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Everything posted by BadAim

  1. Bing bong *Jumps into 008s CC and gets his A1 guard infected*
  2. +Support Don't let rang find it though, or it's gonna be 513 all over again.
  3. I mean I’d be willing to make it one Molotov instead of 3. taking it off the class is just ridiculous
  4. One thing I've noticed from my battalion is that there isn't a lot setting it apart from other battalions other than its (rare) interaction with IQ, and I hope to make it more unique by making the battalions focus heavy weaponry. IQ's defensive rule matched with Purges new load-outs and HP nerfs should help to encourage team play from the 2 battalions Adding 1 Job Job Name: Purge Trooper Sergeant Model Path: models/player/sample/purge/sgt/sgt.mdl Weapon Kit: rw_sw_rt97c, rw_sw_bino_dark, rw_sw_s5c, cross_arms_swep, rw_sw_e11_noscope Health: 400 Armor: 150 Description (Optional): N/A Note: Please buff the RT-97c's fire rate to 725RPM, damage to 40, and mag cap to 150 Changing 4 Jobs Job Name: Purge Trooper Command Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: Adding weapon rw_sw_dlt19x, rw_sw_e11_noscope, and rw_sw_rt97c, Removing weapon rw_sw_s5c , rw_sw_t21, and rw_sw_tl50, Lowering HP to 700 Job Name: Purge Officer Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: Changing job name to Purge Trooper Officer, Adding weapon rw_sw_rt97c and rw_sw_e11_noscope, Removing weapon rw_sw_tl50, Lowering HP to 475 Job Name: Purge Trooper Heavy Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: Adding weapon rw_sw_z2 and rw_sw_e11_noscope, Removing weapon rw_sw_tl50, rw_sw_dlt19, and rw_sw_t21, Lowering HP to 450 Note: Heavy WLs will be wiped and the process of joining this Specialty will be difficult. Please also increase the Z2’s fire rate to 1000RPM and damage to 25. Job Name: Purge Trooper Brawler Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: Adding weapon rw_sw_e11_noscope, Removing weapon rw_sw_tl50 Job Name: Purge Trooper Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: Adding weapon rw_sw_rt97c and rw_sw_e11_noscope, Removing weapon rw_sw_tl50 and rw_sw_dlt19 If you have any issues with the changes being made please contact me and I'll consider changing them. Let me know if there are any issues with the formatting as this is the first time I've made a Branch Update post
  5. With the recent Purge Update, we seem to have received incorrect weapons on multiple classes. Purge Trooper: Change weapon rw_sw_tl50 to rw_sw_dc15a_o Change weapon rw_sw_s5c to rw_sw_dc17 Purge Trooper Heavy: Remove weapon ssp_z6-s and rw_sw_dlt19 Change weapon rw_sw_t21 to rw_sw_valkenx38a Change weapon rw_sw_s5c to rw_sw_dc17 Change weapon rw_sw_tl50 to rw_sw_dc15le Purge Officer: Change name from Purge Officer to Purge Trooper Officer Add weapon ssp_z6-s Change weapon rw_sw_s5c to rw_sw_dual_dc17 Change weapon rw_sw_tl50 to rw_sw_dc15le_o Purge Trooper Brawler: Add weapon ssp_z6-s Remove weapon rw_sw_tl50 Purge Trooper Command: Change name from Purge Trooper Command to Purge Commander Change weapon rw_sw_tl50 to rw_sw_dc15a_o Change weapon rw_sw_t21 to rw_sw_dc15x Remove weapon rw_sw_s5c
  6. Thank you for the foundation you laid for Purge, were gonna miss you ;-; You're breaking the Second Sisters heart rn
  7. These buffs will get to the point where there is no foundation for CI to raid, for class-D to escape from, and for SCPs to wreak havoc on.
  8. +Support I’d say over the weekend we should see what statistics say and run the map for Saturday, and then the ISD for Sunday and see which one attracts more players.
  9. +Support Every raid I’ve ever gone on always felt like the surface was just a warzone, and I think this would add to RP by a lot, by making MTF have to be more discrete
  10. +/-Support +Seems like a good guy -Reasons above
  11. +Support +Small pack +Would enhance RP
  12. The lowest point on the server sparked the rise to my highest point funnily enough. Right after I was banned and got blacklisted from Nu7, A1, and Security, I joined E11. I still couldn't be more thankful for the opportunity E11 gave me, as it taught me how to be a leader, and got me to where I am today. thank you @Jakub, @Blitz, @Bog, @Bucket, and @Kratos™ for being brothers and friends. You 5 helped me out so much.
  13. I mean he's a general now, so he technically is an officer in IC if he wants reserves in it (I think).
  14. +Supoport Pretty Active 31st Needs VCMDRs Haven't had any poor encounters with him.
  15. Questions 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) and your SteamID Purge VIce Commander BadAim, STEAM_1:0:81238702 2. What Regiment are you VCMDR+ in? Purge 3. Why do you want to stay as a (vice) commander of this branch? I've done a majority of the work in the battalion and built it up to what it is today, and I still have more plans for it. 4. How active are you on the server (include timezone)? 1--3 hours on weekdays 2-10 on weekends 5. What can you do/have you done for your branch? I can work with NCOs/Officers to make sure they are fit for their rank and help the ones who arent become fit for their rank. 6. Why should we trust you to continue being a (vice) commander? I haven't done anything so far to make me untrustworthy, I don't even have any warns on IMPRP. 7. Have you received any strikes on ImperialRP (if so, why)? No. 8. How active would you say your battalion is? On the high side 8-10 strong, on the weaker side 0-4. 9. What is one thing you think you can improve on as a leader (be specific)? Be less distant from my troops, I usually run around aimlessly doing roster work and then I go interact with my troops for a bit and continue this process.
  16. Honestly. Camping gates isn’t the polite thing to do but there shouldn’t be a rule not allowing it.
  17. It’s not really about protecting them, just giving them a force they can deploy if they need to cover a lot of area or don’t think they should use their sabers. It’s there to act as a baby IQ apprentice pretty much, and it’s HP is so high because taking hits from lightsabers isn’t a possibility, it’s a definite. Why would you have your Naval anywhere near a Jedi or the frontlines... That’s like rule #1 when guarding a VIP: keep them away from enemies that have high HP and DPS. I won’t be continuing this conversation any further on this post, my -support still stands, DM me if you would like to continue the conversation.
  18. That purge comparison isn’t really necessary since both battalions serve completely different purposes, and I would assume Navals HP is high to deter minges trying to “assassinate” them
  19. -Support this is WAAAYYYY too high, that enlisted HP is equal to or higher than most officer jobs.
  20. +/- -Zero effort in this application +His actions definitely speak more than this app, as he is 100% VCMDR material. I'd be down for you to be a VCMDR but this app doesn't look like you want to put much effort into that goal.
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