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Everything posted by Will

  1. What you want to see? - The attached picture showing the body groups each PD rank can use to be added to the walls where enlisted and supervisors spawn in PD. Why should we add it? - Looks nice and players who are on PD can use it as a resource (similar to the handbook or the slides in the PD training room.) What are the advantages of having this? - Having this will help PD command out along with other officers to show what bodygroups they should have equipped. This will also minimize the amount of people that walk out of PD with the wrong patch on their sleeve. Who is it mainly for? - PD Links to any content - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/648200753021845555/745759593845751869/unknown.png (image was approved by Dep Comm Alton)
  2. Will

    King Lt Application

    -Support Adding to what Ruben said, we want to know why you want to become a member of low command and what traits and skills you can hopefully bring to the command team. I recommend you try and look over your app once or twice more and consider rewriting it or editing it. Good luck.
  3. Major -Support Sorry, but I as well just started to see you back in the community. I also recall the time you were micspaming in TS to the point that SMT had to be called in while you were a moderator.. If you want my support on your application, you need to prove to me that you're ready for this position and that you have changed.
  4. +Support Use format in the future please!
  5. +Support Intoxication isn't an excuse to break rules.. While I can understand that you were not in your right mind when you did it CJ, you still broke server rules which I think should result in a punishment.
  6. +Support Good guy Active Helpful While I might have said you were active Solomon, I'd prefer to see you on a bit more often seeing how I only see you at meetings, trainings, etc. and in game every once in a while.. Keep up the good work though and good luck!
  7. GL just lost one of it's best..
  9. @ Matthew Happy birthday!
  10. Damn, I don't know what to say.. It'll be weird not seeing you around any more. Either way, best of luck with whatever you do next and feel free to come back and visit any time!
  11. I forgot to make my post.... Congrats and here's to many more (I hope)!
  12. No one ever leaves a community, but some take rather long breaks so... Welcome back!
  13. -Support Reasons above Low activity Sorry Griffith, but I need to see you in game more along with you improving your forums activity if possible. Also, the SteamID you provided is known as SteamID64 and isn't used very often; we were looking for your SteamID to be in this format: STEAM_0:0:129363914 (you can use SteamID.io if you need help finding it!)
  14. +Support Staff member supports the appeal and that it should be removed.
  15. Will

    Vari- Denied

    -Support Sorry, but we don't tolerate disrespect in any way, whether it be towards Player, Staff, Server, Community, Etc.
  16. +Support I feel the ban should be lifted for now, however I fear console will either ignore her for already receiving their 20 warn ban once before which could be an issue.
  17. +Support + Active + Knowledgeable + Friendly and easy to approach + Fit for Colonel - My only - which has been said on almost every Colonel application to date; it is better to have more than the minimum 4 weeks required to apply seeing how this rank is seen as the top of Low Command and holds quite a lot of power. I'm not saying you are not ready for it Jack, however I would have liked to see some more time under your belt before applying. Other than that small detail, I think you are fit for COL! Good luck!
  18. I like it and would like to see this or another system implemented, but server performance/ usability trumps pretty much everything. -Support
  19. +Support - Active - Friendly - Been a LT for quiet some time - Knows what he's doing - His timezone is a cadet Best of luck Nao!
  20. This should go under the suggestions section of the forums for the future..
  21. Major -Support - Application needs work - Little to no forums activity - Poor grammar - Have never seen you in game before
  22. +/- Support +Low warns +Veteran of the community - I've seen you in game, but not very often - 16 needs work
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