One thing I've noticed from my battalion is that there isn't a lot setting it apart from other battalions other than its (rare) interaction with IQ, and I hope to make it more unique by making the battalions focus heavy weaponry. IQ's defensive rule matched with Purges new load-outs and HP nerfs should help to encourage team play from the 2 battalions
Adding 1 Job
Job Name: Purge Trooper Sergeant
Model Path: models/player/sample/purge/sgt/sgt.mdl
Weapon Kit: rw_sw_rt97c, rw_sw_bino_dark, rw_sw_s5c, cross_arms_swep, rw_sw_e11_noscope
Health: 400
Armor: 150
Description (Optional): N/A
Note: Please buff the RT-97c's fire rate to 725RPM, damage to 40, and mag cap to 150
Changing 4 Jobs
Job Name: Purge Trooper Command
Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: Adding weapon rw_sw_dlt19x, rw_sw_e11_noscope, and rw_sw_rt97c, Removing weapon rw_sw_s5c , rw_sw_t21, and rw_sw_tl50, Lowering HP to 700
Job Name: Purge Officer
Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: Changing job name to Purge Trooper Officer, Adding weapon rw_sw_rt97c and rw_sw_e11_noscope, Removing weapon rw_sw_tl50, Lowering HP to 475
Job Name: Purge Trooper Heavy
Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: Adding weapon rw_sw_z2 and rw_sw_e11_noscope, Removing weapon rw_sw_tl50, rw_sw_dlt19, and rw_sw_t21, Lowering HP to 450
Note: Heavy WLs will be wiped and the process of joining this Specialty will be difficult. Please also increase the Z2’s fire rate to 1000RPM and damage to 25.
Job Name: Purge Trooper Brawler
Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: Adding weapon rw_sw_e11_noscope, Removing weapon rw_sw_tl50
Job Name: Purge Trooper
Changes Wishing to be Made to this Class: Adding weapon rw_sw_rt97c and rw_sw_e11_noscope, Removing weapon rw_sw_tl50 and rw_sw_dlt19
If you have any issues with the changes being made please contact me and I'll consider changing them.
Let me know if there are any issues with the formatting as this is the first time I've made a Branch Update post