjoy on PRP.. It is kind of hard to say exactly what I will bring to the team, but I hope by now that most people on the team know how I like to operate and my ideas are considered as good ones. I know that is a very bland explanation, but I really can't think of anything better to write (other than trying to edit my old application.) 8- How many warns do you have? (No more than 10) : 2 9- Why do you want to join event team? (100 words+) : I have been in the event team twice before and left for different reasons. First time was back in October of 2019 when Matthew and Joe Mama were heads (at different times obviously) and left around the start of January since the new FRC season was starting for robotics. My second time through event team was around March when I joined (because apparently robots can catch covid) and wanted back into the team since I had more time to play around; main reason why I left my last time was because I wanted to focus on staffing more than anything to hopefully be promoted and move up the ranks there. Since it seems I am going to be at my current staff rank for eternity, I felt I should come back to event team since that is one of the other areas I can try helping out in on top of normal staffing, support, and being a forum diplomat. On top of that, I can try to work on bumping up numbers at night ( since there is a very large dip in player count then) so we can try to get back up into the 20's, 30's and beyond (hopefully). 10- If accepted, what time(s) are you available to hold events? : (Must be in EST timezone.) Any day, 10 AM - 12AM (may change based on college and what not)
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