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Everything posted by BadAim

  1. This isn't a test or notable differentiation in a 049 breach, you just described a standard breach and re-containment scenario.
  2. Any chances a change could be made to the SL8, like increasing its RPM or damage?
  3. If its gonna be too laggy, then no. Otherwise, if restrictions for what you could wear were put into place (no mingy outfits) I could see this increasing RP, with character-building being a lot more visible.
  4. BadAim

    Cryolast's LOA

    It's obviously so you can grind rust /s Good luck with whatever you're going through man.
  5. is there a chance you forgot something?
  6. +Support dress however you want to dress
  7. -support on how you described this +support to the concept of the level 65+ job being made for class D being D-9341
  8. BadAim


    One of the best buds I made on GL, don't- WAIT WHAT THE FUCK DIDN'T EVEN QUOTE ME LIL BITCH
  9. Omlll dude I was DYING my Spanish teacher had grown a full beard when I went
  10. Mine was probably the first tryout for Purge, since the anticipation and anxiety from all the people in the room trying to get in was amazing!
  11. Me neither, we just went up to our school today and got everything out of our lockers.
  12. +Support +respected member of the community +good Q16 +previous experience you would make a great addition to the SCP-RP staff team!
  13. +Support I'd love some more neutral classes that don't require you to work with a team. Also, this could be a good class for the Diamond donator rank.
  14. Aren’t you able to talk to zeeptin and get a quote on purchasing ownership of a custom job you are on?
  15. Yoooooo I just saw this You were my MENTOR dude. You absolutely prepared me for the position I am in currently, thank you so much for that. You were such an awesome guy to hang out with, and it sucks to see you go See you around man!
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