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Everything posted by Gh0pit

  1. Hello! It's odd posting one of these because I have never had to in the past. However, my personal life has come up and especially with the recent outbreak, I need to take some time away from High Command and the server. Yesterday was my four month anniversary of being the CMDR of E11 and I'm really proud of everyone that assisted me in making the branch wonderful to play in. Once I have more time and energy to put into the server, I will definitely come back as SCPRP has been a great home for me these past months. When I joined in July, I was met with a welcoming community. When I joined E11 in August, I was met with an even more welcoming branch. I want to thank everyone on the server who made this place so great and I hope that all of you moving forward will continue to make this server awesome. There are too many names to call out those I love, so my discord will probably be made available for the next few days for anyone who wants to share memories and/or talk to me. I have kind words for everyone. I will also be active for the next 48 Hours as to clean up anything that needs cleaning. Thank you so much SCPRP for being the best (and most active) gmod server I've ever played on. I will be back! -Gh0pit
  2. Gh0pit


    the fall continues
  3. Gh0pit

    Cya Gamers (:

    Will miss you! Come back anytime!!
  4. +support isnt even being used for events anymore
  5. Mad funny +support for obvious racism
  6. i hope d class and CI arent scared of the mobile mop force in LCZ
  7. Gh0pit

    Gh0pit's CI LOA

    Name: Gh0pit Rank: MSGT Callsign: XM7 Date of LOA Leave/Return: 3/13/20 to 3/21/20 Reason (if private write N/A): Gonna take the time to focus on myself during spring break and play some of the backlogged games on my library.
  8. Minnesota is starting to close everything, my campus is closed so I'm home. Probably gonna have to take some LOA's in the future.
  9. Gh0pit

    Forums dead

    pssssshhh who uses forums anymore
  10. this is gonna feed my gambling addiction again +support
  11. thats a very good point Frog, i think ill +support the suggestion so we don't have like 10 CC's in the foundation killing CI and D class with it using the auto 5 i dont feel any tension
  12. +support to the manufacturing department, this actually seems like a cool idea for utility and would allow for more roleplay. Basically Research Development but better. -support to the rest. As much as they sound cool, there is already an Eta CC and a sigma 66 CC so adding the branch just seems a little bit awkward. Intelligence Agency is also a CC but its worse because I don't see how much stuff they can do and they basically seem like a weaker A1. Same with internal security department. Internal security seems like Gensec's form of special forces but it would need a lot of tweaking to work. Cool ideas though!
  13. the mans speaking straight facts, half the server (CI and MTF) gets incredibly defensive whenever a suggestion gets placed. It's kinda growing old. "Lack of activity on your branches ends" MTF bout to go on strike if you keep going on about having to fight CI cause we're not around. We can't help it if Security is always online because anyone can join it. And we can't help it if the main CI raid is usually D class or taking over LCZ. Be glad that Gensec is active to fight CI instead of attacking our activity. Overall, I don't think this forum can handle suggestions that involve MTF and CI and we should just let SMT+ have their way with us. -support
  14. Wasn't there for all this but chief seems to be explaining this the best. Jakub probably shouldn't have been THAT disrespectful to you but you did come after E11 and him. Jakub had the right to be pissed, as do you Skies. E11 takes branch diss seriously and we treat our command like family. You two should probably talk it out but I do think the staff diss warn by Jakub was deserved. The other one was simply a miscommunication during training and should not be warnable to a PVT unless they intentionally did it against orders. I don't think you and Carbon intentionally did it but your reaction to your punishment was unjustified. This whole thing seems like a misunderstanding and shouldn't have been escalated by both parties. I want you both to think before you say/type. This could have been avoided in a sentence. +/- support
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