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Everything posted by TheeReaper

  1. Hope to see you back soon! and GL on the adjusting to your new job.
  2. +Support Good forums activity Great person Trusted
  3. -Support, Did you forget about CI?
  4. I have been thinking allot on this for the past week and a half. Due to my recent high CMD position I received, I am finding it harder and harder to be on CI when ever they need me. The main reason I am resigning is due to the face I need to dedicate myself to the technical branch until it is fully revived. I hope to be back in CI in the future, but until then, I hope all of you the best. This is SFC Reaper Signing off.
  5. Name:TheeReaper Branch: Technical Rank: AHOT Rate your Activity from 1 to 10 (1 being very low 10 being incredible) : 8-9 Are you on the Roster: Yes
  6. I was in T.S With catsro and Jakub was the only SM on, that why I went to him first, but after him, you could have been wrong thats why I asked @Catsro
  7. Negative, You never said when it happend, however you did say you didn't know his name, that's why I went to every staff who was on. @Catsro @Jakub
  8. I can assure you, I read it.
  9. I went to every SM and Staff who was on, not one spoke to you, and before you say he could have got off, you had just started doing what the warn was for, Fail RP and Lying to staff.
  10. You were warned for lying to staff and warned for Fail RP, you were lying because I spoke to the Admins who were on, and the MTF, I spoke to all of them and not one of them said a word to you. The Fail RP warn was for the fact that you were not giving warnings to the D-Class before killing them.
  11. I was in the SIT for 10 minutes with him, he told me 5 stories all of them congregating each other, then started liying about other staff telling him he was aloud to kill D-Class without warning who were on top of other D-Class heads or on the wall.(After all that he said it wasnt the Senior mod that it was MTF which I also asked them and they never said a thing) So I decided to warn him for liying about the other staff and for the Fail RP he had been doing. Edit - I spoke with madviking and Mad said he spoke with him after and he said he had told him he could without warning if their on top of the fence, not the small wall or heads.
  12. Please make sure suggestions are pertinent and relevant! What you want to see? - Site-65 Materials pack to be added Why should we add it? - To improve RP What are the advantages of having this? - Having the correct props for the correct RP. Having more unique RP props. Improving RP in general Who is it mainly for? - Utility staff Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1788310573
  13. I like the idea behind it but, not a whole lot of effort, here try using this https://docs.google.com/document/d/1r-LgvDntoqlXXQWzuWGqeqcMvHvOLeBtpIaEver-6Pc/edit?usp=sharing as your format
  14. +Support, Shouldn't be doing this off duty
  15. 1. What is your in-game name?: TheeReaper 2. What is your steam name?: [GL] TheeReaper 3. What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:104825571 4. Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, was the Head Admin on a Five-M server before the owner stopped funding it. 5. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) March 15th 6. What date did you make your forums account? May 22nd 7. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Platinum 8. How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/779606193190146573/2E9C6007871AA2C259BBA2C1A861DD34338CA47A/ 9. Have you donated? Yes, Bought Gold 10. What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator 11. Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? Not currently, no 12. Have you read the staff guidelines at ? You will be tested on it: Yes I have 13. Timezone: Eastern Standard Time 14. Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): Applying for T-Mod 15. Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I have been playing on the server since march of this year, and I have met many great people and staff. Sadly, many of those people have Retired or left the server. I would love to try and help fill in their position while their gone, I already know allot of the responsibilities it takes to be on staff. As staff you are to be a role model to those who aren't on staff and represent gaming lights professionalism whenever it comes to handling Staff issues such as RDM or NLR breaking, and believe me I have seen allot of RDM and NLR exc. be broke with the time I have been on this server. I also know how to prevent these rules from being broken, if I go to a sit where a SO RDM'ed a D-Class I would get both sides of the story, ask for proof, check logs and lastly found out why the SO did it. It may have not been the SO's fault, it could have been a NCO that told him to do it. Point is on that kind of sit, it pays to have experience. and not on just that kind of sit neither, also on a NLR Broken sit, rather then having to do all of that, I would just have to check logs and damage logs. I have been in many sits before and I have learned that in most GenSec related sits, you can just check the logs to see what really happen'd. So if I can get accepted into staff i promise you I can bring experience to the table and staff to the best of my abilities. 16. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? Warn them for RDM x4 and I would verbally tell them to stop being disrespectful, if they dont listen I would also add a 2x Disrespect to that warn. And have a ADMIN+ AntiMinge that person for 10,600 Seconds. unless that warn I gave them added up to 10+ Warns, then in that case, I would have the ADMIN+ Ming them from 17,800 seconds to 24,600 Seconds. Anything higher then that will be a job for a Super Admin+
  16. -Support Has used ET to meta game as Cassie when E11 Raided - Non Event
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