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Everything posted by TheeReaper

  1. Bruh, get spectrum... Wait, AT&T, actually no, get bobs internet. Have a good one and good luck ~TheeReaper
  2. +/- Support -Great person, would make a great staff member -No poll - Q16 Could use more detail
  3. Why, why you being this mingy. Come on, take it back.
  4. OK, OK, I see, You think you can just hand this in? No no no, I'ma get sogis belt, put you in the corner, and beat you until you remove this! But on a serous note, i'm gonna miss ya dude and I wish ya the best of luck in life ~TheeReaper
  5. Name: Reaper Branch: Technical Rank: AHOT Rate your Activity from 1 to 10 (1 being very low 10 being incredible) : -5 + -5 = 10 Are you on the Roster: Yes
  6. Welcome back! So, wanna spawn in some miniguns and have some fun in D-Block?! Cause I wanna! Also while your at it please do a 1v1 with rang, you minigun, him micro!
  7. +Support - At least allow the Doc to go into HCZ
  8. +Support - Seems like a pretty cool thing to have
  9. What is your in-game name?: TheeReaper What is your steam name?: [GL] TheeReaper What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:104825571 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, I was the Head Admin on a Five-m server before the owner stopped funding it, the name of it was VIP roleplayer's. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) March 15th What date did you make your forums account? May 22nd Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Platinum How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198169916871/screenshot/770604271226016587 - The recent warn was due to me resetting someone to see if their spawns were messed up, then he ended up getting me warned because he had not given consent. Have you donated? Yes, I bought gold and I have donated a total of 20$ What rank are you applying for? Senior Moderator Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No, Just gaming light Have you read the staff guidelines at ? You will be tested on it: Timezone: Eastern Standard Time Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): Head admin Rang - Senior Admin Infected - Super Admin BlackBeard - Admin Dogz - Admin Gunther Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) Why do I believe I deserved the rank? Well, lets begin why I believe I think I should get it. 1, I'm have been improving my activity and keeping it a steady 6-7 hours a week. 2, Whenever i'm needed, I will instantly flag up, no matter what i'm doing at that point in time. 3, If someone is flagging off and no one wants to take their, as previously stated, I will flag up. 4, I am a very lenient staff member meaning, I don't just warn instantly and be done with it, unless its a very, very serous sit. 5, I have assisted and helped newly joined T-Mods with things such as, Commands, how to handle a certain sit's and also gave them tips on what to do if someone decides to Mass RDM and no one else is on that can do anything (3-5 am hours). 6, I try to set a example to the other Mods and T-Mods in terms of attitude and not to lose your temper in a sit, which can go wrong, really fast. 7, If I can get S-Mod I will be able to assist more in certain situations then I can right now as a normal Moderator. edit - 8, I always, no matter what, if I believe I cant handle a sit I will always ask for help, either if its for the punishment or just a new kind of sit in general, I will always make sure to seek guidance if need be, How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? Firstly I would try to deescalate the situation. Then find out if their new to SCP-RP or GL in general, of course after checking their warn history. After that I would explain our MOTD to them, mainly due to the fact that other servers can/do allow this to go on, either due to low staffing or just staff who dont care. After that, I would jail them for around 2000 Seconds and mute/gag them and warn them for MRDM x1 and I would also keep a close eye on them. If they Attempted to do it again I would Warn them for MRDM x1, I would also add a Staff diss x2, NITRP, FRP to that warn. And have a SA+ at their own discretion, Ban the person or Jail them for 10,600 Seconds.
  10. Please use this format if you want to see a new SCP on the server. You can go into as greater detail as you wish, the more the better. Remember the SCP must be in lore and be capable of being played in Gmod. 1. Name of the SCP you would like added: SCP-939 2. Link(s) to playermodels: None, their in the server already 3. Link(s) to sweps: None, their in the server already 4. How much health/armor do you think it should have? Same amount as the other ones 5. Why should we add this SCP? Because it would make more sense that we have multiple instances, and it would add more of a ''oh god no'' aspect whenever they breach, being that its not to hard to re-contain the two of them. 6. Basic summary of the SCP: SCP-939 are pack based hunters, their sensitive to light, they can hear more then a normal dog would. 7. Extra information: Its a suggestion to add more Job slots.
  11. I have TRULY, TRULY enjoyed my time in technical which is why it truly hurts me to have to write this. I have things come up in life recently that is restricting me from getting on, I thought I could handle it, but i'm starting to miss meeting's and my play time is going down horribly. So I have decided to resign and let someone who is able to dedicate more time and be the HOT technical needs. I also know that right now that technical is in it Golden age in terms of activity, so I just want to say thank you to all of technical and a special thanks to the following people, Fang, Mutumbo, Sogi, Kyle, Pure, Harrison. If it was not for them people as well, I don't think technical would be where it is today. I remember the first thing that I ever did on technical was build a Huge Tesla gate in LCZ/HCZ bridge and I remember how confused everyone was because they had never seen anything like that be RP'ed, and I ended up getting promoted to Experienced tech for it, even tho I was a junior tech kinda breaking the rules a bit for RP's sake. But, I cant keep going on and on so, I am really going to miss all of you. ~Retired Assistant Head of Technical staff Reaper
  12. +Support We had made a new room, then the server crashed and messed up all the perma props, so I would like to move back.
  13. Name: TheeReaper Rank: Assistant Head of technical staff Branch (Medical, Technician, Janitorial): Technical Length (MM/DD/ - MM/DD): 10/4/19 - 10/11/19 Reason (If private that's fine): Going to Universal Studios down in Florida
  14. Got you covered! Have a good vaca bro
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