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Everything posted by Gh0pit

  1. +support, obvious player diss and homophobic comments
  2. I remember being Security and always wanting to become A1 because of how cool they looked. Then I donated because I wanted to be a better D class because it was so much fun to escape. I'm fairly young in the server all things considered but I had a grand old time in this server. E11 has been my home ever since I hopped on NTF recruit and Bog helped me to install TS. The rest is history. E11 Gang. I have so many good memories and I always seek out fun where I can find it. I've made plenty good friends in this server and I'm still having fun. I never thought I would be so invested in SCP but here I am. There's problems of course but none that we can easily solve. We just gotta keep striving for greatness and be pure to one another. I'm sure things will get better. Gunplay kinda wack though.
  3. Thank you for trying to improve relations Enuz. I appreciate this. Not gonna offer my opinion either but this post in general hopefully exposes a real problem with community atm.
  4. +/- Support (Leaning +) There has been a decent amount of time since the blacklist so I'm very sure that you've changed for the better. However, minging on a recruit job is very serious, especially since you said you had no intent to even join E11. You're a good guy and I know you've matured since you've gotten higher in A1. I would be fine if the blacklist was removed but I want to hear other's opinions on the matter. (As I wasn't the one to blacklist you).
  5. Name: Gh0pit Rank: LCPL Callsign: XA18 Activity: Semi-Active Suggestions: N/A Why should you retain your rank (LT+ answer this): N/A
  6. Noted, good luck on your future endeavors!!
  7. Will miss you calamity!! You did so much for us in E11 and good luck on your future endeavors!
  8. You will be missed Tony!!! CI wont be the same without yall
  9. We'll miss ya!! Come back anytime! E11 will not be the same without ya Warge.
  10. +/- Support I fully support this rule however if CI are specifically called out in a location, MTF should be able to ambush them using FAIR barricades. Outright banning checkpoints would be extreme but I support limiting props/fair barricades.
  11. Epsilon-11’s Branch Update December 2019 ------------------------------------ Name of Job: MTF E-11 Officer Job Model: Staying Same Job Description: Staying Same Job Weapons: Remove: tfa_m416 | tfa_csgo_nova Add: tfa_an94 | tfa_m3 | tfa_csgo_revolver | tfa_csgo_ssg08 Job Salary: Staying Same Job HP: Staying Same Job Armor: Staying Same Extra Info: N/A ------------------------------------ Name of Job: MTF E-11 Enlisted Job Model: Staying Same Job Description: Staying Same Job Weapons: Remove: tfa_m416 | tfa_sig_p229r Add: tfa_g36 | tfa_tec9 Job Salary: Staying Same Job HP: Staying Same Job Armor: Staying Same Extra Info: N/A ------------------------------------ Name of Job: MTF E-11 Commander Job Model: Staying Same Job Description: Staying Same Job Weapons: Remove: tfa_m416 | tfa_csgo_nova Add: tfa_acr | tfa_m3 | tfa_coltpython Job Salary: Staying Same Job HP: Staying Same Job Armor: Staying Same Extra Info: N/A ------------------------------------ Name of Job: MTF E-11 Combat Medic Job Model: Staying Same Job Description: Staying Same Job Weapons: Remove: tfa_m416 | tfa_glock Add: tfa_magpulpdr | tfa_luger Job Salary: Staying Same Job HP: Staying Same Job Armor: 150 Extra Info: N/A ------------------------------------ Name of Job: MTF E-11 Combat Engineer Job Model: Staying Same Job Description: Staying Same Job Weapons: Staying Same Job Salary: Staying Same Job HP: Staying Same Job Armor: 225 Extra Info: N/A ------------------------------------ Name of Job: MTF E-11 Recruit Job Model: Staying Same Job Description: Staying Same Job Weapons: Staying Same Job Salary: Staying Same Job HP: Staying Same Job Armor: Staying Same Extra Info: N/A ------------------------------------ Name of Job: MTF E-11 Trainer Job Model: Staying Same Job Description: Staying Same Job Weapons: Staying Same Job Salary: Staying Same Job HP: Staying Same Job Armor: Staying Same Extra Info: N/A ------------------------------------ Name of Job: MTF E-11 Ranger Job Model: Staying Same Job Description: Staying Same Job Weapons: Staying Same Job Salary: Staying Same Job HP: Staying Same Job Armor: Staying Same Extra Info: N/A ------------------------------------ Name of Job: MTF E-11 Coldsilver Job Model: Staying Same Job Description: Staying Same Job Weapons: Remove: tfa_csgo_nova | tfa_csgo_scar20 | tfa_csgo_deagle Add: tfa_m3 | tfa_csgo_g3sg1| tfa_csgo_cz75 Job Salary: Staying Same Job HP: Staying Same Job Armor: Staying Same Extra Info: N/A ------------------------------------ Made by Jimmy and Gh0pit (with feedback from many others) Feel free to drop constructive feedback!!
  12. Noted. Come back when ya can!
  13. Known this guy for a while, he's a real stand up individual and I know he would be a good staff member for Gaminglight. Treats everyone fairly and knows his right and wrongs. :) +support to the roof
  14. Gh0pit

    Goodbye family :)

    I'm gonna miss you so much buddy, we've had the best of times in E-11 and I hope that you'll visit us again. ? You're the reason I've stayed in E-11 for so long and why I kept moving up the ranks. It won't be the same without ya. You've inspired us all. We won't have another guy like you Bog. You were truly the best.
  15. Gonna miss ya TwoSix. You and Krafty made me love Gensec as an enlisted.
  16. Name (What it is on the Roster): Gh0pit SteamID: STEAM_0:0:58804446 What server is your activity majority based on (EU or US)? US How is your activity in Gensec (Good, poor, ect) My activity in Gensec has partly been on and off but thats because I've been focusing most of my time into E-11. Now that I'm low command in E11, I can hopefully start giving back to Gensec more and be on more. Why should you retain your current Rank? (WO+ 150+ Words): I should retain my rank as SM because even with my spotty activity, I still pride myself on serving Gensec and doing my duty one day at a time. Whether that be leading enlisted/NCO's in D-block or being an FTO.
  17. +Support He's a damn good leader in E-11 and he would make a fine commander in any division. He has shown true leadership and dedication to whatever he's dealing with. I would follow this man into battle any day.
  18. +support Would love to see some more specialty branches in E-11 and this new one takes the cake. It has a cool name and it seems really balanced. Hope this gets accepted!
  19. +Support He's a good honest guy that I've known ever since I became Gensec. He's been there for me and all the other NCO's/enlisted and I believe he deserves at least a chance at senior command. I hope he gets senior command cause he is one of the best.
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